Man Raises $1.14 M for Charity, Media Digs Up 8 Year Old Tweet to Attack Him

My questions for those who went digging for the dirt: How many diapers do you go through a day? How many times a day is your thumb in your mouth?

God bless you and the man always!!!


P.S. In other words, if certain people want to be looked at how they are now and not how they used be, its not going to happen if them certain people are not willing to practice what they preach.
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Screw the shitstains.
Guy did a good thing and some companies followed matching donations.
Brings to mind the old Navy saying................."One aw shit wipes out a thousand attaboy's."

That being said, I don't really think that he should be demonized for stupid crap he did as a high school kid. We've all done stupid stuff before we were 18 that we regretted a bit when we grew up, I know I did.

I'm happy that the donations are going to keep going through the end of the month, but I think it's really unfair to castigate this guy. I mean hey, he did something really good. Quick question, how many others out there would have decided to donate the money after the first 1,000 was raised? How many others would use it for themselves?
Michael Jackson donated a million times more than that, literally, at least.

You folks feel the same way about him?
Michael Jackson donated a million times more than that, literally, at least.

You folks feel the same way about him?
People of all background think things at times not nice. Not that it is right. But it is human. People of all backgrounds say things not nice. Not that it s right. But it is human. And we all can educate ourselves to be better mannered. Then there are people who do things not nice. We know it is not right. And we know it is very human. Since humanity began in fact. We tend to schmooze over the things people DO that is nasty because of our allegiances. We have destroyed individuals for SAYING improper things. Things that become political. The pizza guy was destroyed for that. Yet he was a mover and shaker of this world. So the parasites put in a former privileged basketball star as the face of the company. For a national chain their pizza is not bad. May it go out of business. Just one of many companies that should.
He was a child molester. Glad he is gone.
No he wasn't.

He was investigated and followed for at least a decade by the FBI and they didn't find anything wrong. Like, at all.

However, I can point out quite a few living child molesters, some of which, I'm certain you're a fan of, right now if you like.
Progressives are against voluntary charity
They want charity to be an arm of government through taxation and distribution.
He was a child molester. Glad he is gone.
No he wasn't.

He was investigated and followed for at least a decade by the FBI and they didn't find anything wrong. Like, at all.

However, I can point out quite a few living child molesters, some of which, I'm certain you're a fan of, right now if you like.
He paid millions In hush money. I get it he was a liberal. Your kind stick up for your own.
He was a child molester. Glad he is gone.
No he wasn't.

He was investigated and followed for at least a decade by the FBI and they didn't find anything wrong. Like, at all.

However, I can point out quite a few living child molesters, some of which, I'm certain you're a fan of, right now if you like.
Sleeping with kids that aren’t his own is creepy.
What’s more, Jackson was an established star with tons more money than he ever donated so the altruism isn’t truly comparable. Bad attempted analogy. Unless you’re trying to justify this episode — and I doubt you are since Jackson was black and that’s the most important of all things for you.
He was 16 at the time.

Any wonder that people have a lower opinion of the media than they do Congress?

WATCH: Man Raises $1Million for Charity! And Media Ruins It Over Ancient Tweets.

In the New Leftist Religion, Racism is an unforgivable offense. There is no absolution and no grace given. It doesn't matter if your Offense happened when you were 15, 12 or 90 with dementia. They will metaphorically burn you at the stake and ruin your life.

They love them some Ultimate Justice our mob Overlords.

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