Man froze to death in jail and was likely placed in freezer as punishment, lawsuit says


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
A man arrested during a welfare check spent his final days in “hellish conditions” inside an Alabama jail cell before his internal body temperature drastically dropped — and he froze to death, a new federal lawsuit says.

His family accuses jail officials of restraining Tony Mitchell, 33, and placing him inside of a walk-in freezer, or a “similar frigid environment,” as punishment at Walker County Jail and leaving him there for hours before he died on Jan 26, according to the wrongful death lawsuit filed Feb. 13 by his mother.

“This case raises an appalling question: how does a man literally freeze to death while incarcerated in a modern, climate-controlled jail, in the custody and care of corrections officers?,” a complaint says.

While Mitchell’s autopsy report hasn’t been released yet, an ER doctor, who spent more than three hours trying to resuscitate him, wrote in his medical records that it was tough to understand how his internal body temperature dropped to 72 degrees while in police custody, according to the complaint.

“I do believe that hypothermia was the ultimate cause of his death,” the ER doctor wrote, the complaint says.

Bama gonna Bama link

I immediately wondered why this had not been on national news, no nationwide protests, no fake outrage by pandering politicians, no calls for accountability from special interest groups.......Then I saw the dead guys photo.

A man arrested during a welfare check spent his final days in “hellish conditions” inside an Alabama jail cell before his internal body temperature drastically dropped — and he froze to death, a new federal lawsuit says.

His family accuses jail officials of restraining Tony Mitchell, 33, and placing him inside of a walk-in freezer, or a “similar frigid environment,” as punishment at Walker County Jail and leaving him there for hours before he died on Jan 26, according to the wrongful death lawsuit filed Feb. 13 by his mother.

“This case raises an appalling question: how does a man literally freeze to death while incarcerated in a modern, climate-controlled jail, in the custody and care of corrections officers?,” a complaint says.

While Mitchell’s autopsy report hasn’t been released yet, an ER doctor, who spent more than three hours trying to resuscitate him, wrote in his medical records that it was tough to understand how his internal body temperature dropped to 72 degrees while in police custody, according to the complaint.

“I do believe that hypothermia was the ultimate cause of his death,” the ER doctor wrote, the complaint says.

Bama gonna Bama link

I immediately wondered why this had not been on national news, no nationwide protests, no fake outrage by pandering politicians, no calls for accountability from special interest groups.......Then I saw the dead guys photo.

Not even his family would dare complain.
A man arrested during a welfare check spent his final days in “hellish conditions” inside an Alabama jail cell before his internal body temperature drastically dropped — and he froze to death, a new federal lawsuit says.

His family accuses jail officials of restraining Tony Mitchell, 33, and placing him inside of a walk-in freezer, or a “similar frigid environment,” as punishment at Walker County Jail and leaving him there for hours before he died on Jan 26, according to the wrongful death lawsuit filed Feb. 13 by his mother.

“This case raises an appalling question: how does a man literally freeze to death while incarcerated in a modern, climate-controlled jail, in the custody and care of corrections officers?,” a complaint says.

While Mitchell’s autopsy report hasn’t been released yet, an ER doctor, who spent more than three hours trying to resuscitate him, wrote in his medical records that it was tough to understand how his internal body temperature dropped to 72 degrees while in police custody, according to the complaint.

“I do believe that hypothermia was the ultimate cause of his death,” the ER doctor wrote, the complaint says.

Bama gonna Bama link

I immediately wondered why this had not been on national news, no nationwide protests, no fake outrage by pandering politicians, no calls for accountability from special interest groups.......Then I saw the dead guys photo.

It gets worse. Deputies said the man was fine when he got in the car to be taken to the hospital, but video shows them putting an apparently lifeless body in the car. They are fked.
I note a disturbing lack of the usual anti-police race-baiters in this thread.....Wonder why?

Biff_Poindexter to the white courtesy phone. ;)
It’s so blatant, isn’t it? If cops had done this to a black man, it would be the lead on the news, Kamala Harris would be attending his funeral, everyone on the left would be screaming “raaaaacism!!,” and there would be anti-cop protests in cities across the country.

But because it’s “only” a white, nobody even knows about it.
I sometimes wonder what life must be like for the race focused idiots in the world. Trying to justify their outlook by forcing everything into the cookie cutter myopic view of life.

Nearly 1,200 people died at the hands of police last year. That is more than 3 a day.

That comes out to a hundred a month.

In other words, nobody has the time to be outraged by all of them. No sooner do you get started on one, than you are hit with another.

Now days, unless there is video of the death, there is little chance it will get much notice. There are exceptions. But generally speaking there has to be video to even have a chance at getting a local run, much less a national.

The other problem is the rest of the news. We are swamped with news. Grand Juries and Trump. Ukraine and Russia. China and balloons. The race for the Republican Nomination. The Congress and the apparent reality in which every district has managed to send their own Village Idiot to represent that district.

In other words. There is a lot going on.

And finally this story. When I first saw the headline I assumed it was some Onion type of story. I never saw a picture of the fellow in the couple stories I read. As usual I didn’t care. I knew how the story would play out. I’ve seen it too many times. We all have.

The problem with you race driven idiots is you want this sort of thing to happen to them. But it is outrageous when the cops do it to one who looks like you.

I’m different. I don’t want it to happen to anyone.

But if you think there should be riots and all that. Go ahead and organize it. Get them fired up.
He's white so it isn't a big deal. If he was black this is a global story.
I sometimes wonder what life must be like for the race focused idiots in the world. Trying to justify their outlook by forcing everything into the cookie cutter myopic view of life.

Nearly 1,200 people died at the hands of police last year. That is more than 3 a day.

That comes out to a hundred a month.

In other words, nobody has the time to be outraged by all of them. No sooner do you get started on one, than you are hit with another.

Now days, unless there is video of the death, there is little chance it will get much notice. There are exceptions. But generally speaking there has to be video to even have a chance at getting a local run, much less a national.

The other problem is the rest of the news. We are swamped with news. Grand Juries and Trump. Ukraine and Russia. China and balloons. The race for the Republican Nomination. The Congress and the apparent reality in which every district has managed to send their own Village Idiot to represent that district.

In other words. There is a lot going on.

And finally this story. When I first saw the headline I assumed it was some Onion type of story. I never saw a picture of the fellow in the couple stories I read. As usual I didn’t care. I knew how the story would play out. I’ve seen it too many times. We all have.

The problem with you race driven idiots is you want this sort of thing to happen to them. But it is outrageous when the cops do it to one who looks like you.

I’m different. I don’t want it to happen to anyone.

But if you think there should be riots and all that. Go ahead and organize it. Get them fired up.
Nobody said there should be riots and such. I pointed out that when a black is killed by cops, it is the lead story on every broadcast and cable news channel, and for days. When a white is killed by cops, there is no news channel even mentioning it.

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