Man Accused of Murdering Pregnant Girlfriend Has Charges Related to Killing the Fetus Dropped ...

I predict that our USMB pro-aborts are going to avoid this thread because there is no explaining how Democratic legislators and a Democratic governor has now legalized the murder of unborn children!!!

Shame on all Democrats for supporting this outrage!!!

If I were a Democrat right now, I would drop down on hands and knees and BEG GOD FOR MERCY AND FORGIVENESS for EVER voting Democrat!!!

This murder is ON YOU!!! The baby's blood is ON YOUR HANDS!!!


No one is pro abortion.

One can oppose abortion while defending a woman's right to privacy and limiting the authority of the state.
And be pro choice. Not my business.

Every abortion means one less gas guzzling cow eater.
Man Accused of Murdering Pregnant Girlfriend Has Charges Related to Killing the Fetus Dropped — Thanks to NY’s New Abortion Law

A man charged with murdering his pregnant girlfriend has had the charges related to killing her unborn baby dropped — thanks to New York’s new abortion laws.

Anthony Hobson, 48, was arrested on Friday for Sunday’s grisly murder of Jennifer Irigoyen, 35, who was five months pregnant. He is accused of brutally stabbing her to death — and deliberately killing her unborn baby.


Initially, Hobson was charged with murder and second-degree abortion by Queens District Attorney Richard Brown. However, the abortion charge has now been rescinded, thanks to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new Reproductive Health Act.

A witness told the New York Post that Irigoyen was screaming, “He’s got a knife! He’s going to kill the baby!” as Hobson dragged her from her apartment building.

“The defendant is alleged to have shown no mercy and no regard for human life when he repeatedly and purposely plunged a knife into this expectant mother’s abdomen, torso and neck,” Brown said in a statement.

A DA spokeswoman told the New York Post that the abortion charge “was repealed by the Legislature, and this is the law as it exists today.”

The RHA legalized late term abortions beyond 24 weeks to protect the health of the mother and removed abortion from the criminal code.

The Post notes that the New York State Catholic Conference had warned that the new law “removes accountability for those who would harm unborn children outside the context of medical termination of pregnancy.” It is sad that they were proven correct so quickly.


This is sick!!!

New York has now legalized murder of unborn children, even when the mother is the victim of the murder and didn't want her baby to die!!!

Truly, our nation (or at least the state of New York) will be punished by God for this outrage!!!

I will pray for the souls of Jennifer and her poor innocent child!!!

I will also vote for the souls of all the Democrats who passed this horrible new law, may God have mercy on their souls and save them from the fires of hell!!!
How does the law apply to what he did?
Bitch and moan all you want but abortion rights are here to say.

The only forever you will see is the time you spend in hell for supporting this outrage that a man can stab his pregnant girlfriend to death and get away with murder!!!

So I will say to you, REPENT OR BE DAMNED!!!

I don't actually want you to repent, but I will say it anyway because my faith forbids me to wish you into hell!!!
Is he getting away with murder?

You know a lot of horrible rapists and murderers cop a deal with the DA? They plead guilty to a lesser charge. The DA takes it because it’s easier to win. The victims families are never happy about it. I bet that’s what this is.

But this is just a conversation starter for you pro lifers.

We agree. Keep it in your pants. Wear a condom. Abstinence till marriage. Take the pill.

But the dummies that don’t are doing us all a big big favor by not having children. They won’t raise them properly.
Bitch and moan all you want but abortion rights are here to say.


From these Bolsheviks to you.
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
Bitch and moan all you want but abortion rights are here to say.


From these Bolsheviks to you.
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky
Aren’t there enough of you religious breeders that the world will be fine if only you have children?

What a disgusting low-live you are, searching for an excuse for slaughtering children.

You nauseate me....get lost.

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