Man opens fire on crowd at BLM protest .. it was going to happen

Meanwhile, in New York, Chicago style shootings are permeating the the city. I don't know the ethnicity of the people involved, but I have a feeling it's a part of the #blacklivesmatter campaign on the defunding of police, using Joker tactics in the attempting of getting their demands met.
What do you know about the Louisville shooter? Black backpack, black clothes. Anything else?
They've caught the froggy. Doesn't sound like a "patriot," but a deranged lunatic. He's in the hospital, has been arrested several times during the protests, had been asked to leave before for destructive behavior. Sounds like he didn't "come quietly" either.
Thanks, Old Lady. Hmm... Crazy world, it's a crazy crazy world.
I voted for W. Twice. I was so stupid! Still, I don't hate him. He was able to interact with other humans in a normal human way. I give him credit for that.

You can claim you didn't hate him ... but, the Marxist Left that you so adamantly support sure did.

They made 2 full length movies about his assassination ..... you know ... same kind of shit they are doing with Trump.

And Mommy will never let Pence be president. You kidder.
More Alt Left Universe Delusions ...
I voted for W. Twice. I was so stupid! Still, I don't hate him. He was able to interact with other humans in a normal human way. I give him credit for that.

You can claim you didn't hate him ... but, the Marxist Left that you so adamantly support sure did.

They made 2 full length movies about his assassination ..... you know ... same kind of shit they are doing with Trump.

And Mommy will never let Pence be president. You kidder.
More Alt Left Universe Delusions ...
At the moment, I support people who wear a mask and stay 6+' away from me. I don't know any people who make movies. I knew someone who wrote a movie once but it was about wine, not assassinations.

Pence's mommy told me she forbade Mikey to grab 'em by the pussy. And besides, who will rub her feet at night??
At the moment, I support people who wear a mask and stay 6+' away from me. I don't know any people who make movies. I knew someone who wrote a movie once but it was about wine, not assassinations.

More Bullshit to deflect from my point.

So typical .....

Pence's mommy told me she forbade Mikey to grab 'em by the pussy. And besides, who will rub her feet at night??
Doubles down on Alt Left Universe Delusions ...

You really aren't very good at this are you?

It's OK ....

I will stop responding.

You really don't have enough information to discuss this topic with me.

Maybe you can get better traction in a Safe Space somewhere.
Press conference about what happened.

A disruptive protester opened fire; from the video it looks as if protesters were trying to get him to leave, which they've done before, police said. When he began shooting, several other armed protesters shot back. The shooter was apparently wounded, but ran.
The victim was 27 year old Tyler Gerth.

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killings in chaz and now this....the radicals are killing their own.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies

According to the article, this a peaceful protest, in area of ongoing peaceful protests. What “crap” was anyone having to take that justifies a shooting?
I’m waiting for more news to come out but I hope it was a patriot that took them out

Patriots are not murderers.
You confuse patriots with thugs, not uncommon on the right.
What are the protest about, if you can tell me. I’d be happy
The particular one, in which you rejoiced in some being shot, was over the killing of Breonna Taylor and the use of no-knock warrents. It is stated in the article.
Oh and speaking of no knock warrants, otherwise that are essential regardless of that incident happening, the attempt to ban them are as dumb as it gets. I know alot of Police, and that is essential to their work. What you gonna do, walk up to the drug dealers lair, and knock on his door ???

Listen if a situation went wrong, then correct it, and if neglect to follow procedures is found then correct it, but to attack something that works 99.9 % of the time, you have GOT to be kidding me.

Hopefully this crazy bullcrap will be put back in it's place by people with some damn sense, because this nation of crazies have lost their minds.
I don’t oppose no knocks, but I think there needs to be stricter rules on when to use them.
Do you have the stats on them working verses when they don't ? If not then are you just rambling on ??

No stats as such, though I can do some research. There are too many anecdotal incidents where it went bad, or was unjustified, for my comfort. It certainly is needed, but is it overused or insppropriatly FISA?
The guy hasn't been named. He's in custody. There's video in my link.
I think the longer we allow lawlessness in the streets disguised as “peaceful” protest the more incidents like this we ate going to have
The guy hasn't been named. He's in custody. There's video in my link.
I think the longer we allow lawlessness in the streets disguised as “peaceful” protest the more incidents like this we ate going to have
Well, the protests at this particular park weren't exactly "lawlessness in the streets," but the city did put an end to the camp out there. Too much invitation for drama. And the cops were NONE too happy that several of the protesters were armed, as well as the trouble maker. When he opened fire, so did they. Those shooters are also being "investigated." Of course, that's just self defense, right? I hear that all the time here. It's a wonder and a mercy that only one person died.

This is the group that vowed not to leave until the cops involved in the Breonna Taylor killing are prosecuted and in jail. Their ongoing daily protests have been going on for over two weeks. Like CHOP, it started quietly enough, but stuff happens, doesn't it? This shooter, whoever he was, was violent and aggressive enough for the protesters to want him out. Apparently, this time he got really upset about it. In a public gathering like that, you can't really control who strolls in, can you? I wonder if the protesters will return with determination now that this has happened, and continue their day protests. It would make me think twice. Shit just got REAL.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
I don’t agree, there have been hundreds and hundreds of protests, but media concentrates on the few that turn violent.
No.They are all violent and should be stepped on.
Translation: the only acceptable protests are those that support my views.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
I don’t agree, there have been hundreds and hundreds of protests, but media concentrates on the few that turn violent.
No.They are all violent and should be stepped on.
Translation: the only acceptable protests are those that support my views.
Only acceptable ones are the ones where violence doesn’t break out.

How much more crap do you think we are going to take? DC is nuts right now..

Maybe this shooting will keep the rioters home.. stop looting!
Democrat mayors do your job and they won’t open fire on your welfare babies
Does shooting peaceful protestors make you happy?
There is no such thing as peaceful protesters anymore it seems. If you’re bitten by dogs over and over again and a dog runs at you, will you assume it’s friendly and not defend yourself? If a protest came to my door, I would not assume it will be peaceful. The Leftists have themselves to blame for it.
I don’t agree, there have been hundreds and hundreds of protests, but media concentrates on the few that turn violent.
No.They are all violent and should be stepped on.
Translation: the only acceptable protests are those that support my views.
Nope. Only those with a PERMIT.

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