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Man standing in his own back yard shot 20 times by police. He was armed with a cell phone.

But Joe Jones doesn't tell the officer he has a CCW and a weapon in the car you idiot! And he doesn't have his family with him... You stupid dolt!

You damn fool.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER"
what a suspect says, nor does it matter who's in the car. The instant that your hand disappears, you are shot. If you don't know that, and remember it well, you may not be living very long.
Crappy liberal school teachers.
Lets just say I know from experience and I was on the right side of the badge.. How about YOU? What I say here is backed by actual hands on experience.

Your graphic example is pointless. If your tabloid is accurate, armed cops wouldn't have made a difference. In fact, gruesome murders happen here too; and, all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body. Given that post mortem fact, I can assume the end result consisted of an arrest for murder.
So you're in favor of cops going around without guns, huh ? I suspect you're a criminal, and I wouldn't be surprised if you're posting from a prison cell, that you're due to be released from this year.

Cops without guns. Are you nuts ?

And if "all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body"
then the prisons would be empty, wouldn't they ?


Suspect what you will, it matters not to me. But now you are getting silly. IN the USA a cop has to e armed because the average citizens are armed. My reference to the British Bobbies emanated as a response to your ludicrous notion that there is no such thing as an unarmed man.

But evidence of your ignorance grows exponentially with each post. You said:
"And if "all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body", then the prisons would be empty, wouldn't they" ?

My response:

I'm shocked at the depth of your stupidity and lack of knowledge. Have you even bothered to check the FBI UCR in regards to murder statistics? The black arrest rate for murder is 12 in 100, 000. The conviction rate is even less per 100,000.
:lol: You were an armed security guard and you want to challenge ME on police procedure? Heh heh heh... you're a loon! You should have said stop talking TO stupid: the object of stupidity referring to YOU! Thats why you don't know that the first thing a cop does is identify himself as a cop, especially in the dark of night or when not in uniform. And that "Let me see your hands" line isn't a standard order when a suspect is in your sights. "Raise your hands above your head" or "get down on the ground with your hands in the small of your back are more common orders.

When it comes to confronting a bad guy, police and security guards are no different. If you allow the guy to reach into his jacket, or a car window, a second later, you could be dead. Simple as that.

The last job I worked on, had 2 guys who were ex-cops. They thought they were better than the guards. They were clueless on security. Security and police are 2 different jobs. One is a responder (the cop) who rides around mobile in a car, and doesn't know too much about any particular site. The other is a defender (guard), who stays stationary at one site, and gets to know every nook and cranny of it over the years.

The ex-cops were so bad (and thought they were great), they both wound up getting fired. Neither one even lasted 3 months.

And the phrase "Let me see your hands" is the very common order. You can hear them saying it on the dash recordings shown on the Justice Channel and Escape Channel, constantly. Maybe you just weren't doing your job quite right.
But Joe Jones doesn't tell the officer he has a CCW and a weapon in the car you idiot! And he doesn't have his family with him... You stupid dolt!

You damn fool.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> "IT DOESN'T MATTER"
what a suspect says, nor does it matter who's in the car. The instant that your hand disappears, you are shot. If you don't know that, and remember it well, you may not be living very long.
Crappy liberal school teachers.
Oh, I've lived more than half a century already with numerous traffic stops under my belt on both sides of the window.
But I do admit that my veteran's cap and decals might have played some part in how the cops approached me during a traffic stop. Perhaps more decent Black folks ought to get vet decals for their cars.
I am glad they did not hit the Grandmother with stray bullets going through her back screen door. Or any possible children. Look at this;

Nationwide, police sh people in 2017.ot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017

Three years in a row police killed about 1,000 people, only 17 of those Black last year. ( Only those precints that submitted data.) Interesting, if this is the case, then they are shooting plenty of more Whites. White men would then have far, far more rights about this, and I wonder why we cannot hear their voice?

More than 5,000 people have been killed by police since May 1, 2013. Over the last 4 yeas police have killed over 1,000. 293 people have been killed by police this year so far and we haven't finished the third month. Police killed 1193 people in 2017 and more than 17 were black. And when we are discussing unarmed killings the number is disproportionately black. Now as you say you are a 62 year old man and have seen years of police brutality against blacks go unnoticed one must ask why you have decided to take this position. For you can get shot and are more likely to get shot by police than a 62 year old white man. If you don't think so, study the case of Kenneth Chamberlain.

Killed By Police - 2017 (1193)

LOL 17 out of 1193? WOW someone call Al Sharpton, we have a racial crisis on our hands.

Oh and it's fucking RICH that mister "per capita doesn't matter" says "disproportionately black"

rates matter all of a sudden. Only when it advances your narrative, huh?

The only reason your white asses use per Capita is to advance your racist agenda. Suddenly now more whites get killed by police so per capita doesn't matter to you anymore. Now the totals matter. So who is using per capita to advance something, YOU, punk ass racist. There were more than 17 blacks who got killed in 2017. And most whites who got killed were killed in shootouts or standoffs with police.
Unfortunately for you, I did learn laws pertaining to several areas, including civil rights. You went to law school and graduated just as stupid as you were when you entered.. The use of the fleeing felon rule didn't apply in this case. That's my point and your trying to argue to justify the use of deadly force by police just because a person runs shows why having people like you in the legal system is a problem. Unfortunately for you as a right wing extremist practicing law is the number of police shows on TV. I've watched countless chases where police didn't have to kill unarmed citizens. So take your post and stick it up your bum because it does not reflect anything but your opinion as to why this guy needed to be killed. We all know the police have the authority to kill when their lives are in danger, don't need some idiot practicing law to tell us that. We also know they get to do so upon their discretion whether the threat be real or not. We don't need a right wing dunce cap to explain that either, Since you know so much about the law why not notice this is a problem, police imagining a threat that's not there and police killing people because they "imagine'. Last you know good and damn well "I felt threatened" is a common excuse and that Slager tried planting a taser on Scott to make it look like he posed a fucking threat and if not for the guy filming him doing it Slager would have got away with murder and idiots like you would be postiing up the silly crap you just posted.
Slager did not murder anybody. He was fully justified in shooting Walter Scott by virtue of the Fleeing Felon Rule. His charge and arrest was entirely a political act done by N. Charleston city fathers to placate the black voting majority there.

Likewise, you are wrong on your attack against the professor. He knows what he's talking about. You are in the wrong, and you are only taking a position that you think you should for your "team". But this isn't football game.

Fuck you. The fleeing felon rule didn't apply to the Walter Scott case either. .Slager murdered Scott.
I am glad they did not hit the Grandmother with stray bullets going through her back screen door. Or any possible children. Look at this;

Nationwide, police shot and killed nearly 1,000 people in 2017

Three years in a row police killed about 1,000 people, only 17 of those Black last year. ( Only those precints that submitted data.) Interesting, if this is the case, then they are shooting plenty of more Whites. White men would then have far, far more rights about this, and I wonder why we cannot hear their voice?

Mikiel you do more harm than good by saying things like this in this forum. First of all it's untrue. Second you validate the racists here by discounting the experiences of blacks. You claim to be black so you are dissing your own experience. You have allowed a racist like protectionist to discount what blacks go thorough because of your comments.
More than 5,000 people have been killed by police since May 1, 2013. Over the last 4 yeas police have killed over 1,000. 293 people have been killed by police this year so far and we haven't finished the third month. Police killed 1193 people in 2017 and more than 17 were black. And when we are discussing unarmed killings the number is disproportionately black. Now as you say you are a 62 year old man and have seen years of police brutality against blacks go unnoticed one must ask why you have decided to take this position. For you can get shot and are more likely to get shot by police than a 62 year old white man. If you don't think so, study the case of Kenneth Chamberlain.

Killed By Police - 2017 (1193)
This link you supplied looks like it was concocted by some kid in the 8th grade. All by himself.

Well the stories about the police killings that are linked don't.

Oprah Winfrey FINALLY Addresses America's PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS


May I share medical knowledge about America's expanding "Public Health Crisis" Oprah Winfrey states she recently became aware of?

On Sunday, March 11, 2018, during a 60 Minutes segment titled "Treating Trauma", Belinda Pittman-McGee, a Domestic Abuse victim-survivor, EDUCATES Oprah Winfrey, a 'Childhood Trauma' aka 'Adverse Childhood Experiences' (#ACEs) victim-survivor, about our Nation's PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS, a potentially life scarring medical disease and condition known as, 'Childhood Trauma' aka 'Adverse Childhood Experiences' (#ACEs).

In my opinion, this brief exchange with world renown Childhood Development researcher Dr. Bruce Perry, M.D., Ph.D, is the most 'important highlight' of the full 14 minute segment.

Oprah reports on childhood trauma's long-term effects

The second mind blowing highlight is when Oprah asks Mrs. Pittman-McGee if she believes the cycle of poverty, joblessness, homelessness and incarceration can be solved without first addressing the issue of Childhood Trauma...and Mrs. Pittman-McGee immediately replies, "No."

Watch 60 Minutes: Treating childhood trauma - Full show on CBS All Access

Perhaps training, conditioning, educating our Nation's most precious assets to believe it is okay to 'snitch' by reporting to their school officials "Suspected Cases of Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Maltreatment", will help reduce the number of abused, emotionally neglected and maltreated children maturing into depressed, angry, frustrated, sometimes suic!dal, homic!dal thinking teens and adults (*May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suic!de by Black Children Surprises Researchers - The New York Times*) largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful as well as less fortunate neighbors?
In her own way, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D., pediatrician and CEO of 'The Center for Youth Wellness' joins the late American urban story-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being.

Sadly, Tupac LOUDLY and consistently revealed to his fans and admirers, THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, he was a 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim who matured into an admitted depressed, suic!dal thinking teen and adult speaking about harming his peaceful neighbors to acquire cash needed to feed his neglected, hungry, "hurting" belly...yet NO ONE listened!

"How 'Childhood Trauma' affects health across a lifetime" - Pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, M.D.



American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Tagged: #Parenting, #ACEs, #ChildAbuse, #MedicalDisease, #ChildhoodTrauma, #ChildMaltreatment, #MentalHealth, #FatherlessBoys, #FatherlessGirls, #FatherlessTeens, #FatherlessAdults, #Sadness, #Resentment, #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E >>>REMEDY>>> #A_F_R_E_C_A_N

*"America’s Firm Resolve to End Childhood Abuse and Neglect”*
The only reason your white asses use per Capita is to advance your racist agenda. Suddenly now more whites get killed by police so per capita doesn't matter to you anymore. Now the totals matter. So who is using per capita to advance something, YOU, punk ass racist. There were more than 17 blacks who got killed in 2017. And most whites who got killed were killed in shootouts or standoffs with police.
In the act committing crimes, might we think ? Ones I can recall were doing just that>> Michael Brown, Terrence Crutcher, Laquan McDonald, Alton Sterling, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, etc.
Mikiel you do more harm than good by saying things like this in this forum. First of all it's untrue. Second you validate the racists here by discounting the experiences of blacks. You claim to be black so you are dissing your own experience. You have allowed a racist like protectionist to discount what blacks go thorough because of your comments.
Show one shred of evidence of me, in any way, being a racist. Go ahead.
Fuck you. The fleeing felon rule didn't apply to the Walter Scott case either. .Slager murdered Scott.
This erroneous post is completly refuted by the post it quoted. This happens often with liberal nutjobs.

Slager did not murder anybody. He was fully justified in shooting Walter Scott by virtue of the Fleeing Felon Rule. His charge and arrest was entirely a political act done by N. Charleston city fathers to placate the black voting majority there.
Suspect what you will, it matters not to me. But now you are getting silly. IN the USA a cop has to e armed because the average citizens are armed. My reference to the British Bobbies emanated as a response to your ludicrous notion that there is no such thing as an unarmed man.

But evidence of your ignorance grows exponentially with each post. You said:
"And if "all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body", then the prisons would be empty, wouldn't they" ?

My response:

I'm shocked at the depth of your stupidity and lack of knowledge. Have you even bothered to check the FBI UCR in regards to murder statistics? The black arrest rate for murder is 12 in 100, 000. The conviction rate is even less per 100,000.
This post does nothing to refute what I said, which still stands >> if "all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body", then the prisons would be empty, wouldn't they" ?

Fuck you. The fleeing felon rule didn't apply to the Walter Scott case either. .Slager murdered Scott.
This erroneous post is completly refuted by the post it quoted. This happens often with liberal nutjobs.

Slager did not murder anybody. He was fully justified in shooting Walter Scott by virtue of the Fleeing Felon Rule. His charge and arrest was entirely a political act done by N. Charleston city fathers to placate the black voting majority there.

Wrong. Nothing I said was refuted. The fleeing felon rule only applies when the fleeing person is considered a threat. Scott was no threat, therefore the fleeing felon rule does not apply.
Mikiel you do more harm than good by saying things like this in this forum. First of all it's untrue. Second you validate the racists here by discounting the experiences of blacks. You claim to be black so you are dissing your own experience. You have allowed a racist like protectionist to discount what blacks go thorough because of your comments.
Show one shred of evidence of me, in any way, being a racist. Go ahead.

You are a racist. You claim you lost 2000 jobs because of affirmative action. Your comments as to why Sager was charged and arrested. You claim whites have been hurt even as the policy shows whites have benefited most. You are the worst kind of racist . Now just like the racist you are, you will deny your racism while posting up racist post after racist post. This shows you are disconnected from reality or psychotic.
Suspect what you will, it matters not to me. But now you are getting silly. IN the USA a cop has to e armed because the average citizens are armed. My reference to the British Bobbies emanated as a response to your ludicrous notion that there is no such thing as an unarmed man.

But evidence of your ignorance grows exponentially with each post. You said:
"And if "all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body", then the prisons would be empty, wouldn't they" ?

My response:

I'm shocked at the depth of your stupidity and lack of knowledge. Have you even bothered to check the FBI UCR in regards to murder statistics? The black arrest rate for murder is 12 in 100, 000. The conviction rate is even less per 100,000.
This post does nothing to refute what I said, which still stands >> if "all an armed cop does is get there just in time to draw a chalk mark around the body", then the prisons would be empty, wouldn't they" ?


Most blacks are in prison due to drug related offenses, not murder.. Further, most people, black or white who are arrested for murder, are related to or known to associate with the victim. Gang related murders are random events such as drive bys and opportunistic executions by killers who don't know the victims. Those cases are rarely solved. But in either case the cops didn't prevent any of those murders. Indeed, they arrived in just enough time to draw chalk marks around the bodies.
Last edited:
So he was vandalizing properties and breaking into cars it was dark and he was running from the cops

All this was his own fault. If he wasn't being a piece of shit who was breaking windows and trying to steal cars he'd be alive and well

Life lesson

Don't commit crimes and you won't get dead

Well then he was a criminal, and must bear some of the blame. So now the penalty for breaking into cars and running from the police , is death on the spot! No judge , no jury.

No pity.

Dear Skull Pilot and Mickiel
I think you hit the issues dead on target.
Yes, if he was breaking into cars and evading arrest he is partly responsible for the circumstances.
But Mickiel is right, there is something called Due Process and getting convicted before being
deprived of life and liberty.

Trouble is, neither was Stephon Clark respecting "due process of law" before
depriving people of property if that's indeed what he was doing.

Both sides are to blame for violating lawful due process.
One side had guns and used them to stop the guy by killing him.

This could be prevented by teaching people and forming agreements
with each district to respect the laws and due process. Currently we
don't even teach people their rights until after a crime is committed and it's legally required to read them their rights.

Any teacher in school will tell you that the first step in getting students
assimilated in the classroom is to go over the rules AND the procedure in case of infractions.
All the students have to agree to follow these in order to participate in class.
We need to do the same with residents agreeing to live in a district,
and have signed agreements after training with police on what are the laws and procedures.

This would reduce infractions by teaching those who do have intent to comply with laws and authority,
while screening out the people with disorders addiction or other disability preventing them from
complying or rendering them legally or mentally incompetent, so they can receive assistance or supervision
in severe cases of threat to health or safety.

What if it had been other suspects who were guilty of the breakins?
Then if an innocent person got shot for their crimes, those people
should also be held responsible for felony murder, if someone dies during
the commission of a crime.

There is still an issue of black men getting profiled or getting shot instead of getting due process.
But we can't trust the media to tell us how often this happens or which cases are worse.
The case where a "white woman" got shot by police didn't get protested to the same degree.
I met the family of Travis Allen, a white teenager shot to death by police while lying in handcuffs
on the floor, because they thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
That case didn't get national publicity either.

What we can do is treat all cases that occur with the same intent of addressing all causes
of what went wrong. If young men are committing crimes, whether breaking into cars
as Stephon Clark was suspected or being addicted to illegal drugs as Travis Allen was suspected,
these do not merit the death penalty, and certainly without due process to decide life or death.

Although the punishment was disproportional, the tragedy can be prevented by
addressing the causes of crime and addiction in advance, and not waiting for confrontation with police
to argue for "due process."

These tragedies do not know color, and can be prevented by addressing the
root causes that have affected people of all ages, races and colors.

Police may be caught profiling and discriminating, but that still doesn't address the root cause.
If we resolve those issues, then the same corrections will also change the attitudes
causing profiling and discrimination as well, but not vice versa. Only focusing on the
external problems after the fact will not solve the internal issues; but focusing on the
internal issues of the causes of crime and abuse and mutual respect for due process
will solve both internal and external problems on both sides.
So he was vandalizing properties and breaking into cars it was dark and he was running from the cops

All this was his own fault. If he wasn't being a piece of shit who was breaking windows and trying to steal cars he'd be alive and well

Life lesson

Don't commit crimes and you won't get dead

Well then he was a criminal, and must bear some of the blame. So now the penalty for breaking into cars and running from the police , is death on the spot! No judge , no jury.

No pity.

Dear Skull Pilot and Mickiel
I think you hit the issues dead on target.
Yes, if he was breaking into cars and evading arrest he is partly responsible for the circumstances.
But Mickiel is right, there is something called Due Process and getting convicted before being
deprived of life and liberty.

Trouble is, neither was Stephon Clark respecting "due process of law" before
depriving people of property if that's indeed what he was doing.

Both sides are to blame for violating lawful due process.
One side had guns and used them to stop the guy by killing him.

This could be prevented by teaching people and forming agreements
with each district to respect the laws and due process. Currently we
don't even teach people their rights until after a crime is committed and it's legally required to read them their rights.

Any teacher in school will tell you that the first step in getting students
assimilated in the classroom is to go over the rules AND the procedure in case of infractions.
All the students have to agree to follow these in order to participate in class.
We need to do the same with residents agreeing to live in a district,
and have signed agreements after training with police on what are the laws and procedures.

This would reduce infractions by teaching those who do have intent to comply with laws and authority,
while screening out the people with disorders addiction or other disability preventing them from
complying or rendering them legally or mentally incompetent, so they can receive assistance or supervision
in severe cases of threat to health or safety.

What if it had been other suspects who were guilty of the breakins?
Then if an innocent person got shot for their crimes, those people
should also be held responsible for felony murder, if someone dies during
the commission of a crime.

There is still an issue of black men getting profiled or getting shot instead of getting due process.
But we can't trust the media to tell us how often this happens or which cases are worse.
The case where a "white woman" got shot by police didn't get protested to the same degree.
I met the family of Travis Allen, a white teenager shot to death by police while lying in handcuffs
on the floor, because they thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
That case didn't get national publicity either.

What we can do is treat all cases that occur with the same intent of addressing all causes
of what went wrong. If young men are committing crimes, whether breaking into cars
as Stephon Clark was suspected or being addicted to illegal drugs as Travis Allen was suspected,
these do not merit the death penalty, and certainly without due process to decide life or death.

Although the punishment was disproportional, the tragedy can be prevented by
addressing the causes of crime and addiction in advance, and not waiting for confrontation with police
to argue for "due process."

These tragedies do not know color, and can be prevented by addressing the
root causes that have affected people of all ages, races and colors.

Police may be caught profiling and discriminating, but that still doesn't address the root cause.
If we resolve those issues, then the same corrections will also change the attitudes
causing profiling and discrimination as well, but not vice versa. Only focusing on the
external problems after the fact will not solve the internal issues; but focusing on the
internal issues of the causes of crime and abuse and mutual respect for due process
will solve both internal and external problems on both sides.

Do you not think root causes of things have not been addressed before confrontation? Do you think that these things are always caused by crime and addiction? What crime did Tamir Rice commit. Was Trayvon Martin strung out on skittles? Was Amadou Diallo committing a crime by pulling out keys to unlock his apartment? Was Alton Sterling committing a crime when he got 6 bullets put in him point blank? What crime as Authur McDuffie committing when he was beat to death by cops? How about 61 year old Kenneth Chamberlain, killed by police because he accidently hit his life line? How about the 93 year old black woman gunned down by police in Atlanta during a mistaken drug bust? People like you work real hard to help obstruct from people working to get others to see the true root causes of these problems. You cannot ignore he fact that there are countless studies and cases that tell us there is a serious problem with racism in the criminal justice system. That a black man is 3 times more likely to get shot than a white one. What the media doesn't show is irrelevant. What the statistics show is. You want to deny statistics and doing that does more harm than good. I'm a back man and I'll be damned if a stupid ass black woman is going to jeopardize my life because she thinks she can appeal to the morals of people who are willfully immoral by validating their beliefs..
So he was vandalizing properties and breaking into cars it was dark and he was running from the cops

All this was his own fault. If he wasn't being a piece of shit who was breaking windows and trying to steal cars he'd be alive and well

Life lesson

Don't commit crimes and you won't get dead

Well then he was a criminal, and must bear some of the blame. So now the penalty for breaking into cars and running from the police , is death on the spot! No judge , no jury.

No pity.

Dear Skull Pilot and Mickiel
I think you hit the issues dead on target.
Yes, if he was breaking into cars and evading arrest he is partly responsible for the circumstances.
But Mickiel is right, there is something called Due Process and getting convicted before being
deprived of life and liberty.

Trouble is, neither was Stephon Clark respecting "due process of law" before
depriving people of property if that's indeed what he was doing.

Both sides are to blame for violating lawful due process.
One side had guns and used them to stop the guy by killing him.

This could be prevented by teaching people and forming agreements
with each district to respect the laws and due process. Currently we
don't even teach people their rights until after a crime is committed and it's legally required to read them their rights.

Any teacher in school will tell you that the first step in getting students
assimilated in the classroom is to go over the rules AND the procedure in case of infractions.
All the students have to agree to follow these in order to participate in class.
We need to do the same with residents agreeing to live in a district,
and have signed agreements after training with police on what are the laws and procedures.

This would reduce infractions by teaching those who do have intent to comply with laws and authority,
while screening out the people with disorders addiction or other disability preventing them from
complying or rendering them legally or mentally incompetent, so they can receive assistance or supervision
in severe cases of threat to health or safety.

What if it had been other suspects who were guilty of the breakins?
Then if an innocent person got shot for their crimes, those people
should also be held responsible for felony murder, if someone dies during
the commission of a crime.

There is still an issue of black men getting profiled or getting shot instead of getting due process.
But we can't trust the media to tell us how often this happens or which cases are worse.
The case where a "white woman" got shot by police didn't get protested to the same degree.
I met the family of Travis Allen, a white teenager shot to death by police while lying in handcuffs
on the floor, because they thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
That case didn't get national publicity either.

What we can do is treat all cases that occur with the same intent of addressing all causes
of what went wrong. If young men are committing crimes, whether breaking into cars
as Stephon Clark was suspected or being addicted to illegal drugs as Travis Allen was suspected,
these do not merit the death penalty, and certainly without due process to decide life or death.

Although the punishment was disproportional, the tragedy can be prevented by
addressing the causes of crime and addiction in advance, and not waiting for confrontation with police
to argue for "due process."

These tragedies do not know color, and can be prevented by addressing the
root causes that have affected people of all ages, races and colors.

Police may be caught profiling and discriminating, but that still doesn't address the root cause.
If we resolve those issues, then the same corrections will also change the attitudes
causing profiling and discrimination as well, but not vice versa. Only focusing on the
external problems after the fact will not solve the internal issues; but focusing on the
internal issues of the causes of crime and abuse and mutual respect for due process
will solve both internal and external problems on both sides.

Do you not think root causes of things have not been addressed before confrontation? Do you think that these things are always caused by crime and addiction? What crime did Tamir Rice commit. Was Trayvon Martin strung out on skittles? Was Amadou Diallo committing a crime by pulling out keys to unlock his apartment? Was Alton Sterling committing a crime when he got 6 bullets put in him point blank? What crime as Authur McDuffie committing when he was beat to death by cops? How about 61 year old Kenneth Chamberlain, killed by police because he accidently hit his life line? How about the 93 year old black woman gunned down by police in Atlanta during a mistaken drug bust? People like you work real hard to help obstruct from people working to get others to see the true root causes of these problems. You cannot ignore he fact that there are countless studies and cases that tell us there is a serious problem with racism in the criminal justice system. That a black man is 3 times more likely to get shot than a white one. What the media doesn't show is irrelevant. What the statistics show is. You want to deny statistics and doing that does more harm than good. I'm a back man and I'll be damned if a stupid ass black woman is going to jeopardize my life because she thinks she can appeal to the morals of people who are willfully immoral by validating their beliefs..

I didn't say ALL cases are the same, NONE of them are the same.

However IM2 if you want to relate what I said about spiritual healing curing the causes of ills in mind body and relationships, and how this applies to ALL communities and incidents that go wrong, I can explain that, too:

In addition to spiritual healing that cures the cause of many criminal abuses, addictions and even physical diseases as well, this process HELPS HEAL WHOLE COMMUNITIES.

So IM2 if an entire community goes through spiritual healing,
that ALSO REDUCES the risk of innocent people getting shot in cases that DIDN'T invovle anyone committing any crimes or had any abusive or addictive issues.

What you are missing is that this spiritual healing affects the police as well.
Those who are not abusive or fear-driven and stressed themselves
are less likely to abuse excess force; and/or if police are mentally unfit
they would get screened out by the spiritual healing process that identifies issues with police as well.

Now back to the case at hand This particular case with Stephon Clark.
Do you agree that either he was or someone else was breaking into cars
which triggered the whole incident? What put him in danger in the first place
was someone, whether he or others, refused to comply with law and authorities.

That may not be the case in ALL cases, but it is with THIS case.

so IM2 given your choice between individualistic or collectivism approaches,
which do you want to address here in this case:
1. the individual internal issue with the suspect(s) behind the violations
2. or collectively the healing of relations between police and community residents
that created this adversity and cost lives due to unresolved fears

I am happy to address either level.
So he was vandalizing properties and breaking into cars it was dark and he was running from the cops

All this was his own fault. If he wasn't being a piece of shit who was breaking windows and trying to steal cars he'd be alive and well

Life lesson

Don't commit crimes and you won't get dead

Well then he was a criminal, and must bear some of the blame. So now the penalty for breaking into cars and running from the police , is death on the spot! No judge , no jury.

No pity.

Dear Skull Pilot and Mickiel
I think you hit the issues dead on target.
Yes, if he was breaking into cars and evading arrest he is partly responsible for the circumstances.
But Mickiel is right, there is something called Due Process and getting convicted before being
deprived of life and liberty.

Trouble is, neither was Stephon Clark respecting "due process of law" before
depriving people of property if that's indeed what he was doing.

Both sides are to blame for violating lawful due process.
One side had guns and used them to stop the guy by killing him.

This could be prevented by teaching people and forming agreements
with each district to respect the laws and due process. Currently we
don't even teach people their rights until after a crime is committed and it's legally required to read them their rights.

Any teacher in school will tell you that the first step in getting students
assimilated in the classroom is to go over the rules AND the procedure in case of infractions.
All the students have to agree to follow these in order to participate in class.
We need to do the same with residents agreeing to live in a district,
and have signed agreements after training with police on what are the laws and procedures.

This would reduce infractions by teaching those who do have intent to comply with laws and authority,
while screening out the people with disorders addiction or other disability preventing them from
complying or rendering them legally or mentally incompetent, so they can receive assistance or supervision
in severe cases of threat to health or safety.

What if it had been other suspects who were guilty of the breakins?
Then if an innocent person got shot for their crimes, those people
should also be held responsible for felony murder, if someone dies during
the commission of a crime.

There is still an issue of black men getting profiled or getting shot instead of getting due process.
But we can't trust the media to tell us how often this happens or which cases are worse.
The case where a "white woman" got shot by police didn't get protested to the same degree.
I met the family of Travis Allen, a white teenager shot to death by police while lying in handcuffs
on the floor, because they thought he was reaching for something in his pocket.
That case didn't get national publicity either.

What we can do is treat all cases that occur with the same intent of addressing all causes
of what went wrong. If young men are committing crimes, whether breaking into cars
as Stephon Clark was suspected or being addicted to illegal drugs as Travis Allen was suspected,
these do not merit the death penalty, and certainly without due process to decide life or death.

Although the punishment was disproportional, the tragedy can be prevented by
addressing the causes of crime and addiction in advance, and not waiting for confrontation with police
to argue for "due process."

These tragedies do not know color, and can be prevented by addressing the
root causes that have affected people of all ages, races and colors.

Police may be caught profiling and discriminating, but that still doesn't address the root cause.
If we resolve those issues, then the same corrections will also change the attitudes
causing profiling and discrimination as well, but not vice versa. Only focusing on the
external problems after the fact will not solve the internal issues; but focusing on the
internal issues of the causes of crime and abuse and mutual respect for due process
will solve both internal and external problems on both sides.

Do you not think root causes of things have not been addressed before confrontation? Do you think that these things are always caused by crime and addiction? What crime did Tamir Rice commit. Was Trayvon Martin strung out on skittles? Was Amadou Diallo committing a crime by pulling out keys to unlock his apartment? Was Alton Sterling committing a crime when he got 6 bullets put in him point blank? What crime as Authur McDuffie committing when he was beat to death by cops? How about 61 year old Kenneth Chamberlain, killed by police because he accidently hit his life line? How about the 93 year old black woman gunned down by police in Atlanta during a mistaken drug bust? People like you work real hard to help obstruct from people working to get others to see the true root causes of these problems. You cannot ignore he fact that there are countless studies and cases that tell us there is a serious problem with racism in the criminal justice system. That a black man is 3 times more likely to get shot than a white one. What the media doesn't show is irrelevant. What the statistics show is. You want to deny statistics and doing that does more harm than good. I'm a back man and I'll be damned if a stupid ass black woman is going to jeopardize my life because she thinks she can appeal to the morals of people who are willfully immoral by validating their beliefs..

I didn't say ALL cases are the same, NONE of them are the same.

However IM2 if you want to relate what I said about spiritual healing curing the causes of ills in mind body and relationships, and how this applies to ALL communities and incidents that go wrong, I can explain that, too:

In addition to spiritual healing that cures the cause of many criminal abuses, addictions and even physical diseases as well, this process HELPS HEAL WHOLE COMMUNITIES.

So IM2 if an entire community goes through spiritual healing,
that ALSO REDUCES the risk of innocent people getting shot in cases that DIDN'T invovle anyone committing any crimes or had any abusive or addictive issues.

What you are missing is that this spiritual healing affects the police as well.
Those who are not abusive or fear-driven and stressed themselves
are less likely to abuse excess force; and/or if police are mentally unfit
they would get screened out by the spiritual healing process that identifies issues with police as well.

Now back to the case at hand This particular case with Stephon Clark.
Do you agree that either he was or someone else was breaking into cars
which triggered the whole incident? What put him in danger in the first place
was someone, whether he or others, refused to comply with law and authorities.

That may not be the case in ALL cases, but it is with THIS case.

so IM2 given your choice between individualistic or collectivism approaches,
which do you want to address here in this case:
1. the individual internal issue with the suspect(s) behind the violations
2. or collectively the healing of relations between police and community residents
that created this adversity and cost lives due to unresolved fears

I am happy to address either level.

The problem with your opinion is that you need to address those who created the root cause of the problem and demand spiritual healing from them. That would be the white community. In this case we don't know if Clarke was breaking into cars and still breaking into cars is not a crime that is punishable by death. Even if it were, that punishment must be determined by a court of law, not 2 police who decided to kill somebody then make excuses to justify the killing. The problem with you is that when you remove accountability from the killers to talk about how the black victim made it happen, you enable the white racists to discount EVERY killing of this nature. And because you do this, you empower them to dismiss every act of racism we face or the damage inflicted upon us because of it.. Those like you help police decide that black men are more violent and validate the fears they have that led to this killing.
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