Man is knocked out in Cub Scouts meeting in fight over parking spot

Not defending the apparent thuggish behavior mentioned in the OP, but I will say there's a difference between politely pointing out that someone's breaking a rule/law and being a hyper-aggressive ass about it. Not saying that this is what the sucker punched guy was doing and even if he was, the lady who parked in the HC spot and her thuggish bf are both in the wrong. But...if per chance she was getting cursed out and yelled at, then that's also needlessly escalating things.
And by the way he sure had a long time to set up that 'sucker punch'....

Advice to old white guys.... if you're going to go around starting trouble learn martial arts first.

Even a good concealed carry is no good against a sucker punch.

Time to start making sure that animals like that get no more chances to sucker punch people. After enough of them are taken out, the herd will begin to learn a new behavior pattern.

That's why we all need to carry. Your friend puts a few rounds in the center mass of the simian, then a couple rounds in the throat to finish the job. Tend to the human, call DNS and restart the meeting.
If the cops don't care if some guy parks his car in a handicap spot why should you?
I was not aware 100 percent of police officers didn’t care about illegal parking in a handicap parking space.

Here is why I care: handicap individuals NEED spaces that are marked for them so that the distance to the building is minimized. A fully-abled body with no physical restrictions who is does not need to be sucking up space just because her entitled ass does not feel like parking elsewhere. Further, she doesn’t need to be calling relatives to go and assault someone just because she didn’t like to being held accountable. And why didn’t cousin Tyrone just leave it alone? Had the woman been assaulted herself by the Cub Scout master, I’d be defending Tyrone. But that’s not what happened here, is it?
Police can ruin a man's life. Also, reactive is different than proactive. We have to many criminals in this nation. To many felons. To many people charged with misdemeanors with criminal codes enlarging into encyclopedia sized library wings. And many who did very little do not forget. Turn men into criminals and they will turn to hate.
Not defending the apparent thuggish behavior mentioned in the OP, but I will say there's a difference between politely pointing out that someone's breaking a rule/law and being a hyper-aggressive ass about it. Not saying that this is what the sucker punched guy was doing and even if he was, the lady who parked in the HC spot and her thuggish bf are both in the wrong. But...if per chance she was getting cursed out and yelled at, then that's also needlessly escalating things.
Ultimately, they are just words. Im sure the Cub Scout leader is angry to see a handicap parking space needlessly occupied by an otherwise able-bodied person who is lazy and entitled. If I park in a handicap parking space because every other space is taken and/or I don’t feel like a long walk back and forth to the store, then I too am lazy and entitlement.
I saw this identical scenario play out in a supermarket shopping center close to home. The parking lot was private yet had marked spaces for expectant and new parents and current and veteran military members.

A woman parked in a military parking spot and a couple of veterans talking nearby asked her about her service. She told them, “Go F*ck yourself and mind your own damn business.”
I saw this identical scenario play out in a supermarket shopping center close to home. The parking lot was private yet had marked spaces for expectant and new parents and current and veteran military members.

A woman parked in a military parking spot and a couple of veterans talking nearby asked her about her service. She told them, “Go F*ck yourself and mind your own damn business.”

Damn! If I had had 5% of that nasty entitlement as a kid, my mom would have left stripes on my hide.

Glad I was forced to grow up normal and moral.


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