Man of Sorrow

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why are those Logic and reason. Which is to say God as he created existence and existence is logical.

I never said creation was perfect, Taz. In fact, I'm pretty sure that was one of the first points in Genesis.
So god isn't perfect. Hmmm.. That's quite a concept. What else does he fuck up on?
How’d you make that leap in logic?
You said creation isn't perfect, so either god isn't perfect or he created deformed retards on purpose. Pick one.
Why are those the only two choices?

How do you know this isn’t exactly what he wanted?
Because that would make him an imbecile, an asshole, and a sadist.
It almost sounds like you believe in absolute morals, Taz.

Why would it make him those things?
Yes, we are meant to devour God as in to be totally absorbed by a powerful feeling. Which is exactly what happens when we eat the body and drink the blood of Christ.

how many of you are there?
A billion or so, give or take.

Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.
A billion or so, give or take.

Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
^ religious nut job.
A billion or so, give or take.

Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
You're a speshull kind of gullible cultist, Billy.
how many of you are there?
A billion or so, give or take.

Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to what you call the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.

If I posted it again would it matter?

Again. I never said that you are going to hell. I never said that God was going to punish you. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to what you profess to believe is the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
A billion or so, give or take.

Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to what you call the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.

If I posted it again would it matter?

Again. I never said that you are going to hell. I never said that God was going to punish you. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
You believe there's a magical fairy that grants eternal life and gets butt-hurt when someone desecrates him by eating a cracker.

You make yourself and the God of which you speak sound like a 4 year old, and completely insecure and pathetic.
Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to what you call the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.

If I posted it again would it matter?

Again. I never said that you are going to hell. I never said that God was going to punish you. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
You believe there's a magical fairy that grants eternal life and gets butt-hurt when someone desecrates him by eating a cracker.

You make yourself and the God of which you speak sound like a 4 year old, and completely insecure and pathetic.

The law of God amounts to cause and effect, not crime and punishment.

If you fill your mind with stupid beliefs you will say and do stupid things. Duh.

No one knows this better than you.
So god isn't perfect. Hmmm.. That's quite a concept. What else does he fuck up on?
How’d you make that leap in logic?
You said creation isn't perfect, so either god isn't perfect or he created deformed retards on purpose. Pick one.
Why are those the only two choices?

How do you know this isn’t exactly what he wanted?
Because that would make him an imbecile, an asshole, and a sadist.
It almost sounds like you believe in absolute morals, Taz.

Why would it make him those things?
Shut up already, you’re a fucking idiot. :lol:
A billion or so, give or take.

Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?
Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to what you call the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.

If I posted it again would it matter?

Again. I never said that you are going to hell. I never said that God was going to punish you. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
You believe there's a magical fairy that grants eternal life and gets butt-hurt when someone desecrates him by eating a cracker.

You make yourself and the God of which you speak sound like a 4 year old, and completely insecure and pathetic.

The law of God amounts to cause and effect, not crime and punishment.

If you fill your mind with stupid beliefs you will say and do stupid things. Duh.

No one knows this better than you.
You're rationalizing, fork-tongued cultist.

You invoked "eternal life," that's magical fairy thinking.

You invoked God as a being by proclaiming that it could somehow be "desecrated."

You're a cultist, speaking out both sides of your face with your forked tongue like reprobate Cultists do.
Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?
Because, surely, his sky dad has Agency in order to be "defiled," somehow.
You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to what you call the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.

If I posted it again would it matter?

Again. I never said that you are going to hell. I never said that God was going to punish you. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
You believe there's a magical fairy that grants eternal life and gets butt-hurt when someone desecrates him by eating a cracker.

You make yourself and the God of which you speak sound like a 4 year old, and completely insecure and pathetic.

The law of God amounts to cause and effect, not crime and punishment.

If you fill your mind with stupid beliefs you will say and do stupid things. Duh.

No one knows this better than you.
You're rationalizing, fork-tongued cultist.

You invoked "eternal life," that's magical fairy thinking.

You invoked God as a being by proclaiming that it could somehow be "desecrated."

You're a cultist, speaking out both sides of your face with your forked tongue like reprobate Cultists do.

Pay attention. I said that his belief that eating Jesus could grant eternal life to practitioners is insane. I never said that God could be defiled. It is the human mind that can be defiled by unclean flesh, false teaching from any number of lower forms of human life.

For instance I'm sure that you have the form and shape of a flabby human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey.

Obviously you do not live a kosher life.
And you never believed the nuns who said that if you didn't stop masturbating you would go blind.
I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you above your acting like a religious nutjob.

Please tell me more how my religion is wrong and how God is going to punish me.

If I posted it again would it matter?

Again. I never said that you are going to hell. I never said that God was going to punish you. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, you are already in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a lifeless matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

If you don't believe me you can look it up.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate and brazen defiance which clearly reveals your hatred for both God and Jesus by you desecrating and reducing his teachings from God, the Actual Body of Christ, into something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.
You believe there's a magical fairy that grants eternal life and gets butt-hurt when someone desecrates him by eating a cracker.

You make yourself and the God of which you speak sound like a 4 year old, and completely insecure and pathetic.

The law of God amounts to cause and effect, not crime and punishment.

If you fill your mind with stupid beliefs you will say and do stupid things. Duh.

No one knows this better than you.
You're rationalizing, fork-tongued cultist.

You invoked "eternal life," that's magical fairy thinking.

You invoked God as a being by proclaiming that it could somehow be "desecrated."

You're a cultist, speaking out both sides of your face with your forked tongue like reprobate Cultists do.

Pay attention. I said that his belief that eating Jesus could grant eternal life to practitioners is insane. I never said that God could be defiled. It is the human mind that can be defiled by unclean flesh, false teaching from any number of lower forms of human life.

For instance I'm sure that you have the form and shape of a flabby human being but an intelligence just slightly above that of a monkey.

Obviously you do not live a kosher life.
I don't care what your fruity cult has to say, two-face.

You don't speak intelligently, you speak in "woo-woo" because you're a drug-addled cultist who is constantly cowarding away from his own magical woo-woo beliefs. Raise your paw, reprobate
Is that you again Legion? lol....

I see that you are still with that herd of swine perpetually stampeding off a cliff.

And some people don't believe in curses......

Imagine that!

Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?

Do you want an end to the age of darkness perpetuated by false religions or not? If you do, STFU.

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
"know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom" - Forked tongued Cultist, referring to his sky DADdy
Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?

Do you want an end to the age of darkness perpetuated by false religions or not? If you do, STFU.

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
Cult-speak. ^ Good one, David Koresh.
Aren't you the clever fellow. Who could have possibly seen that coming giving your penchant to ask who is we.

If you tell other people their religion is wrong and that they are going to hell, you qualify as an extremist nutjob religious fanatic. You are the kind of people that go to war over religious beliefs. You might want to check on the founding principles of this country.

Also, I'm pretty sure that I am more than aware that you believe the Catholic practice of the Holy Eucharist is bunk. You've probably made over a hundred such posts. So I wonder what reason you could possibly have that requires you to keep voicing your displeasure over and over again with my choice of religion.

You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?

Do you want an end to the age of darkness perpetuated by false religions or not? If you do, STFU.

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
Yahad was a bunch of Incels. No wonder you talk like those dorks that meet up in parks to have fake sword fights :laughing0301:
You really need to try and apply your mind to pay attention.

I never said that you are going to hell. I said that if scripture is true you are already under the condemnation of God, in hell, and consigned to permanent destruction.

Thats why you don't even have an inkling that what you do in church for spiritual life by worshipping and eating a matzo made by human hands amounts to idolatry, not according to me but according to the law of God and the dictionary.

And according to the word of God such a vile and degrading practice results in death, not after you die a physical death but in the very day that you do it, which was decades ago, according to you.

So try to understand that I don't give a crap about your choice of religion.

I only engage you at all for the benefit of those standing around watching that they may come to know he who truly is God by revealing his wisdom in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly and by you so generously demonstrating the terrible and disturbing death consequent to your deliberate defiance.
The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?

Do you want an end to the age of darkness perpetuated by false religions or not? If you do, STFU.

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
Yahad was a bunch of Incels. No wonder you talk like those dorks that meet up in parks to have fake sword fights :laughing0301:

lol... you have to go back to the dead sea scrolls to learn what it means.

The bible isn't the word of god, it's inspired by god. No?

The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?

Do you want an end to the age of darkness perpetuated by false religions or not? If you do, STFU.

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
Yahad was a bunch of Incels. No wonder you talk like those dorks that meet up in parks to have fake sword fights :laughing0301:

lol... you have to go back to the dead sea scrolls to learn what it means.

Whatever you think it means, they didn't have sex and they worshipped a sky fairy -

Good thing I'm not a retarded kosher law following incel like you are - or my then defiled mind would have me arguing like an obsessed toddler about crackers on the internet on a daily basis when i could be cleaning my second refrigerator or reflecting on why im not getting any sex :lol:
The bible has extraterrestrial instruction, teaching for humans, on how to become and remain sane in a world full of stupid people hidden in figurative language which is only comprehensible to those who apply their minds to think deeply.

Thats why it is forbidden, under penalty of death, to swallow the teaching (flesh) of unclean creatures like ding who do not ruminate, think deeply, their flesh, (teaching), defiles and contaminates the mind, a persons only means of experiencing life.

Even you know that its stupid to believe that by celebrating the torture and death of Jesus and eating him in the form of a lifeless cracker made by human hands doesn't grant eternal life to anyone and as a belief is completely insane as revealed by believers who openly demonstrate that they have lost their minds which fulfills and confirms the promise of a curse for failing to comply with divine instruction.

They have their reward already!
Why do crackers get your short and curlies in a knot?

Do you want an end to the age of darkness perpetuated by false religions or not? If you do, STFU.

I am keystone in the Yahad of God; the habitation of light.

I am creating a new heaven and a new earth.
Yahad was a bunch of Incels. No wonder you talk like those dorks that meet up in parks to have fake sword fights :laughing0301:

lol... you have to go back to the dead sea scrolls to learn what it means.

Whatever you think it means, they didn't have sex and they worshipped a sky fairy -

Good thing I'm not a retarded kosher law following incel like you are - or my then defiled mind would have me arguing like an obsessed toddler about crackers on the internet on a daily basis when i could be cleaning my second refrigerator or reflecting on why im not getting any sex :lol:
Nonsense. That theory was perpetuated by celibates to justify their perversity.

Qumran was a high class resort run by men and women dedicated to preserving the hidden teaching of the law.

You are just another idiot who doesn't think that Jesus got any.... lol...

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