Man is knocked out in Cub Scouts meeting in fight over parking spot

People who illegally park in handicap spots deserve to get clocked.
On the other hand ... the local Walmart has almost as many handicapped spots as non-handicap spots. It's true that a lot of handicapped people shop at Walmart, but most of them are mentally handicapped.
Be careful. Many use those spots appearing healthy but they are legit handicapped by orders. Pacemaker or something? Left placard in other car perhaps?
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The woman should face some consequences too. If she was illegally parked and didn't move, she contributed to this.

She deserves a much harsher punishment than a parking ticket. It’s a good bet she knew the man she called was a psychotic animal and would beat this man senseless because she was “disrespected “. It’s no different than asking someone to kill your ex wife.
Both should go to jail.
Do not call out people whom you believe are not permitted to park in a handicap spot. I've seen many times where healthy young folks, skipped out of Grandma's car that they borrowed to go to the store.

Plus, you won't get knocked out.
Always a big lowIQ Black throwing punches over almost anything. Even sucker punches on strangers. 125 blows onto a 70 yr old asian lady carrying grocery bags home. Thx Obiden.
That's all these fucking animals are good for: commiting crimes, causing countless problems, and being useless pieces of shit.
Probably a long criminal history but let off easy repeatedly? 20yrs attempted murder or 3 strikes life...let the Black scum choose death if he'd rather?

I'm over these Black violent bastards running loose.
Police can ruin a man's life. Also, reactive is different than proactive. We have to many criminals in this nation. To many felons. To many people charged with misdemeanors with criminal codes enlarging into encyclopedia sized library wings. And many who did very little do not forget. Turn men into criminals and they will turn to hate.
No one "turns men into criminals." These men make their own decisions and have to be held accountable for those choices.

If they want to ACT like a worthless piece of shit then that's how they should be treated. Fuck them.
I was not aware 100 percent of police officers didn’t care about illegal parking in a handicap parking space.

Here is why I care: handicap individuals NEED spaces that are marked for them so that the distance to the building is minimized. A fully-abled body with no physical restrictions who is does not need to be sucking up space just because her entitled ass does not feel like parking elsewhere. Further, she doesn’t need to be calling relatives to go and assault someone just because she didn’t like to being held accountable. And why didn’t cousin Tyrone just leave it alone? Had the woman been assaulted herself by the Cub Scout master, I’d be defending Tyrone. But that’s not what happened here, is it?
Tell you what next time you see someone parking in a handicap spot call the cops and see how long it takes one to show up.

And I'm not justifying violence. I am merely commenting on the fact that some people think it's their job to act like a a cop when it isn't.

Really what is the worst that would happen if a person without a permit parks in a handicap spot? Around me there are more handicapped spots than actual handicapped people and most of the people I see with one of those tags on their mirrors sure don't seem to need it as they can get out of their cars and walk just fine.
Tell you what next time you see someone parking in a handicap spot call the cops and see how long it takes one to show up.

And I'm not justifying violence. I am merely commenting on the fact that some people think it's their job to act like a a cop when it isn't.

Really what is the worst that would happen if a person without a permit parks in a handicap spot? Around me there are more handicapped spots than actual handicapped people and most of the people I see with one of those tags on their mirrors sure don't seem to need it as they can get out of their cars and walk just fine.
calling out a fellow citizen to be accountable to the same rules as yourself and the rest of society is not acting like a cop. In addition, some people have an issue with ethics, compliance, and accountability. The woman who parked the car in the spot in the first place clearly falls in this class.

Finally, the woman ultimately loses when she feels compelled to retaliate against the man by proxy.
calling out a fellow citizen to be accountable to the same rules as yourself and the rest of society is not acting like a cop. In addition, some people have an issue with ethics, compliance, and accountability. The woman who parked the car in the spot in the first place clearly falls in this class.

Finally, the woman ultimately loses when she feels compelled to retaliate against the man by proxy.
Sorry I just can't be moved to care that someone parked their car in a handicap spot without the proper sticker.

There are certainly more important things to worry about.
Sorry I just can't be moved to care that someone parked their car in a handicap spot without the proper sticker.

There are certainly more important things to worry about.
You seem more angry at the person who pointed out the law-breaking than the violent thug. You did the same thing when the thugs tried to carjack that innocent man’s car and beat him up….you complained how the victim should have locked his car.

Blaming the victim and nary a word against the violent criminals. That’s what thugs are taking over the cities.
It's not about the Cub Scouts or the punch, it is an opportunity to put black folks in a negative light.
The black folks in the story are the ones putting black folks in a negative light. Not until the outrage is properly placed will things change in the "black community". Your misplaced concern makes things worse.
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You seem more angry at the person who pointed out the law-breaking than the violent thug. You did the same thing when the thugs tried to carjack that innocent man’s car and beat him up….you complained how the victim should have locked his car.

Blaming the victim and nary a word against the violent criminals. That’s what thugs are taking over the cities.

No it's the general nosiness of everyone these days.

Whatever happened to minding your own fucking business?
The black folks in the story are the ones putting black folks in a negative light. Not until the outrage is properly placed with things change in the "black community". Your misplaced concern makes things worse.
The black activists want it so decent people can never condemn violent behavior by black thugs because “it puts blacks in a negative light.”

What they want is to be able to loot, assault, carjack, whatever….and whitey better not say anything about it.

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