Man who hung trump won banner ejected from MLB parks

I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
But if you're going to ban untrue banners (misinformation or OPINIONS), maybe you should start first by PROVING it is a lie!
One thing is fer' sure, MLB F'ed Atlanta and Black small bizness this year moving the game to mostly white Denver thanx to the leadership of Bi-Dung!
Jim Crow ain't got nothing on Joe!

I'm cornfused, BK, how is it that BLM has signs all over sports arenas if political messages are banned? Or do they only become political if they mention Trump?
One thing is fer' sure, MLB F'ed Atlanta and Black small bizness this year moving the game to mostly white Denver thanx to the leadership of Bi-Dung!
Jim Crow ain't got nothing on Joe!

I'm cornfused, BK, how is it that BLM has signs all over sports arenas if political messages are banned? Or do they only become political if they mention Trump?
That's my point mate.

It has to be all
or nothing.

They can't (or shouldn't be allowed to) pick and chose what politics they encourage/harbour/push on their support (who will be a mixed bag) - it's not fair for folks who just want to support their team and enjoy the game.

It was a lie. It is a lie. It will always be a lie. The repub party is the party of conspiracy theories and lies. They are proudly spreading lies.
The NY DA conspiracy is over now knucklehead. Over half of all baseball fans have left you stupid ass hole

You happy about that. A stadium filled with gender confused morons
"Over half of all baseball fans have left you stupid ass hole"......besides you being really bad at punctuation, you're quite a liar too.

It was a lie. It is a lie. It will always be a lie. The repub party is the party of conspiracy theories and lies. They are proudly spreading lies.
The NY DA conspiracy is over now knucklehead. Over half of all baseball fans have left you stupid ass hole

You happy about that. A stadium filled with gender confused morons
"Over half of all baseball fans have left you stupid ass hole"......besides you being really bad at punctuation, you're quite a liar too.
How many inches can you deep throat? Punctuation.......lolol....................
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
Like this,

I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
Like this,

View attachment 507204
Do you know the difference between a statement on social justice and a statement supporting a political candidate...which also happens to be a LIE? Naw....I guess you don't.....
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
But if you're going to ban untrue banners (misinformation or OPINIONS), maybe you should start first by PROVING it is a lie!
Over 60 courts in the US, including state, federal, and the USSC have all said it was a LIE over 60 times. What do you want....a cherry on top?
and any other 'sport' that wants to play politics, or allow any antics that do not pertain to their job

The sports leagues hurt themselves when they get involved in political issues. Last year when sports leagues played in a bubble, the NBA shit the bed big time when it splattered “Black Lives Matter” across its courts. As a result, ratings tanked 45 percent.
and any other 'sport' that wants to play politics, or allow any antics that do not pertain to their job

The sports leagues hurt themselves when they get involved in political issues. Last year when sports leagues played in a bubble, the NBA shit the bed big time when it splattered “Black Lives Matter” across its courts. As a result, ratings tanked 45 percent.
Please see post #28. Thank you
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
Like this,

View attachment 507204
Do you know the difference between a statement on social justice and a statement supporting a political candidate...which also happens to be a LIE? Naw....I guess you don't.....
BLM raised 4 Billion in money in the last election cycle and all of it went to Democrat candidates. It is a fundraising mechanism for 1 political party.
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
Like this,

View attachment 507204
Do you know the difference between a statement on social justice and a statement supporting a political candidate...which also happens to be a LIE? Naw....I guess you don't.....
BLM raised 4 Billion in money in the last election cycle and all of it went to Democrat candidates. It is a fundraising mechanism for 1 political party.
And Billionaire team owners give millions to the repub party. What's your point?
If you cannot admit that Donald J trump lost the Presidential election in 2020, you really have a big problem with truth and facts. And anyone who still hangs on to the Big Lie needs to reassess their priorities in life. I shy away from those that obviously still think trump won. Their sense of reality is very skewed. No matter how many times trump says he won by a landslide, it will not make it true or a fact.

Get over it. Hillary and Gore supporters did. Now it is your turn. All you are doing is dividing citizens and hurting the country. Sooner or later, if the Big Lie continues, more people are going to get hurt.
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
Like this,

View attachment 507204
Do you know the difference between a statement on social justice and a statement supporting a political candidate...which also happens to be a LIE? Naw....I guess you don't.....
BLM raised 4 Billion in money in the last election cycle and all of it went to Democrat candidates. It is a fundraising mechanism for 1 political party.
And Billionaire team owners give millions to the repub party. What's your point?
It is your point, not mine. How quickly you forget.
"Political banners have no place in sports stadiums"
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
It’s not so much the political banner but the lies being propagated and the potential for disruptive behavior the result of the lies being propagated.
and any other 'sport' that wants to play politics, or allow any antics that do not pertain to their job

Acknowledging the fact that Trump lost isn’t ‘playing politics.’
well, asshole, it's obvious you can't read...TRUMP WON is what this sign said fucking retarded are you?
enjoy your TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
and any other 'sport' that wants to play politics, or allow any antics that do not pertain to their job

The sports leagues hurt themselves when they get involved in political issues. Last year when sports leagues played in a bubble, the NBA shit the bed big time when it splattered “Black Lives Matter” across its courts. As a result, ratings tanked 45 percent.
Please see post #28. Thank you
Already read it prior to my post. Did you read post # 28?
and any other 'sport' that wants to play politics, or allow any antics that do not pertain to their job

The sports leagues hurt themselves when they get involved in political issues. Last year when sports leagues played in a bubble, the NBA shit the bed big time when it splattered “Black Lives Matter” across its courts. As a result, ratings tanked 45 percent.
Please see post #28. Thank you
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
It’s not so much the political banner but the lies being propagated and the potential for disruptive behavior the result of the lies being propagated.
exactly...the LIES of the scum demonRATS...

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