Man of Steel

I don't think there's any comparison: they're both so different. However, it would be interesting to see if they do a Justice League movie with Batman and Superman: two completely different personalities on the same team. If they do it right, there should be a lot of tension between them.

how could they do a JLA movie without those two?....and remember in the comics Batman and Superman were pretty good friends.....Chris Nolan was saying a "Worlds Finest" teamup has been talked about....

In the comics Superman and Batman are friends....but Batman is the pragmatist to Superman's idealism and is always prepared in case Superman goes 'bad'. Actually, Batman keeps plans in place for all the super heroes he works with just in case.

There have been multiple storylines in which Superman goes bad, often in the authoritarian sense. Batman tends to be the one to stop him, or organize resistance to him. That's actually a bit ironic considering how much of a control freak Batman is. Strangely, Wonder Woman seems to be popular as the one who pushes Superman to do things he wouldn't do on his own.

Even as friends, though, Batman and Superman often have tension just because of their differing methods and ideologies.

but they always find common ground and get the job done....;)
I don't think they can do a really decent Tarzan movie that's true to the book character. Folks just wouldn't buy it. The real Tarzan spoke French fluently, read and wrote English, eventually learning to speak it and never, ever, ever lost his animal instincts. In one of the books, the bad guy sets Tarzan up with a room full of street punks. The reader begins to interpret that as our poor hero surrounded by a bunch of club-wielding thugs hell-bent on violence. But Edgar Rice Burroughs describes the fight as a room full of defenseless men locked inside a closed room with a vicious, wild ape.

Hollywood ain't ready to bring THAT to the screen yet. I'd love to see it, but Hollywood and the movie-going public are locked into the Johnny Weissmuller version of Tarzan. I thought the Weissmuller movies were great for their time, but it wasn't Tarzan.

I think you bring up an interesting point but I'm going to have to disagree with you. If a Tarzan movie were made more closely related to the books then I think Tarzan would be a very modern Hollywood type of character. Not unlike Batman or The Hulk with the whole duality thing going on. Hollywood loves duality driven characters. It was eons ago but I remember reading a Tarzan story where Tarzan was following a bunch of bad guys through the jungle. Ever night one the bad guys would disappear and end up the next day being discovered with their throats ripped out, the bloody mass surrounded by teeth marks.
I think if Tarzan were done correctly, as half man and half animal, sophisticated and instinctively brutal given the situation, it would be a highly successful movie. Sort of like Hannible Lecter with abs.

You ever see this one?

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I thought it was pretty good. Gritty and realistic.

I remember seeing that movie many, many years ago. I remember I liked it but it wasn't something that I wanted to see more than once. It did follow the book more closely than other Tarzan movies I remember. Including the Bo Derek one, lol. I can't quite remember why I didn't love the movie (especially since I love the books so much). Maybe the pacing was a bit slow? I don't really remember. I would have to see it again to put my finger on why I didn't like it as much as I theoretically should have.
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Superman sucks.

It's easy to be brave when nothing except the extremely rare mineral Kryptonite can hurt you.

That's why Batman is braver than Superman.
Superman has stated that Batman is the most dangerous person in the JLA.....

Batman has a plan to take down every single member of the League because he doesn't trust anyone.

well being the only one without super powers.....could you blame him?...
I love Batman...I loved Greystoke...and I LOVE Superman.

Can't wait to see it.

I found Margot Kidder repulsive in the first ones as well...but it was the whole 80s female journalist/heroine antithesis thing, you have to remember. Women's libbers were showing us that ugly ditzy women with bad hair and a few years on them (and addiction) could still snag superman! Welfare works!

But I absolutely HATE Ironman. I have no idea what people find so fascinating about that character, or the movies. Yuck. Grosses me out.
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Batman has a plan to take down every single member of the League because he doesn't trust anyone.

well being the only one without super powers.....could you blame him?...

He is not the only one without powers, he actually has more problems with Green Arrow and his methods than he does Superman.

In the storylines where Superman goes 'bad', Green Arrow and Batman always work together against him. The Dark Knight Returns is a good example, and recently there's Injustice Gods Among Us. Batman and Green Arrow certainly clash, but in many ways they are closer than Batman and Superman in method.

It's all pretty dependent on who's doing the writing, of course, especially when we're talking about characters with histories as long as these.
I love Batman...I loved Greystoke...and I LOVE Superman.

Can't wait to see it.

I found Margot Kidder repulsive in the first ones as well...but it was the whole 80s female journalist/heroine antithesis thing, you have to remember. Women's libbers were showing us that ugly ditzy women with bad hair and a few years on them (and addiction) could still snag superman! Welfare works!

But I absolutely HATE Ironman. I have no idea what people find so fascinating about that character, or the movies. Yuck. Grosses me out.

I think a lot of it is Robert Downey Jr.'s snarky performance that people enjoy with the Iron Man movies.

Why they like him in the comics....I'm not a particular fan myself, but he's another character with no powers per se (I think he may sort of have powers at this point, as the suit is somehow bonded to him) so he may be easier to relate to. Superman is not and has never been a character people relate to. He is more of an ideal. Not only is he ridiculously powerful, but for most of his history he's been the philosophically idealized character as well.

I think the Iron Man movies have been easily the best of the Marvel single-character films. They don't stand up to The Dark Knight, IMO, but as part of the MCU they have been high quality.
I love Batman...I loved Greystoke...and I LOVE Superman.

Can't wait to see it.

I found Margot Kidder repulsive in the first ones as well...but it was the whole 80s female journalist/heroine antithesis thing, you have to remember. Women's libbers were showing us that ugly ditzy women with bad hair and a few years on them (and addiction) could still snag superman! Welfare works!

But I absolutely HATE Ironman. I have no idea what people find so fascinating about that character, or the movies. Yuck. Grosses me out.

its a comic thing.....
Batman has a plan to take down every single member of the League because he doesn't trust anyone.

well being the only one without super powers.....could you blame him?...

He is not the only one without powers, he actually has more problems with Green Arrow and his methods than he does Superman.

geezus i forgot about GA.......:redface:......thanx for reminding me....and here i even watched "Arrow".....
I love Batman...I loved Greystoke...and I LOVE Superman.

Can't wait to see it.

I found Margot Kidder repulsive in the first ones as well...but it was the whole 80s female journalist/heroine antithesis thing, you have to remember. Women's libbers were showing us that ugly ditzy women with bad hair and a few years on them (and addiction) could still snag superman! Welfare works!

But I absolutely HATE Ironman. I have no idea what people find so fascinating about that character, or the movies. Yuck. Grosses me out.

I think a lot of it is Robert Downey Jr.'s snarky performance that people enjoy with the Iron Man movies.

Why they like him in the comics....I'm not a particular fan myself, but he's another character with no powers per se (I think he may sort of have powers at this point, as the suit is somehow bonded to him) so he may be easier to relate to. Superman is not and has never been a character people relate to. He is more of an ideal. Not only is he ridiculously powerful, but for most of his history he's been the philosophically idealized character as well.

I think the Iron Man movies have been easily the best of the Marvel single-character films. They don't stand up to The Dark Knight, IMO, but as part of the MCU they have been high quality.

yea Iron Man was done pretty well,i was surprised how well it came off....but i thought Spider-man and the Captain America movie was done pretty well too...
I love Batman...I loved Greystoke...and I LOVE Superman.

Can't wait to see it.

I found Margot Kidder repulsive in the first ones as well...but it was the whole 80s female journalist/heroine antithesis thing, you have to remember. Women's libbers were showing us that ugly ditzy women with bad hair and a few years on them (and addiction) could still snag superman! Welfare works!

But I absolutely HATE Ironman. I have no idea what people find so fascinating about that character, or the movies. Yuck. Grosses me out.

I think a lot of it is Robert Downey Jr.'s snarky performance that people enjoy with the Iron Man movies.

Why they like him in the comics....I'm not a particular fan myself, but he's another character with no powers per se (I think he may sort of have powers at this point, as the suit is somehow bonded to him) so he may be easier to relate to. Superman is not and has never been a character people relate to. He is more of an ideal. Not only is he ridiculously powerful, but for most of his history he's been the philosophically idealized character as well.

I think the Iron Man movies have been easily the best of the Marvel single-character films. They don't stand up to The Dark Knight, IMO, but as part of the MCU they have been high quality.

yea Iron Man was done pretty well,i was surprised how well it came off....but i thought Spider-man and the Captain America movie was done pretty well too...

I very much enjoyed The Amazing Spider-Man. I was never a fan of the Raimi films, I thought they were too cheesy. Admittedly, Spider-Man is a silly character personality-wise, but Raimi's versions went too far.

Captain America....I was surprised because I expected it to suck, but at the same time, it wasn't an amazing movie. Better than Thor, which was pretty bad, but still not great. I liked all 3 Iron Man movies more than the Cap movie.

Avengers, however, was the best of the lot by far. I still think The Dark Knight was better, but it's close.

Hopefully I'll see MoS soon so I can compare to all of these. :)
well being the only one without super powers.....could you blame him?...

He is not the only one without powers, he actually has more problems with Green Arrow and his methods than he does Superman.

In the storylines where Superman goes 'bad', Green Arrow and Batman always work together against him. The Dark Knight Returns is a good example, and recently there's Injustice Gods Among Us. Batman and Green Arrow certainly clash, but in many ways they are closer than Batman and Superman in method.

It's all pretty dependent on who's doing the writing, of course, especially when we're talking about characters with histories as long as these.

Green Arrow doesn't follow the code.
well being the only one without super powers.....could you blame him?...

He is not the only one without powers, he actually has more problems with Green Arrow and his methods than he does Superman.

geezus i forgot about GA.......:redface:......thanx for reminding me....and here i even watched "Arrow".....

That is the best super hero TV show ever.

I won't mention Arsenal, the Boy Wonder, Nightwing, or Batgirl.
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geezus i forgot about GA.......:redface:......thanx for reminding me....and here i even watched "Arrow".....

That is the best super hero TV show ever.

I won't mention Arsenal, the Boy Wonder, Nightwing, or Batgirl.

you followed "Arrow" QW?.....

I didn't at first, but I caught it after a couple of good reviews, and then dug up the back episodes. I hate the comics, but the show is great. They are even talking about having Nightwing swing by.

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