Man of Steel

That is the best super hero TV show ever.

I won't mention Arsenal, the Boy Wonder, Nightwing, or Batgirl.

you followed "Arrow" QW?.....

I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

I watched the first episode of Arrow and was unimpressed. It seemed like a slightly darker or grittier version of Smallville. Does it improve as the season goes on?
I always thought a good tv show would be WAYNE. It's about a young Bruce Wayne in college (the high school stuff is becoming a bit overly used with the whole Smallville, Buffy, etc... stuff). So here we have a young Bruce Wayne (his butler is his only real friend) who is going quietly insane as he starts becoming fascinated with bats. At night he puts his black belt skills in action while utilizing certain tools he has invented. Of course, not all his inventions work well the first time being used (possible comedic elements here). A recurring debate will continue through many episodes where Bruce is debating with his philosophy professor. The debates will help show the evolution of Waynes view on justice and human nature. A combination of intellectual exercise and physical action will be the trademark of WAYNE. Though unlikely, I think being able to hire John Malkovich as Wayne's philosophy professor would add a unique dimension to the tv show.
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That is the best super hero TV show ever.

I won't mention Arsenal, the Boy Wonder, Nightwing, or Batgirl.

you followed "Arrow" QW?.....

I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

it was much better than what i thought it would be.....i was hoping it would not be as restricted as they made Smallville....they killed that show.....
you followed "Arrow" QW?.....

I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

I watched the first episode of Arrow and was unimpressed. It seemed like a slightly darker or grittier version of Smallville. Does it improve as the season goes on?

its nothing like Smallville the writers wrote themselves into a corner.....not here......
I always thought a good tv show would be WAYNE. It's about a young Bruce Wayne in college (the high school stuff is becoming a bit overly used with the whole Smallville, Buffy, etc... stuff). So here we have a young Bruce Wayne (his butler is his only real friend) who is going quietly insane as he starts becoming fascinated with bats. At night he puts his black belt skills in action while utilizing certain tools he has invented. Of course, not all his inventions work well the first time being used (possible comedic elements here). A recurring debate will continue through many episodes where Bruce is debating with his philosophy professor. The debates will help show the evolution of Waynes view on justice and human nature. A combination of intellectual exercise and physical action will be the trademark of WAYNE. Though unlikely, I think being able to hire John Malkovich as Wayne's philosophy professor would add a unique dimension to the tv show.

from what i understand they were going to do that instead of Smallville but WB's would not allow it for a reason i cant recall so they went with the young Clark Kent instead.....but they fucked up that show ....made Clark look like a retarded Krytonian.... and then they proceeded to as i said....write themselves into a corner....but i still watched the dam thing....but i watch any comic movie or TV show....its like i cant help has to be REALLY bad for me not too.....
you followed "Arrow" QW?.....

I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

I watched the first episode of Arrow and was unimpressed. It seemed like a slightly darker or grittier version of Smallville. Does it improve as the season goes on?

you followed "Arrow" QW?.....

I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

it was much better than what i thought it would be.....i was hoping it would not be as restricted as they made Smallville....they killed that show.....

I like the way they brought in a lot of the other DC characters. I also like the way Oliver has evolved from a angry and bitter man intent only on revenge to the champion of Emerald City. I can't wait to see what they do next year with the destruction of the Glades and his mother.
I think you bring up an interesting point but I'm going to have to disagree with you. If a Tarzan movie were made more closely related to the books then I think Tarzan would be a very modern Hollywood type of character. Not unlike Batman or The Hulk with the whole duality thing going on. Hollywood loves duality driven characters. It was eons ago but I remember reading a Tarzan story where Tarzan was following a bunch of bad guys through the jungle. Ever night one the bad guys would disappear and end up the next day being discovered with their throats ripped out, the bloody mass surrounded by teeth marks.
I think if Tarzan were done correctly, as half man and half animal, sophisticated and instinctively brutal given the situation, it would be a highly successful movie. Sort of like Hannible Lecter with abs.

You ever see this one?

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought it was pretty good. Gritty and realistic.

I remember seeing that movie many, many years ago. I remember I liked it but it wasn't something that I wanted to see more than once. It did follow the book more closely than other Tarzan movies I remember. Including the Bo Derek one, lol. I can't quite remember why I didn't love the movie (especially since I love the books so much). Maybe the pacing was a bit slow? I don't really remember. I would have to see it again to put my finger on why I didn't like it as much as I theoretically should have.

Check it out again. I liked it better on multiple viewings.
You ever see this one?

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought it was pretty good. Gritty and realistic.

I remember seeing that movie many, many years ago. I remember I liked it but it wasn't something that I wanted to see more than once. It did follow the book more closely than other Tarzan movies I remember. Including the Bo Derek one, lol. I can't quite remember why I didn't love the movie (especially since I love the books so much). Maybe the pacing was a bit slow? I don't really remember. I would have to see it again to put my finger on why I didn't like it as much as I theoretically should have.

Check it out again. I liked it better on multiple viewings.

Will do.
I always thought a good tv show would be WAYNE. It's about a young Bruce Wayne in college (the high school stuff is becoming a bit overly used with the whole Smallville, Buffy, etc... stuff). So here we have a young Bruce Wayne (his butler is his only real friend) who is going quietly insane as he starts becoming fascinated with bats. At night he puts his black belt skills in action while utilizing certain tools he has invented. Of course, not all his inventions work well the first time being used (possible comedic elements here). A recurring debate will continue through many episodes where Bruce is debating with his philosophy professor. The debates will help show the evolution of Waynes view on justice and human nature. A combination of intellectual exercise and physical action will be the trademark of WAYNE. Though unlikely, I think being able to hire John Malkovich as Wayne's philosophy professor would add a unique dimension to the tv show.

from what i understand they were going to do that instead of Smallville but WB's would not allow it for a reason i cant recall so they went with the young Clark Kent instead.....but they fucked up that show ....made Clark look like a retarded Krytonian.... and then they proceeded to as i said....write themselves into a corner....but i still watched the dam thing....but i watch any comic movie or TV show....its like i cant help has to be REALLY bad for me not too.....

Yea, I tend to be the same way when it comes to comics movie or TV shows. I have to watch it. I'm thinking it's just as well they didn't do a Young Batman move since I think tv has a terrible track record on the type of show I'm thinking about. My version of WAYNE would probably have to be on HBO or something like that.
In my version of WAYNE, young Bruce is not nearly as "wise" as Batman so he tortures and kills people he deems as wrong. I'm not talking about water boarding. I'm talking about cutting off someone's toes and making the bad guy swallow it. I'm talking about dark and disturbing images and ideas that would scare the Smallville crowd. I'm talking about a superhero/horror/psychological thriller using a young Bruce Wayne as a filament to explore the darker nature of mankind... without the cape.
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I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

it was much better than what i thought it would be.....i was hoping it would not be as restricted as they made Smallville....they killed that show.....

I like the way they brought in a lot of the other DC characters. I also like the way Oliver has evolved from a angry and bitter man intent only on revenge to the champion of Emerald City. I can't wait to see what they do next year with the destruction of the Glades and his mother.
i was kinda pissed they killed off Tommy.....and did the Black Arrow really die?....will Laurel find out who he really is?.....will Roy Harper become "Speedy?"
I always thought a good tv show would be WAYNE. It's about a young Bruce Wayne in college (the high school stuff is becoming a bit overly used with the whole Smallville, Buffy, etc... stuff). So here we have a young Bruce Wayne (his butler is his only real friend) who is going quietly insane as he starts becoming fascinated with bats. At night he puts his black belt skills in action while utilizing certain tools he has invented. Of course, not all his inventions work well the first time being used (possible comedic elements here). A recurring debate will continue through many episodes where Bruce is debating with his philosophy professor. The debates will help show the evolution of Waynes view on justice and human nature. A combination of intellectual exercise and physical action will be the trademark of WAYNE. Though unlikely, I think being able to hire John Malkovich as Wayne's philosophy professor would add a unique dimension to the tv show.

from what i understand they were going to do that instead of Smallville but WB's would not allow it for a reason i cant recall so they went with the young Clark Kent instead.....but they fucked up that show ....made Clark look like a retarded Krytonian.... and then they proceeded to as i said....write themselves into a corner....but i still watched the dam thing....but i watch any comic movie or TV show....its like i cant help has to be REALLY bad for me not too.....

Yea, I tend to be the same way when it comes to comics movie or TV shows. I have to watch it. I'm thinking it's just as well they didn't do a Young Batman move since I think tv has a terrible track record on the type of show I'm thinking about. My version of WAYNE would probably have to be on HBO or something like that.
In my version of WAYNE, young Bruce is not nearly as "wise" as Batman so he tortures and kills people he deems as wrong. I'm not talking about water boarding. I'm talking about cutting off someone's toes and making the bad guy swallow it. I'm talking about dark and disturbing images and ideas that would scare the Smallville crowd. I'm talking about a superhero/horror/psychological thriller using a young Bruce Wayne as a filament to explore the darker nature of mankind... without the cape.

:lol: that sounds more like something in the Punisher vein.........
'The Whizzer' really deserves his own movie. Maybe one made-for-tv, with lots of commercial breaks.
it was much better than what i thought it would be.....i was hoping it would not be as restricted as they made Smallville....they killed that show.....

I like the way they brought in a lot of the other DC characters. I also like the way Oliver has evolved from a angry and bitter man intent only on revenge to the champion of Emerald City. I can't wait to see what they do next year with the destruction of the Glades and his mother.
i was kinda pissed they killed off Tommy.....and did the Black Arrow really die?....will Laurel find out who he really is?.....will Roy Harper become "Speedy?"

No way is he going to be Speedy, it will be Red Arrow or Reseal. They already have a Speedy, it is the nickname for his sister, Thea Dearden Green.
So I'm watching the first couple of Arrow they explain how Oliver got the training to do his thing on a seemingly deserted island? I mean, I can accept the concept that he's self taught in fighting skills, but the ability to set up his lair, to plan his attacks, to use various high-tech tools, hack into bank accounts, etc....the description of his character before the boat accident is such that I assume he couldn't do any of that previously. Is that just left as something I have to suspend disbelief about, or is there some sort of story behind it?

The character seems very much Batman who kills. Billionaire, starts his fight against crime because of parent's death, hides behind playboy persona.....maybe that's a good thing, as I do tend to like Batman. :tongue: Guess I'll see as I watch a bit more!
I like the way they brought in a lot of the other DC characters. I also like the way Oliver has evolved from a angry and bitter man intent only on revenge to the champion of Emerald City. I can't wait to see what they do next year with the destruction of the Glades and his mother.
i was kinda pissed they killed off Tommy.....and did the Black Arrow really die?....will Laurel find out who he really is?.....will Roy Harper become "Speedy?"

No way is he going to be Speedy, it will be Red Arrow or Reseal. They already have a Speedy, it is the nickname for his sister, Thea Dearden Green.

oops forgot about her......yea next season should be pretty good thing about this show.....its on the wont get cancelled because it doesn't have 10 million viewers like the other "major" networks....
So I'm watching the first couple of Arrow they explain how Oliver got the training to do his thing on a seemingly deserted island? I mean, I can accept the concept that he's self taught in fighting skills, but the ability to set up his lair, to plan his attacks, to use various high-tech tools, hack into bank accounts, etc....the description of his character before the boat accident is such that I assume he couldn't do any of that previously. Is that just left as something I have to suspend disbelief about, or is there some sort of story behind it?

The character seems very much Batman who kills. Billionaire, starts his fight against crime because of parent's death, hides behind playboy persona.....maybe that's a good thing, as I do tend to like Batman. :tongue: Guess I'll see as I watch a bit more!

keep will see his teachers on the Island.....and who becomes his Computer geek.....
So I'm watching the first couple of Arrow they explain how Oliver got the training to do his thing on a seemingly deserted island? I mean, I can accept the concept that he's self taught in fighting skills, but the ability to set up his lair, to plan his attacks, to use various high-tech tools, hack into bank accounts, etc....the description of his character before the boat accident is such that I assume he couldn't do any of that previously. Is that just left as something I have to suspend disbelief about, or is there some sort of story behind it?

The character seems very much Batman who kills. Billionaire, starts his fight against crime because of parent's death, hides behind playboy persona.....maybe that's a good thing, as I do tend to like Batman. :tongue: Guess I'll see as I watch a bit more!

It took a while, but if you watch the whole season you will see it. I actually like the way they fleshed that out, and who they used to accomplish it.
i was kinda pissed they killed off Tommy.....and did the Black Arrow really die?....will Laurel find out who he really is?.....will Roy Harper become "Speedy?"

No way is he going to be Speedy, it will be Red Arrow or Reseal. They already have a Speedy, it is the nickname for his sister, Thea Dearden Green.

oops forgot about her......yea next season should be pretty good thing about this show.....its on the wont get cancelled because it doesn't have 10 million viewers like the other "major" networks....

True, CW is willing to carry a show a lot longer than even Fox. It makes me wish CW had done Serenity when I think about it.

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