Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate flag hat

Yes, wearing racist symbols needs to be made more acceptable, like in the good old days...

Here's a tidbit of information for the Rebel haters. Better ditch that Coke.

No, drinking racist drinks needs to be made more acceptable, like in the good old days.
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Yes that piece of shitpaper called the confederate flag is a disgrace to decent human beings HOWEVER no one has the right to harass kids or assault people because of that shit rag.
Like burning down Mosques, like they have done in Joplin, Mo. twice...

And like the multiple church burnings as well....

Don't get me wrong, I know there is a lot of discrimination going on everywhere....never before has this country been this divided...or our government so happy that it is happening.
Then you have not studied our history very much.

No, I have. I meant in modern day, our time. You want to knit-pick and bring up the civil war. Fine..whatever.

Botom line on this thread...the attacker needs to be put in jail. period.
The civil war? :rofl: :rofl: How about the Great about the Viet Nam about the Civil Rights movement in the South in the 50s and about all the inner city riots in the 60s....?

As I said, you haven't studied our history very well. Today is nothing but people on all sides getting a little butt hurt over things.

Already thought of those....

Today we have a campaign going on where cops are being targeted for execution, blacks are marching to declare 'Black Lives Matter' and demanded a Senator APOLOGIZE for saying 'ALL lives matter'. Black communities are rioting, looting, burning, attacking, and killing because of the racist division. Politicians, professional race-baiters, racist organizations, etc are all fanning the flames of racism to divide the nation and profit from it at the same time. Even our President, whether he means to or not, is fanning the flames of racism! As I said, in my modern day lifetime believe I have never seen it this bad before. That does not make me wrong - it makes it my opinion. You don't have to share that opinion.

There was once a time when it was OK to agree to disagree...but over the years Liberals have become more and more like Islamic Extremists - almost violently intolerant. It is not ok to disagree anyome. You have to be FORCED to 'convert' and believe what they do.... No thanks.

I respect your view and your opinion. I understand where you are coming from. I don't agree, but I understand and respect your opinion. That should end it...of course, you could always prove me right by now attacking what I have said or by attacking me.
No one should stoop so low as to give the pack of lies you have posted any serious consideration,
That's not an attack, simply facts.
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
View attachment 46486 View attachment 46488
You know the picture on the right are black Union soldiers, right? :rofl:
He is not that bright...
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.

you libs are fucking amazing- in a bad way- what about championing freedom of speech and expression you wingnut? Only if its Jesus in piss, right? Your kind think we deserved 9-11 too you pos. Go fuck yourself and move to Cuba you sick twisted useless traitor pos fuckface.
I don't think anyone has the right to walk up and verbally assault someone... I mean they're free to have their own opinion and express them and all... but idk that's... just not proper... doesn't sit well with me... (and obviously when they resort to physical attacks when disagreed with, that's completely unacceptable.)

This is kind of a tough one for me honestly, because a person also has the right to wear whatever and they have the right to move about the city or w/e without being verbally assaulted for what their wearing don't they?

Would it be proper for people to just walk up to some random person and bitch him out for the saggy jeans thing or some woman for wearing too short/too revealing article of clothing? Anyone heard of anything like this, like my examples, or anything similar before now cause I can't say that I have honestly. I've heard of it like in schools, churches, stores, kind of stuff, but it was usually a like worker/teacher or w/e, not another citizen...

I don't think we can equate it to like verbally assaulting say military officers in uniform cause you disagree with their war or w/e cause that's a "government body" as opposed to a private citizen like this. Could we equate it more to say pro-lifers verbally assaulting people going into PP? Or would that be more of a protest against PP/abortion than a "private citizen" kind of deal too?
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Yes...those TWO unarmed black men who left when asked to sure have frightened this day.

If you are going to respond please try to be factual. The New Black Panther Party members were brandishing CLUBS at a voting location, illegally intimidating voters - don't argue with me, argue with the LAW. They did not 'voluntarily leave on their own' - they were arrested and taken to JAIL. Several days later, surprise surprise, Obama's AG, Eric holder, showed up and dropped all charges against them. (I am sure it was pure coincidence that during Obama's campaign he had the NBP's endorsement and a link to their web site on his campaign web page...until the media got news of it. The endorsement and the link quickly were removed from the campaign web site.'
They were not "branishing" clubs and there were only two of them and they left when asked to. And you are still frightened of those TWO dodos all these years later.

The fuck they weren't brandishing clubs.

Brandishing it? Like how? Waving it around? Threatening people? Let me guess...You're totally okay with this:


But this makes you piss your panties...

I'm not a supporter of Confederate flag, I'd better haven't seen it anymore, but I think guys overdosen. Doesn't matter why they jumped on him, they acted like jackals who have only herd mentality but not individual.
The 1st Louisiana Native Guard (CSA) was a Confederate Louisianan militia that consisted of free persons of color. Formed in 1861[2] in New Orleans, Louisiana, it was disbanded on April 25, 1862. Some of the unit's members joined the Union Army's 1st Louisiana Native Guard, which later became the 73rd Regiment Infantry of the United States Colored Troops.

Yep...they were declined service and 1862. So much for colored Con-federate troops. DO realize that the Union captured New Orleans on April 25, 1862...right?

Gee, that just MIGHT have something to do with their disbanding!
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Fly my flag proudly every day. Wife wears her white pride world wide and 14 words shirt everywhere,dress our baby in her white pride world wide onesie,I wear my bomber jacket with patches all over it and my steel toed boots everywhere..PLEASE mess with us. :)
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
A gang of racists attack a man claiming a flag on a hat is racist.
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Fly my flag proudly every day. Wife wears her white pride world wide and 14 words shirt everywhere,dress our baby in her white pride world wide onesie,I wear my bomber jacket with patches all over it and my steel toed boots everywhere..PLEASE mess with us. :)
White trash says what?
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Fly my flag proudly every day. Wife wears her white pride world wide and 14 words shirt everywhere,dress our baby in her white pride world wide onesie,I wear my bomber jacket with patches all over it and my steel toed boots everywhere..PLEASE mess with us. :)
White trash says what?
Those who don't arm up with this onslaught of muslims being flooded on us, are not going to like the result. And don't say you haven't been warned. Between them, and the militant blacks, it's gonna be ugly.

I can see exactly what this white house is doing, and I do believe we are getting that transparency we were promised. It's get even with white's time. And the white house is directing this shit show. And I knew it in 2009, when Holder failed to charge those scummy black panther idiots from that polling place in Philadelphia. That was all the transparency I needed. 2010 I got my carry permit, and never looked back.
Okay, you`re "armed up". How many Muslims did you shoot today? I`ll bet you`re just talking gun pussy bravado crap.
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Fly my flag proudly every day. Wife wears her white pride world wide and 14 words shirt everywhere,dress our baby in her white pride world wide onesie,I wear my bomber jacket with patches all over it and my steel toed boots everywhere..PLEASE mess with us. :)
White trash says what?
You even play that fiddle like a red neck Johnny.
Man assaulted after defending his niece for wearing Confederate - KTTC Rochester Austin Mason City News Weather and Sports
This situation is absolutely ridiculous.
Censorship and assault, simply because some people have a harmless opinion regarding a flag that's part of their history/culture. What is going on with this country?
You shouldn't kill people just to prove your point of you or express own dissatisfaction.
Anyone who waves the flag knows what they're doing and gets what they deserve.

It's like wearing your klan hood in Harlem..

Kicking their ass teaches other insensitive whites a lesson too.

How come black southerners dont fly the con flag? They're proud of their heritage too.
Fly my flag proudly every day. Wife wears her white pride world wide and 14 words shirt everywhere,dress our baby in her white pride world wide onesie,I wear my bomber jacket with patches all over it and my steel toed boots everywhere..PLEASE mess with us. :)
White trash says what?
You even play that fiddle like a red neck Johnny.
You say redneck like its supposed to be offensive see unlike your ass backwards libtard brain dead self I know EXACTLY where the word redneck comes from and I am DAMN PROUD to claim it.

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