Man Shot At Protest In Denver

Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Of course not. But we don't know what exactly led up to that moment.

If this guy was hostile to me, and I believed that my life was in danger, and saw him pulling something out of his jacket..... I would likely assume this was a weapon and I would shoot him.

It appears, from the video I watched, and this picture, that the guard thought he was going to pull a gun on him, and fired first.

Now again... who knows. Impossible at this stage to know the full story.

Could be we have a guard that over reacted, and killed a man who was just asking for directions to the nearest Basken Robbin's for some ice cream.

Does that seem likely? Not to me. But.... but it is possible.

I don't want to jump to conclusions at this point, because every single time in the past 4 years, I've been told thus and so...... about Kavanough, about Covington Kids, about Jussie Somellet, about Russia Trump, about Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, and on and on and on......

What we learn months later, is that every single thing the left-wing has said about ANYTHING... has been 100% lies.

I'll wait until the facts come out about this.

The videos of the shooting are everywhere.

He didn't liked to be maced and he killed the Trump supporter. He is a criminal.

End of story.

Again... what led up to it? Did he instigate it? Then he got what he deserved.

No, I want to know all the facts. Not just what you think are the fact. I've heard people like you say you got it all figured out before, with all those other cases, and 100% of them were full of lies and crap.

I'll wait until I know the full and complete story.
Murdering people is OK because I don’t like them.
Typical Leftist fascist brown shirter.
Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Of course not. But we don't know what exactly led up to that moment.

If this guy was hostile to me, and I believed that my life was in danger, and saw him pulling something out of his jacket..... I would likely assume this was a weapon and I would shoot him.

It appears, from the video I watched, and this picture, that the guard thought he was going to pull a gun on him, and fired first.

Now again... who knows. Impossible at this stage to know the full story.

Could be we have a guard that over reacted, and killed a man who was just asking for directions to the nearest Basken Robbin's for some ice cream.

Does that seem likely? Not to me. But.... but it is possible.

I don't want to jump to conclusions at this point, because every single time in the past 4 years, I've been told thus and so...... about Kavanough, about Covington Kids, about Jussie Somellet, about Russia Trump, about Freddie Gray, Michael Brown, Breonna Taylor, and on and on and on......

What we learn months later, is that every single thing the left-wing has said about ANYTHING... has been 100% lies.

I'll wait until the facts come out about this.

The videos of the shooting are everywhere.

He didn't liked to be maced and he killed the Trump supporter. He is a criminal.

End of story.

Again... what led up to it? Did he instigate it? Then he got what he deserved.

No, I want to know all the facts. Not just what you think are the fact. I've heard people like you say you got it all figured out before, with all those other cases, and 100% of them were full of lies and crap.

I'll wait until I know the full and complete story.
Murdering people is OK because I don’t like them.
Typical Leftist fascist brown shirter.

You sound like a left-winger, flipping out without knowing anything about me or my position.

I'm so far right-wing, I make right-wingers look like communists.

I would have the national guard deployed in every single major city, with orders to shoot to kill anyone anywhere, that engages in anything at is remotely like a protest, let alone a riot, unless they are absolutely 100% peaceful, and have a permit to engage in a protest, in a designated area.

And I would have every single citizen required by law to spend 2 years in the military, with weapons training, and have everyone encouraged to own a firearm, with a conceal and carry permit.

All that said..... I'm also not an idiot that thinks you can't instigate a response.

Just like if criminals attack, hit, scream, insult and provoke police to beat the crap out of them.... I would side with police.

At the exact same time, if a right-winger does something to provoke a violent response.... I don't have much sympathy for them.

I felt the same way, 10 years ago, when a bunch of idiotic "Christian" people went to a Muslim celebration of some sort, and were provoking them. Then they cried and whined about how the Muslims started tossing bottles at them.... and I frankly had no sympathy.

Just because the left-wing is a bunch of mindless evil, disgusting people.... doesn't mean we on the right have justification to be just as idiotic, and provoke a violent response, and then start complaining when something bad happens. Don't be a jerk. Stop provoking crap.

We're supposed to be the good guys. That means not acting as disgusting as them.
Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Proves my point... Don't bring mace to a gunfight....
Rittenhouse is right... Any BLM/Antifa attacking you deserves the actions of Rittenhouse. It's called self defense..I don't venture from my home unless I'm carrying my Sig 365.
Of course, in this incident, there was no BLM/Antifa attacker--just a security guard protecting his principle. We have plenty of video...and the investigation is just getting started..but I'll make ya a bet...I bet this security guard gets out of jail..many years before Rittenhouse does~
Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Proves my point... Don't bring mace to a gunfight....
Rittenhouse is right... Any BLM/Antifa attacking you deserves the actions of Rittenhouse. It's called self defense..I don't venture from my home unless I'm carrying my Sig 365.
Of course, in this incident, there was no BLM/Antifa attacker--just a security guard protecting his principle. We have plenty of video...and the investigation is just getting started..but I'll make ya a bet...I bet this security guard gets out of jail..many years before Rittenhouse does~

You're full of shit and here's the proof he was ANTIFA. Rosa antifa tat on his arm.

Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Proves my point... Don't bring mace to a gunfight....
Rittenhouse is right... Any BLM/Antifa attacking you deserves the actions of Rittenhouse. It's called self defense..I don't venture from my home unless I'm carrying my Sig 365.
Of course, in this incident, there was no BLM/Antifa attacker--just a security guard protecting his principle. We have plenty of video...and the investigation is just getting started..but I'll make ya a bet...I bet this security guard gets out of jail..many years before Rittenhouse does~

4chan had this asshole nailed in a few hours. He's a leftist going way back. He shot the guy while the guy was moving back. He's going to spend the rest of his life in jail.

He went there looking to get patriots.

Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Proves my point... Don't bring mace to a gunfight....
Rittenhouse is right... Any BLM/Antifa attacking you deserves the actions of Rittenhouse. It's called self defense..I don't venture from my home unless I'm carrying my Sig 365.
Of course, in this incident, there was no BLM/Antifa attacker--just a security guard protecting his principle. We have plenty of video...and the investigation is just getting started..but I'll make ya a bet...I bet this security guard gets out of jail..many years before Rittenhouse does~

Booked on first degree murder. AOC and Moore follower. 145 pound, 5' 11" soy boy pussy. He's going to make someone a real nice wife for about 50 years.

Also another reason I believe all this story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.
They said that the security guard was arguing with the guy before shooting him---------sounds like the news station reportter and guard were actually protesting. Which doesn't surprise me--think the media has done more than imbedded but is manipulating and controlling the mob attacks to a point.
This is what the DNC wanted.............they gaslighted the hell out of the country............They don't give a damn about the people...........All they care about is power.
what the hell you talking about? the media told us this was all Trumps fault get back in line and stop making trouble
Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Proves my point... Don't bring mace to a gunfight....
Rittenhouse is right... Any BLM/Antifa attacking you deserves the actions of Rittenhouse. It's called self defense..I don't venture from my home unless I'm carrying my Sig 365.
Of course, in this incident, there was no BLM/Antifa attacker--just a security guard protecting his principle. We have plenty of video...and the investigation is just getting started..but I'll make ya a bet...I bet this security guard gets out of jail..many years before Rittenhouse does~

Booked on first degree murder. AOC and Moore follower. 145 pound, 5' 11" soy boy pussy. He's going to make someone a real nice wife for about 50 years.

Actually, the threat started with the Clintons, Lynch, Cathy Griffin, Maxine Waters, Snoop dog, Madonna,
James Hodgkinson, director Oskar Eustis the leftists controlled mainstream media
Also another reason I believe all these story about the security guard is fishy is because security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.

Security guards are not trained to do that. That is crime plain and simple.

He was sprayed with mace. Also the police said 2 guns and a can of mace were found at the scene.

Mace is no reason to shoot anybody in the head.

Proves my point... Don't bring mace to a gunfight....
Rittenhouse is right... Any BLM/Antifa attacking you deserves the actions of Rittenhouse. It's called self defense..I don't venture from my home unless I'm carrying my Sig 365.
Of course, in this incident, there was no BLM/Antifa attacker--just a security guard protecting his principle. We have plenty of video...and the investigation is just getting started..but I'll make ya a bet...I bet this security guard gets out of jail..many years before Rittenhouse does~

Not if Rittenhouse gets a fair trial.
security guards don't shoot people in the head for no reason.
I'd have thought being hit and maced - assaulted - is a reason.

Being maced is a provocation. It is non-lethal though and thus NOT a reason to escalate to lethal force.

A provocation is not cause for self defense.
actually, if you're carrying a gun and get maced that person can take your gun it is a means to self defense

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