Male teen Has Consensual Sex with Female Teen. He Gets 25 Years as Sex Offender, Banned from Interne

Wow...Even the lefties are acting like the morality police on this one.......It must be wonderful to be able to pick and choose. It must be comforting knowing one can recite the law as a matter of convenience.
If she produced a really good fake ID and signed an agreement saying she was of legal age some would say he's still guilty even though he was a victim of a fraud?

This is so tough, but it could be claimed that HE was the victim, not her.

No he couldn't. She did that - created a false web page advertising herself as available for sexual favors, and the guy went for it on the internet, found it, didn't research it, made the contact, and consummated the meeting having sex with a 14-year old. The law doesn't recognize her deception - because - WAIT FOR IT - NOT YET - HERE IT COMES - SHE IS A CHILD UNABLE TO GIVE CONSENT - EVEN USING DECEPTION...............AND - Michigan Law makes it a crime to solicit minors for sexual purposes via electronic media (the internet), a second crime after the rape, which he wasn't charged with. So he actually got off pretty easy..................
The answer is to avoid the hook up culture. Don't use facilities that promise anonymous sex.
So what's your solution? Give a 19 year old a pass for having sex with a 14 year old because she looks old for her age?

How about taking some time to get to know a girl before you have sex with her. You know, meet her parents and shit? That would have solved a lot of problems here.
AShe committed a fraud. She misrepresented herself and duped the guy.
Are we now subject to imprisonment or harsh sentences for an innocent consensual tryst?
Be careful what you wish for , Mr Moral Policeman..
If I were the guy, I would file suit against the girl's parents. They are responsible for the actions of their minor child. The girl created the situation. The parents allowed it to continue.

Yes - I have posted several times that the parents should be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Failing to control their underage 14-year old by monitoring her social media access. All of that is a given, yet they didn't charge them, and some in here think the parents plea to have the charges dropped, which the judge found unacceptable, thus protecting 14-year old's from being preyed on in the state of Michigan, should have been listened to and the law ignored. Really............
If she produced a really good fake ID and signed an agreement saying she was of legal age some would say he's still guilty even though he was a victim of a fraud?

This is so tough, but it could be claimed that HE was the victim, not her.

No he couldn't. She did that - created a false web page advertising herself as available for sexual favors, and the guy went for it on the internet, found it, didn't research it, made the contact, and consummated the meeting having sex with a 14-year old. The law doesn't recognize her deception - because - WAIT FOR IT - NOT YET - HERE IT COMES - SHE IS A CHILD UNABLE TO GIVE CONSENT - EVEN USING DECEPTION...............AND - Michigan Law makes it a crime to solicit minors for sexual purposes via electronic media (the internet), a second crime after the rape, which he wasn't charged with. So he actually got off pretty easy..................

Minors can commit fraud. Fraud makes him a victim. This seems pretty clear
If she produced a really good fake ID and signed an agreement saying she was of legal age some would say he's still guilty even though he was a victim of a fraud?

This is so tough, but it could be claimed that HE was the victim, not her.

No he couldn't. She did that - created a false web page advertising herself as available for sexual favors, and the guy went for it on the internet, found it, didn't research it, made the contact, and consummated the meeting having sex with a 14-year old. The law doesn't recognize her deception - because - WAIT FOR IT - NOT YET - HERE IT COMES - SHE IS A CHILD UNABLE TO GIVE CONSENT - EVEN USING DECEPTION...............AND - Michigan Law makes it a crime to solicit minors for sexual purposes via electronic media (the internet), a second crime after the rape, which he wasn't charged with. So he actually got off pretty easy..................

Let me ask this simple question.

If you were the male in this and the police were not notified. A few days later she calls and says......

I think I need to be honest, I'm only 14

Would you turn yourself in?
Yea - why don't we give him probation instead of a sexual predator tag, and assign him to do community service in counseling rape victim's; being a janitor or security guard at a battered women's shelter or public school, Middle School, 6th-7th-8th grade students probably would suit him well, or let him teach or coach a girls volleyball team in the public school system in Michigan. I know you guys would feel real comfortable with that. Something productive, where he could put all his talents to good use, and rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the citizenry and the judge. Bet the girls parents would even go for one of those suggestions - but - there might be a few objections from the Department of Corrections, local law enforcement in the community he lives in, and the School Board. But hey - this guy deserves the break - after all - the only thing he did was commit two crimes; criminal solicitation via the internet for sexual consideration and statutory rape of a 14-year old girl. What - Me Worry?...........

You are neither intelligent enough nor honest enough to interact with. Fuck off, boy.
I have a 16 year old daughter. She does not look 16 and has looked older than her age for a few years now.

If she did this... the only one in trouble..would be her if I could help it.

That 19 year old now has a stigma on him for the rest of his life because she lied and caused all this. He most likely wont be able to get a decent job..wherever he lives, he has to register and all his neighbors will know...most wont care why he is registered. All because she lied. He is 19 and thought he was having sex with a 17 year old. How many of you check identification before jumping into bed with someone? And no, you cant tell someone age by looking at them. Walk by any high school and tell me how old some of these girls are. 9 out of 10 times you will be wrong.

He wasn't looking for a 14 year old.

At this point...I honestly wouldn't blame him if he hunted down the judge and vivisected the fucker. His life is already over...might as well have it be for something worthwhile.
Not seeing that. If she showed him a really good fake ID, would he be a victim or the criminal?

Sounds as though he would be a victim.

I was buying beer at 15 because I looked 21 and had a very well done fake ID.

This whole thing is really sad.

I bet you were REAL popular in high school if you could get beer. :)
I liked people like you!

I would borrow my grandmother's huge station wagon and hit the partys...ferried drunks home for $10 a head. :D
Again, it wasn't his intent. Why do you want to lump together people who WANT to be kid touchers with people who don't?

This guy needs to be punished, but he is not a sex offender by intent. He wanted some action from someone he thought was legal.

The law doesn't address intent, it addresses result.

The point is, not that he intended to commit statutory rape, he just didn't care.

How can he care when he thought he was banging a 17 year old?
Yea - why don't we give him probation instead of a sexual predator tag, and assign him to do community service in counseling rape victim's; being a janitor or security guard at a battered women's shelter or public school, Middle School, 6th-7th-8th grade students probably would suit him well, or let him teach or coach a girls volleyball team in the public school system in Michigan. I know you guys would feel real comfortable with that. Something productive, where he could put all his talents to good use, and rehabilitate himself in the eyes of the citizenry and the judge. Bet the girls parents would even go for one of those suggestions - but - there might be a few objections from the Department of Corrections, local law enforcement in the community he lives in, and the School Board. But hey - this guy deserves the break - after all - the only thing he did was commit two crimes; criminal solicitation via the internet for sexual consideration and statutory rape of a 14-year old girl. What - Me Worry?...........

You are neither intelligent enough nor honest enough to interact with. Fuck off, boy.

Your response shows the level of your intelligence - low information - low intellect. Should have read my introduction post - because you are writing to a former law enforcement officer and High School teacher who knows the law, and whose sympathies always rest with the victim. And I do not care one bit whatsoever what that 14-year old girl did that brought on the liaison, the guy is a sexual predator, the judge found him as such, and sent a serious message to every other randy 19-year old, just out of High School, who apparently couldn't tell the difference between adult females and Freshmen High School babies, and committed two sex crimes. Watch your damn tone, or stay out of the conversation here - you obviously have nothing worth contributing.

BTW - are there ANY females on this forum or is it an all male boys club which approves of sex with 14-year old girls? Would be interesting to get another female perspective instead of this guys above..........
I have a 16 year old daughter. She does not look 16 and has looked older than her age for a few years now.

If she did this... the only one in trouble..would be her if I could help it.

That 19 year old now has a stigma on him for the rest of his life because she lied and caused all this. He most likely wont be able to get a decent job..wherever he lives, he has to register and all his neighbors will know...most wont care why he is registered. All because she lied. He is 19 and thought he was having sex with a 17 year old. How many of you check identification before jumping into bed with someone? And no, you cant tell someone age by looking at them. Walk by any high school and tell me how old some of these girls are. 9 out of 10 times you will be wrong.

He wasn't looking for a 14 year old.

At this point...I honestly wouldn't blame him if he hunted down the judge and vivisected the fucker. His life is already over...might as well have it be for something worthwhile.

So in addition to approving of sex with 14-year old females by adult males, you now advocate murder of a sitting judge - on the internet - where anybody can read it - for his legal decision of identifying a sexual predator. I would love to listen to you try to explain that in anybody's courtroom in the U.S., as well as your defense of the criminal instead of the victim, who is a child. He was looking for a female to have sex with, through the internet (apparently he has sexual and social problems also), and he ended up finding one who he wasn't permitted to have sex with under any circumstances. You know, you are just an idiot, try to come up with something intelligent, or stay off of the thread..........
Statutes designed to protect young women have in fact thrown them to the wolves.
most women should be married by the time they are 16. Men shouldn't marry until they are established and can support a wife and family. 25 at the earliest. We have criminalized what should be the cultural norm. After all, 16 will get you 20.
Not seeing that. If she showed him a really good fake ID, would he be a victim or the criminal?

Sounds as though he would be a victim.

I was buying beer at 15 because I looked 21 and had a very well done fake ID.

This whole thing is really sad.

and the liquor store would be in trouble for selling to you if they were caught.

Not really feeling bad for this guy.

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