Man Behind GOP Tent Attack Allegedly Reveals Why He Did It, and It’s Not Good [Jacksonville, FL]

What the sick TDS victim and Crazy Bernie supporter did was much, much worse than what that guy did defending himself by driving into a crowd of violent democrat anarchists in Charlottesville, Virginia.

The guy in Charlottesville killed a woman and sent 34 others to hospital. This guy caused a couple of injuries and didn't kill anyone.

Right wing lunatics killed 50 Americans last year but it's the left who are dangerous.
What the sick TDS victim and Crazy Bernie supporter did was much, much worse than what that guy did defending himself by driving into a crowd of violent democrat anarchists in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The guy in Charlottesville was trying to get away.
Nothing will change till people admit that both sides are not doing a good job for the majority of the citizens of this country.
The guy in Charlottesville killed a woman and sent 34 others to hospital. This guy caused a couple of injuries and didn't kill anyone.

Right wing lunatics killed 50 Americans last year but it's the left who are dangerous.

1. Many of the shooters have been Leftist lunatics. All lunatics are bad, but you are only concerned about the right wing, as you call those you hate.

2. How many babies again were aborted last year? 1,000,000?
My Blog

3. How many Americans are victimized annually, black and white, by black Americans whose actions are excused and even encouraged by Democrats who play the race card for the most despicable political reasons? Thousands, and millions of black Americans' lives are destroyed by your vile narratives and policies. You tear families apart and expect government to fix everything, with more money.
Nothing will change till people admit that both sides are not doing a good job for the majority of the citizens of this country.

Yeah, we're both so very equal so may as well vote Democrat. Is that how your enlightened Progressivism works? Sure is working in crapholes around the world, isn't it. Why don't you move to one of them. Cuba is closest and oh so equal.
I feel very sorry for Mr. Timm.

As he gets older and has more experience interacting with other human beings, he will realize that many of his social views as a young man were wrong.
I don't....

This trash, just like the trash in Charlottesville made a conscious decision to aim his vehicle and try to injure, or kill people he disagreed with politically. He's no better than a Hamas terrorist bombing a bus in Israel.

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It's the rhetoric. It's nuts.
It might be time to shut down social media. I'm serious. If this is what it comes to.

You can see from this kid's eyes that he's a couple short of a six pack. People like that are too easily misled and it is the fault of every single poster on social media that spews the drivel about evil and enemies and killers and Nazi's and blah blah blah, when it's just a matter of differing opinions. Stop the hyperbole and act like humans, is my plea.

Yeah, the social media is a problem as you say, but it ain't going away anytime soon. Freedom of speech and all that. To me the problem goes deeper, into the breakdown of the family unit, we have too any unsupervised kids who get in with a bad crowd online or on the street and no parents or adult family members to set them straight. Some of it might be mental illness, which is a bigger issue than most people realize I think. But we don't give it enough attention, and young people with psychological problems go untreated and eventually a few of them turn to violence as their avenue of expressing their rage or fear or hate or whatever. And IMHO the decline in religion might have some impact because it's another way of dealing with the bad things that life throws at you. Maybe it doesn't fix anything, but talking to a priest, rabbi, pastor and someone involved with a local church could be beneficial.
It's strange that this attack on republicans seems to resonate more than the Sanders supporter who opened fire on a republican baseball team wounding Rep. Scalise about two years ago The hatred still resonates among ignorant lefties. Pelosi proved that.

More attacks are on the way once Dimms realize that ALL of their nominees are clowns with a slim chance of beating T-Rex Trump!

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