Man charged over shirt with apparent offensive Hillsborough reference

Thus, agreeing it does not exist in the "United" Kingdom.
There are different levels of free speech across the world. Ours is noticably worse than it was before our current govt brought in chinese type laws.

Things I did as a youth would see me arrested now.

Even in the US free speech has different levels. The gay florida teacher has less free speech than the gay Ney York teacher.
I dont think anyone would argue that.

Its not a competition though.Its what you are comfortable with personally.
There are different levels of free speech across the world. Ours is noticably worse than it was before our current govt brought in chinese type laws.

Things I did as a youth would see me arrested now.

Even in the US free speech has different levels. The gay florida teacher has less free speech than the gay Ney York teacher.
I dont think anyone would argue that.

Its not a competition though.Its what you are comfortable with personally.
What teachers can say in class is not at all a fair comparison. Teaching is special speech and the same person is mostly free to express himself in public.
Of course, competition has nothing to do with it. There are social limits to speech that have consequences often as severe as if there were laws.
What teachers can say in class is not at all a fair comparison. Teaching is special speech and the same person is mostly free to express himself in public.
Of course, competition has nothing to do with it. There are social limits to speech that have consequences often as severe as if there were laws.
But the New Yorker has greater free speech than the poor sod in Florida.
She can tell kids what she and her partner went to , together.
It could cause a riot over here. What great cause does it serve to mock dead people. Where is the consideration for their families ?
It is terrible and serves no purpose whatsoever, however they have a right in this country to exercise a freedom and as deplorable as their words are, I would defend such freedom.
It is terrible and serves no purpose whatsoever, however they have a right in this country to exercise a freedom and as deplorable as their words are, I would defend such freedom.
Well most laws are geographical. At the very leaast it is a breach of the peace. I hope this horrible man gets his just desserts.
Well most laws are geographical. At the very leaast it is a breach of the peace. I hope this horrible man gets his just desserts.
I wouldn't characterize it as a breach of the peace, laws that protect the extreme views also protect other's views. I am not in favor of what he said but who decides what is acceptable and not?
Or the US.
Free speech is not ‘absolute’ anywhere.

In the United States, speech that advocates for imminent lawlessness or violence is not entitled to First Amendment protections, for example.

This individual’s shirt advocated for neither imminent lawlessness nor violence; his arrest and prosecution is both reprehensible and wrong.
Free speech is not ‘absolute’ anywhere.

In the United States, speech that advocates for imminent lawlessness or violence is not entitled to First Amendment protections, for example.

This individual’s shirt advocated for neither imminent lawlessness nor violence; his arrest and prosecution is both reprehensible and wrong.
You are mistaken. People who see that shirt would be certainly incited to violence.
Next season Liverpool will play United and some united fans will get their heads kicked in over this.
It was a provocative act and he deserves whatever he gets.
You are mistaken. People who see that shirt would be certainly incited to violence.
Next season Liverpool will play United and some united fans will get their heads kicked in over this.
It was a provocative act and he deserves whatever he gets.

You live in a sad, violent shithole where a shirt can set off a terrorist.
You are mistaken. People who see that shirt would be certainly incited to violence.
Next season Liverpool will play United and some united fans will get their heads kicked in over this.
It was a provocative act and he deserves whatever he gets.
Tommy, in another thread I asked you what happened to Leeds U. and you didn't respond.
What's up with that?
James White, 33, of Warwickshire, was charged on Sunday with displaying writing likely to cause alarm or distress, Scotland Yard said.
You poor fucking pansies. Now you arrest people for WORDS, that MIGHT upset someone? Yet you come here everyday offending, threatening and distressing decent people everyday! Perhaps we should send Scotland Yard out to arrest you? It wasn't enough just to ask the guy first if he would just turn his shirt inside out? Or just ask him to leave? No, you fascists arrested the guy and you want him fired and ostracized from society you little fucking commie?

Too funny. You do know the British used to arrest homosexuals, convict them of crimes then force them to undergo radical drug therapy?

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This kid is also going to lose his job on monday morning. If he has one.
That's it. Put him out on the street. Make him homeless. I hope he was one of your top scientists.

Rightly so in my opinion.
Remember that when they come for you next.

Celebrating the death of innocent people is not ok.
Yet you do it every day. You threaten people who disagree with you, you convict them without hearing their side, then call to throw away the key. It will really suck when someone applies the same justice, but against YOU instead someday, the question is, will you complain then or see the irony of the situation when your own "justice" begins to be meted out against the likes of you?
You poor fucking pansies. Now you arrest people for WORDS, that MIGHT upset someone? Yet you come here everyday offending, threatening and distressing decent people everyday! Perhaps we should send Scotland Yard out to arrest you? It wasn't enough just to ask the guy first if he would just turn his shirt inside out? Or just ask him to leave? No, you fascists arrested the guy and you want him fired and ostracized from society you little fucking commie?

Too funny. You do know the British used to arrest homosexuals, convict them of crimes then force them to undergo radical drug therapy?

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That's it. Put him out on the street. Make him homeless. I hope he was one of your top scientists.

Remember that when they come for you next.

Yet you do it every day. You threaten people who disagree with you, you convict them without hearing their side, then call to throw away the key. It will really suck when someone applies the same justice, but against YOU instead someday, the question is, will you complain then or see the irony of the situation when your own "justice" begins to be meted out against the likes of you?
You need to calm down. try dealing in facts.
You need to calm down.
Says the guy who wants people arrested and fired from their jobs because they don't like some blots of ink on his tee shirt.

try dealing in facts.
Here's a fact:
  • It was the UK who invaded and occupied 173 other countries. Now they ain't shit.
  • It was the UK who used to arrest, persecute gays and subject them to dark medical experiments like Joseph Mengela.
  • And it was the UK whose parliamentary oligarchy of wig-wearing fascists who were so bad, they drove out many to flee and start their own countries like the USA just to get the fuck away from you quacks.
JUST REMEMBER TOMMY--- --- the government who can arrest others just for a message on a tee shirt can come bust down your door tonight for offensive social media. Apparently all it takes is one complaint about you to bring Scotland Yard.


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