Man opens fire on crowd at BLM protest .. it was going to happen

Pretty much my everyday. I have to leave for essentials like some groceries, Dr. appts, vet appts (my dog has epilepsy) and some Rx.

It sucks but I don't want my husband to die.
Then wear gloves and a N95 mask, keep your social distance from people and stop fantasizing about assaulting people who are not doing what YOU think they should be doing.
Again, I did not make up these safety rules. You are just deliberately stupid.
I am VERY GOOD at staying 6+' away from people. And I'm also very good at being a Karen, meaning I have screamed at people who came too close when I was standing in line, or tried to use the ATM beside the ATM I was using without wearing a mask, or went the wrong direction down the grocery store aisle so there wasn't enough room to pass with more than 6'. And my voice is loud. So I have not had to use the pepper spray, so far. But if some jackass tries to challenge me and get in my face, I will defend myself, as is my right.

And that really is what this is all about. I'm pissed. I am stuck with extreme virus avoidance measures until there is a cure, or a vaccine. And those could be years away, if they ever happen. I don't like not seeing my children. I don't like not leaving my house except for essential activities like groceries, Dr. and Rx. I'm tired of this shit.

God bless your stupid stupid heart. This is not about YOU and your denial of science and virology in favor of an insane politicization of said virus. Got Damn you Covidiots.
Obviously you are not or you would not have made the comment about pepper spraying people who are not doing what YOU think they should be doing.

You are not fooling anyone.

It is obvious who you USEFUL IDIOTS are.
Using pepper spray will stop when someone throws a can of peas at his head and connects.
I'm not a man. And screaming loudly has worked so far. People may not agree with social distancing or mask wearing, but they are usually so startled by the screaming that they back off. And I also tell them I work on a Covid-19 unit. Which is not true but you should see them start scrambling to get away.

But I always have the pepper spray handy for assholes who think they'll get in my face just to show me they can. I have a right to defend myself from their nasty, infected spit and I will do so.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
I don’t agree, there have been hundreds and hundreds of protests, but media concentrates on the few that turn violent.
Actually the media makes excuses like they do for CHOP. We see what we want to see I guess? Tearing down statues and spray painting monuments is not peaceful in my book.
No those acts are not peaceful, but also not what I am referring to.
Every peaceful protest also assumes white people are racist and silence is violence. We cannot have a true awakening if we aren’t going to be honest with one another.
I don’t think everyone of them does...and it really doesn’t matter. As long as they aren’t destroying things or killing people, they have the right to believe what they want and that applies to anyone.

I do see your point. So...the question what is going to get us to the important conversations we need to be having? These protests are the result of one killing too many, on top of several other recent high profile killings and it has opened up a Pandora’s box of anger, grievances, injustices that have never been adequately addressed.

I pity the good police who are getting the unfiltered brunt of this, and city officials who have to walk a fine line between public order and civil rights, and between giving angry masses enough space to blow off steam, preventing worse violence and preserving public order. No easy task.

I think what we are seeing now is, at least publically, a lot of knee jerk hasty reactions to all this, but hopefully beneath it are the conversations we need to be having. I also think the fact that this happening in the midst of a pandemic, lockdowns, economic problems and a bitterly divided political climate doesn’t help.
One too many? There were 9 last year?

And the protests don't seem to have anything to do with lives. They seem to gather people bent on destruction and anarchy. Only way to have conversations is to be civil. For example 99% of all police officers are great. Why not have the media report some heroic stories vs. those that divide the country. Ratings?

I think the bulk of the protests are not bent on destruction, but there are always opportunists who use a protest for their own agenda, like looting.

I don’t think you can say 99% are great. It seems to vary from department and jurisdiction, and sometimes on who you are. In some jurisdictions you have a rotten culture. If most of the cops in one department are rotten apples, that is devastating for the people doesn’t matter if the cops in the next county are good and professional. An example of a rotten culture is the police department that handled the Ahmed Arbery case.

I agree that civility is the best way to have a conversation, but what if civility keeps getting ignored and nothing changes?
Civility has yet to be tried. People need to be reasonable. You think a pair of police officers could hold me down? I am 6’2/205. I can even without going to the gym the past 3 mos. bench my body weight 10x without issue. So how would they have to handle me if I were belligerent and they could not use choke holds or tasers?

We assume all incidents are like Floyd’s but that’s a outlier not the norm.
It's not just me Pepaw. Science and virology tell us to use a face covering and stay 6+ feet away from each other when we are out in public. I didn't make this shit up all by myself.

You are sundowning awfully early in the day.
Your desperation to justify your Hatred and Intolerance towards those who don't think and act the way YOU think they should is palpable.

Your thoughts, attitudes, and post, are not that of a normal thinking person.

No amount of word salad will change that fact.
It's not just me Pepaw. Science and virology tell us to use a face covering and stay 6+ feet away from each other when we are out in public. I didn't make this shit up all by myself.

You are sundowning awfully early in the day.
Your desperation to justify your Hatred and Intolerance towards those who don't think and act the way YOU think they should is palpable.

Your thoughts, attitudes, and post, are not that of a normal thinking person.

No amount of word salad will change that fact.
^^^^ Does not believe in science.

But make no mistake. I do hate Trumpers. I think they are stupid, ignorant, inbred fools. They are the reason we could not handle this virus.

Btw, how are things in Houston?
^^^^ Does not believe in science.

Says the person who believes in Global Warming, that Life DOES NOT begin a conception, and there are 35 different genders ....

Leftist .... Go Figure !!!!

But make no mistake. I do hate Trumpers. I think they are stupid, ignorant, inbred fools.

Yes ....

Your Hatred and Intolerance is palpable

They are the reason we could not handle this virus.

But, you obviously didn't have a problem with 60 million Americans contracting H1N1 under B. Hussein's reign.

The Leftist Hypocrisy never ends ....

Btw, how are things in Houston?

I don;t live in that Democrat run Shithole.
White racists have infiltrated the protests and have committed most of the violence knowing that blacks would be blamed. And sure enough all we have heard here is about less than 2 percent of the people attending the protests. Many of you are the first to whine about whites being painted with a broad brush. You cry "not all whites" at ANY mention of white racism. So until the broad brush painting of BLM protesters stop, don't come in here whining about not all whites. And when I say this I am talking to the mfs here who are justifying this shooting.
soooooo what you are trying to say is the people we saw looting and burning in the past few weeks were a few looters that were recognizable whites and the rest were whites in black face ? clearly you are correct ! look at these white racists in blackface looting in order to make blacks look bad and get the blame ! 1593373993165.png
It's not just me Pepaw. Science and virology tell us to use a face covering and stay 6+ feet away from each other when we are out in public. I didn't make this shit up all by myself.

You are sundowning awfully early in the day.
Your desperation to justify your Hatred and Intolerance towards those who don't think and act the way YOU think they should is palpable.

Your thoughts, attitudes, and post, are not that of a normal thinking person.

No amount of word salad will change that fact.
^^^^ Does not believe in science.

But make no mistake. I do hate Trumpers. I think they are stupid, ignorant, inbred fools. They are the reason we could not handle this virus.

Btw, how are things in Houston?
things in Houston are going much much much better than things went in NYC under Coumo and De Blasio !
soooooo what you are trying to say is the people we saw looting and burning in the past few weeks were a few looters that were recognizable whites and the rest were whites in black face ? clearly you are correct ! look at these white racists in blackface looting in order to make blacks look bad and get the blame ! View attachment 356397
Yep ....

That's the kind of shit these psycho Leftist expect us to believe.
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
What makes you think they were shooting at innocent protestors?

I am sure this is just another Black on Black crime perpetrated by those who really pose a threat to Black Lives.

It happens everyday with these people, you know ....

Most protestors are innocent.

Is it open season on protesters? Can we shoot those protesting against social distancing and wearing masks? How many males can I shoot ? Are females in season?

Yes. With no cops you can do as you please.
Louisville, Ky. has shootings every fuckin day...them gang ******* down there shoot somebody every day and the police do nothing, as in this case, but show up, take reports and leave.....thats why we should defund the police...they're completely useless.
What would the mental health police do?
View attachment 356273The democrats could have stoped this .. they didn’t .. we must
The Democrats ???? The federal government should be stopping this. Playing politics with our security has become a huge mistake, and it will be played big time once these acts have been gotten away with, and are to be used at another date. This nation needs to be locked down tight in these areas of anarchy, turmoil and mayhem. Otherwise we must separate the good from the bad, and show that we have enough sense to decern between the two.
Lock them down? The mayor is a Democrat they refused. So is the governor
That's when the feds or union troops should have moved in. Martial law should have been imposed, the bad actors including the mayor's etc deposed, and order restored.
So they can call trump a racist?
Can't worry about that.. As long as you are saving lives be it black and white, red or yellow, then to hell with what the leftist attempt to pull. At some point political fear must end, and the right thing get done.
I think EVERYONE believes the "protesters" are larger than they are. I think all the politicians think the American People are with them.

I think most people would CHEER some action over cowering in fear and letting the vermin run wild.

Of course the Democrats will never be with law and order, but I think most AMERICANS want to see action
You should be used to it by now. There are so many of us who are Trump supporter haters.
We are use to the American Hating Leftist in this Country.

We know who you are better than you know yourselves.

Before Trump you were "W" haters, before "W", you were HW Haters ..... before HW you were Reagan haters ....

But, what we understand about you American hating Leftist that you guys can't even seem to realize about yourselves is that it has never been about the President in Office but, the FACT that you Extremist are really AMERICA HATING MARXIST POS's ....

After Trump you guys will be Pence haters ...... and so on .....

We all know it's not the President but, this Great Nation that you Marxist PIGS really despise.
Meanwhile, in New York, Chicago style shootings are permeating the the city. I don't know the ethnicity of the people involved, but I have a feeling it's a part of the #blacklivesmatter campaign on the defunding of police, using Joker tactics in the attempting of getting their demands met.
Meanwhile, in New York, Chicago style shootings are permeating the the city. I don't know the ethnicity of the people involved, but I have a feeling it's a part of the #blacklivesmatter campaign on the defunding of police, using Joker tactics in the attempting of getting their demands met.
What do you know about the Louisville shooter? Black backpack, black clothes. Anything else?
You should be used to it by now. There are so many of us who are Trump supporter haters.
We are use to the American Hating Leftist in this Country.

We know who you are better than you know yourselves.

Before Trump you were "W" haters, before "W", you were HW Haters ..... before HW you were Reagan haters ....

But, what we understand about you American hating Leftist that you guys can't even seem to realize about yourselves is that it has never been about the President in Office but, the FACT that you Extremist are really AMERICA HATING MARXIST POS's ....

After Trump you guys will be Pence haters ...... and so on .....

We all know it's not the President but, this Great Nation that you Marxist PIGS really despise.
I voted for W. Twice. I was so stupid! Still, I don't hate him. He was able to interact with other humans in a normal human way. I give him credit for that.

And Mommy will never let Pence be president. You kidder.
Meanwhile, in New York, Chicago style shootings are permeating the the city. I don't know the ethnicity of the people involved, but I have a feeling it's a part of the #blacklivesmatter campaign on the defunding of police, using Joker tactics in the attempting of getting their demands met.
What do you know about the Louisville shooter? Black backpack, black clothes. Anything else?
They've caught the froggy. Doesn't sound like a "patriot," but a deranged lunatic. He's in the hospital, has been arrested several times during the protests, had been asked to leave before for destructive behavior. Sounds like he didn't "come quietly" either.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
I don’t agree, there have been hundreds and hundreds of protests, but media concentrates on the few that turn violent.
No.They are all violent and should be stepped on.

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