Man Shot At Protest In Denver

Why it has been allowed to just go on and on and on is flat outright amazing. We have tools in the constitution that stops this sort of thing in it's tracks, yet they're not being used. People being killed, and cities being looted, burned, and anarchy in the streets is totally unexceptable. Yes it's time to declare Marshall law in some of these states NOW. It's time to recall some of these rogue officials, and in some cases lock their aces up. It's past time.
The Federal Government will get involved after the election.

It is Leftist Governors that are allowing this to continue.
Why after the election ?
Doesn't matter. The cult of the right has been reduced to a babbling idiocy. Make up a narrative, no matter the facts, and then convince themselves their newly formed pile of horse shit is true.
Please explain this delusional "made up narrative" you speak of.
Then he got what he deserved.
All I need to know about what he deserved............

pfft.......time to send in the fucking troops and declare martial law.......only reason that is not being done already is the dang election.......after.........I think that will change.
Why it has been allowed to just go on and on and on is flat outright amazing. We have tools in the constitution that stops this sort of thing in it's tracks, yet they're not being used. People being killed, and cities being looted, burned, and anarchy in the streets is totally unexceptable. Yes it's time to declare Marshall law in some of these states NOW. It's time to recall some of these rogue officials, and in some cases lock their aces up. It's past time.
1992.........3000 National Guard went to Los Angeles.......and ended that crap.......should have already been done here already.
again when a gun is in play if you are attacked regardless of what it is and it can incapacitate you and you being the one with the gun have the right to use your weapon in self-defense
That's not accurate nor will it enter the defense.

My bet is this guy pleads down.

There is no self-defense in this case.
From my criminal justice experience, it's very accurate
What happens if you are carrying a gun and someone uses mace on you and they take your gun shoot you and others wouldn't killing that person be in self-defense before he used the mace?
What are you talking about?
I am talking about you minimizing the murder of this American by the Communist Left.
Have they identified anyone yet?

Person A sprayed something on Person B. Person B took out his gun and shot person A.

Not exactly murder.
What are you talking about?
I am talking about you minimizing the murder of this American by the Communist Left.
Have they identified anyone yet?

Person A sprayed something on Person B. Person B took out his gun and shot person A.

Not exactly murder.

Doesn't matter. The cult of the right has been reduced to a babbling idiocy. Make up a narrative, no matter the facts, and then convince themselves their newly formed pile of horse shit is true.
hey, Limu pull your head out of the asshole you have it stuck in. Your denial will not change the facts
again when a gun is in play if you are attacked regardless of what it is and it can incapacitate you and you being the one with the gun have the right to use your weapon in self-defense
That's not accurate nor will it enter the defense.

My bet is this guy pleads down.

There is no self-defense in this case.
From my criminal justice experience, it's very accurate
What happens if you are carrying a gun and someone uses mace on you and they take your gun shoot you and others wouldn't killing that person be in self-defense before he used the mace?
Nope, unfortunately we are not mind readers, so a pre-emptive strike is not allowed. The only thing a person can be trained in, uhh is how to use a person's body language and threatening speak in order to adjust accordingly to a possible threat, otherwise to position oneself out of the danger zone if the person decides to make a move based on these things as a lead up to the move. Now, another thing is that if a person is making threatening body language or threats to your life verbally, and maybe they are armed or not, then you could get the drop on them first by drawing your weapon, and aggressively ordering the person to the ground hands behind the back until help arrives. If the person doesn't comply, then just keep your weapon drawn in order to stop any further advancements of the person on you.
Wow, this is worse than I thought, it was literally Denver 9News that is hunting and killing people now?

9News hired a security guard to follow and harass peaceful protesters looking for an excuse to shoot one on camera.
News= enemy of the people
Liberal leftist news.
Denver police said in a tweet that further investigation determined the suspect taken into custody is a private security guard with no affiliation with Antifa. The shooting is being investigated as a homicide, police said.

CNN affiliate KUSA, also known as 9NEWS, reported that the suspect detained by police is a private security guard hired by the station.

You're so fucking stupid, you need to be beat to death with a yard rake.
Doloff is a Trump Hater, a Leftist Activist that supports OWS, BLM, ANTIFA, and Bernie Sanders.

Doloff is charged with First Degree Murder.

9News will be sued out of existence and rightfully so.

Keith Oberman got what he called for.

And, this Leftist will be convicted of murder.
There are not many details coming out so far

it appears that the person arrested for the shooting was an employee of the local NBC tv station

if so I imagine the liberal news media will not want to say much about it
There are not many details coming out so far

it appears that the person arrested for the shooting was an employee of the local NBC tv station

if so I imagine the liberal news media will not want to say much about it
Doloff was subcontracted by 9News through Pinkerton.

Doloff is a Trump Hater, a Leftist Activist that supports OWS, BLM, ANTIFA, and Bernie Sanders.

He was the very LAST person who should have been on an armed security detail at a pro-America Rally.

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