Man Shot At Protest In Denver

Then he got what he deserved.
All I need to know about what he deserved............

pfft.......time to send in the fucking troops and declare martial law.......only reason that is not being done already is the dang election.......after.........I think that will change.
says mace was used then the firearm
So ...does this mean the next time BLM/ ANTIFA pepper spray some one they can blow them away?
yes---if you mace someone, you can be incapacitated
security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.
I'd have thought being hit and maced - assaulted - is a reason.

Being maced is a provocation. It is non-lethal though and thus NOT a reason to escalate to lethal force.

A provocation is not cause for self defense.
actually, if you're carrying a gun and get maced that person can take your gun it is a means to self defense

Is "can" cause to shoot someone? And why did the guy mace the Lefty? Just out of meanness?
Now this goes to using Mace the guy could use a gun in defense crap.

Guess under that logic the police and Feds can kill anyone who throws mace at them......or the Looters and rioters can shoot police if they use tear gas on them or mace.

Got news for you morons pushing that..........A dang backhoe couldn't shovel the shit you are posting here.
actually, if you're carrying a gun and get maced that person can take your gun it is a means to self defense
But, first that person would have to go after your weapon.

That didn't happen.

Dolloff's weapon was already drawn before the macing.

There is a reason this Leftist has been charged with First Degree Murder.
actually, if you're carrying a gun and get maced that person can take your gun it is a means to self defense
But, first that person would have to go after your weapon.

That didn't happen.

Dolloff's weapon was already drawn before the macing.

There is a reason this Leftist has been charged with First Degree Murder.

Macing someone who pulls a gun on you, during an argument, is completely called for.

Pulling a gun, because someone disagrees with you, is not.
Do you even remember when Denver was one of the greatest cities in America??
It was until about 15 yrs ago
Then massive waves of Californians have obliterated it

Denver is dead city full of human trash
It was more than 15 years ago...It was the '90s, when fires, floods, mudslides, and riots chased a slew of Foricalians to Colorado.....They've completely infested the western slope too.
Yes he got smacked, but the man backed up, you can’t be a provocateur did not expect to get confronted.. You can’t shoot somebody because you’re a communist
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9News will be sued our of existence and rightfully so.

Keith Oberman got what he called for.

And, this Leftist will be convicted of murder.
security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.
I'd have thought being hit and maced - assaulted - is a reason.

Being maced is a provocation. It is non-lethal though and thus NOT a reason to escalate to lethal force.

A provocation is not cause for self defense.
actually, if you're carrying a gun and get maced that person can take your gun it is a means to self defense

Is "can" cause to shoot someone? And why did the guy mace the Lefty? Just out of meanness?
again when a gun is in play if you are attacked regardless of what it is and it can incapacitate you and you being the one with the gun have the right to use your weapon in self-defense
This is what the DNC wanted.............they gaslighted the hell out of the country............They don't give a damn about the people...........All they care about is power.
You are exactly right..... They pumped up every radical group known, and did it to raging levels. They are the dog on the porch that runs off the porch to get all the dogs fighting, and then it goes back upon the porch to watch the action.
Dolloff was a Trump Hater, a Leftist Activist that supports OWS, BLM, ANTIFA, and Bernie Sanders.

He was the very LAST person who should have been on an armed security detail at a pro-America Rally.
again when a gun is in play if you are attacked regardless of what it is and it can incapacitate you and you being the one with the gun have the right to use your weapon in self-defense
That's not accurate nor will it enter the defense.

My bet is this guy pleads down.

There is no self-defense in this case.
Then he got what he deserved.
All I need to know about what he deserved............

pfft.......time to send in the fucking troops and declare martial law.......only reason that is not being done already is the dang election.......after.........I think that will change.
Why it has been allowed to just go on and on and on is flat outright amazing. We have tools in the constitution that stops this sort of thing in it's tracks, yet they're not being used. People being killed, and cities being looted, burned, and anarchy in the streets is totally unexceptable. Yes it's time to declare Marshall law in some of these states NOW. It's time to recall some of these rogue officials, and in some cases lock their aces up. It's past time.
I find it interesting how when these stories ... which are many these days .... first come out, these threads are on fire with Leftist trying to defend their Leftist brothers.

But, as always when more information comes out .... and the story turns into just another Leftist Attacking/Murdering another pro-America Citizen ....

The threads are then abandoned.

So typical ....
Why it has been allowed to just go on and on and on is flat outright amazing. We have tools in the constitution that stops this sort of thing in it's tracks, yet they're not being used. People being killed, and cities being looted, burned, and anarchy in the streets is totally unexceptable. Yes it's time to declare Marshall law in some of these states NOW. It's time to recall some of these rogue officials, and in some cases lock their aces up. It's past time.
The Federal Government will get involved after the election.

It is Leftist Governors that are allowing this to continue.
What are you talking about?
I am talking about you minimizing the murder of this American by the Communist Left.
Have they identified anyone yet?

Person A sprayed something on Person B. Person B took out his gun and shot person A.

Not exactly murder.
What are you talking about?
I am talking about you minimizing the murder of this American by the Communist Left.
Have they identified anyone yet?

Person A sprayed something on Person B. Person B took out his gun and shot person A.

Not exactly murder.

Doesn't matter. The cult of the right has been reduced to a babbling idiocy. Make up a narrative, no matter the facts, and then convince themselves their newly formed pile of horse shit is true.

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