Man Charged After SUV Filmed Plowing Into Black Lives Matter Supporters In Tennessee

Where is your evidence that it was edited?
Was the SUV dropped via parachute into that intersection?

It must have driven to that point and the rioters must have been there too doing what Black Lies Matter wackos do

You have no evidence for your baseless claim, just as I thought mr white man.

Gee...... talk about racist. Your momma didn't teach you to not stand in roadways?

Mine did
obviously, most of these ignoramuses were told to go play in the road. id run them over all day also. rioters-looters--murderers

There is video but it has been edited to leave out what led up to the incident

Where is your evidence that it was edited? You white people think everyone is against you and that you're all victims, yet you also think whiteness is a superhuman power.

thanx for that boost moron---there is no room for predjudice in AMERICA

The white man and his violent ways continue.

We don't have any BLM fucktards in my town, just a couple ignorant white liberals who keep putting up signs. I keep ripping them down every time I see one, so far about 30 of them or so.

Here's the one I snatched this morning...



Where is your evidence that it was edited?
Was the SUV dropped via parachute into that intersection?

It must have driven to that point and the rioters must have been there too doing what Black Lies Matter wackos do

You have no evidence for your baseless claim, just as I thought mr white man.

Good boi..
You used the proper term of respect for your White Master.
Where is your evidence that it was edited?
Was the SUV dropped via parachute into that intersection?

It must have driven to that point and the rioters must have been there too doing what Black Lies Matter wackos do

You have no evidence for your baseless claim, just as I thought mr white man.
I would like to see what happened leading up to the incident

the fact that that information is missing raises suspicions

Now you're changing your tune. The man was not pulled out of his car nor attacked but he ran into people.

So he's supposed to wait until they drag him out the truck,beat the shit out of him,then get back in his truck and then run them over?
Seems to me thats what you're advocating.
Now you're changing your tune. The man was not pulled out of his car nor attacked but he ran into people.
What the poster said is the driver may have been in fear for his safety

thats why the video leading up to the incident would be helpful

The white man justifies all of his crimes by trying to use irrational fear, typical, even when he isn't the actual one in fear.

The white man and his violent ways continue.
I assume that the protestors aka criminals/rioters/looters/arsonists etc deserved to be ran over especially when no video is shown and blm supporters are telling the story--they always lie and whine. The government should just offer a bounty of $1000 for each protestor aka criminals/rioters/looters/arsonists that are ran over and end their reign of terror on the country.
Now you're changing your tune. The man was not pulled out of his car nor attacked but he ran into people.
What the poster said is the driver may have been in fear for his safety

thats why the video leading up to the incident would be helpful

The white man justifies all of his crimes by trying to use irrational fear, typical, even when he isn't the actual one in fear.
If you don't fear BLM and the anti fa thugs and their crimes by now, you have to be one of them or really really very stupid. Self Defense should be automatically assumed for the driver anytime one of these terrorists is ran over.
After seeing videos of people getting pulled out and beaten, using your vehicle to clear your path is justified as far as I'm concerned any time these idiots decide to block a vehicle.

Blocking traffic is not a protected right of protest. These morons need to stay out of the road. Doing so will reduce the likelihood of their getting hit by vehicles quite a bit is my guess.

This is an example of how a white man sees his whiteness as a superhuman power to abuse and oppress people.

Actually it's more an example of the idiocy of trying to take on someone in a metal clad vehicle using just your hands and expecting them to just sit there and take it.

The white man and his violent ways continue.

Nope. it just goes to show why smart people don't play in the road. And based on plenty of video of violent blacks pulling people out of their cars, i would have done the same. If he was truly violent, as you claim, and not merely trying to escape, he would have backed up and hit the prick again.
Where is your evidence that it was edited?
Was the SUV dropped via parachute into that intersection?

It must have driven to that point and the rioters must have been there too doing what Black Lies Matter wackos do

You have no evidence for your baseless claim, just as I thought mr white man.

Soooooo, who's sock are you? IM2 or that dipshit, asslips? Going to have to see.

The white man and his violent ways continue.
I assume that the protestors aka criminals/rioters/looters/arsonists etc deserved to be ran over especially when no video is shown and blm supporters are telling the story--they always lie and whine. The government should just offer a bounty of $1000 for each protestor aka criminals/rioters/looters/arsonists that are ran over and end their reign of terror on the country.

The white man ASSumes a lot of things and usually ends up wrong, look at DRump and his multiple proven lies.
Now you're changing your tune. The man was not pulled out of his car nor attacked but he ran into people.
What the poster said is the driver may have been in fear for his safety

thats why the video leading up to the incident would be helpful

The white man justifies all of his crimes by trying to use irrational fear, typical, even when he isn't the actual one in fear.

And you use irrational claims of white supremacy to bolster your bullshit. Typical ignorant twat.

The white man and his violent ways continue.
I assume that the protestors aka criminals/rioters/looters/arsonists etc deserved to be ran over especially when no video is shown and blm supporters are telling the story--they always lie and whine. The government should just offer a bounty of $1000 for each protestor aka criminals/rioters/looters/arsonists that are ran over and end their reign of terror on the country.

The white man ASSumes a lot of things and usually ends up wrong, look at DRump and his multiple proven lies.

What's funny is the white man, for fun, builds engines to power all sorts of things. The black man in Africa uses his women to do menial labor like going to the river to get water, or mashing the beans etc. Why doesn't the black man in Africa build an engine to alleviate the work load of the women? Why is that? A white man would have an engine built to pump the water up to the village, but the black men don't.

Why is that? To lord it over the women? To keep them downtrodden so you can feel superior to something?

I have never understood that. So here's a suggestion, get your gandy ass back to Africa and build up those countries. Help the women to advance out of poverty and subjugation.
The white man justifies all of his crimes by trying to use irrational fear, typical, even when he isn't the actual one in fear.
Whites as far back as Reginald denny up to the present have been dragged from their vehicles by angry social justice wackos and beaten

so the threat exists
The white man justifies all of his crimes by trying to use irrational fear, typical, even when he isn't the actual one in fear.
Whites as far back as Reginald denny up to the present have been dragged from their vehicles by angry social justice wackos and beaten

so the threat exists

Yup. I will run them over too. They are scumbags and nothing more.
Today's helpful driving hint:

When finding yourself driving into a group of protesters, always go for the two shortest protesters first, as they make the best mudflaps.

That way you won't spatter the other protester's trousers.

Today's helpful hint was brought to you by the American Automobile Association.

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