Man who hung trump won banner ejected from MLB parks

Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
It’s not so much the political banner but the lies being propagated and the potential for disruptive behavior the result of the lies being propagated.
For over four years, the trump regime operated on lies and conspiracy theories. trump thinks if he keeps repeating the same lie over and over, that suddenly everyone will say...."IT MUST BE TRUE!'

But reality wins eventually and all trump is doing to showing his blatant ignorance at each rally that he repeats the Big LIe.
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
So no kneeling or blm crap?
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
But if you're going to ban untrue banners (misinformation or OPINIONS), maybe you should start first by PROVING it is a lie!
Over 60 courts in the US, including state, federal, and the USSC have all said it was a LIE over 60 times. What do you want....a cherry on top?
No they wouldn't hear it because they are afraid of what you loons would do if the truth was told.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
It’s not so much the political banner but the lies being propagated and the potential for disruptive behavior the result of the lies being propagated.
For over four years, the trump regime operated on lies and conspiracy theories. trump thinks if he keeps repeating the same lie over and over, that suddenly everyone will say...."IT MUST BE TRUE!'

But reality wins eventually and all trump is doing to showing his blatant ignorance at each rally that he repeats the Big LIe.
Lies from you guys, get ya some Russia collusion.
I've no problem with this provided the treatment is the same for any one else if they were hanging Biden propaganda or whatever.

Sports teams and stadiums should be doing their best to remain non-political as possible and that should include pro-Trump banners.

And it's the exact reason I feel the same way with sports teams/stadiums having BLM and LGBTQ+ displays. It should be a blanket thing across the board.

Any teams supporters will have all sorts of folk in their crowd and will be split on Biden/Trump the same way the rest of America is - the sports arena for folks supporting their team should be the thing brings everyone together not make folk feel uncomfortable or annoyed.

Time and a place.
Political banners have no place in sports stadiums...especially ones that espouse a lie.
But if you're going to ban untrue banners (misinformation or OPINIONS), maybe you should start first by PROVING it is a lie!
Over 60 courts in the US, including state, federal, and the USSC have all said it was a LIE over 60 times. What do you want....a cherry on top?

You fuckin' liar, NOT ONE COURT even had jurisdiction over the whole of the election fraud cases spanning six states much less was able to rule on it all that it was all just a "lie." Courts don't decide "lies" or "truths." The courts involved simply mostly declined to hear the cases on technical grounds of admissibility, timing or standing, not wanting to get involved in deciding a national election preferring to leave the matter for the legislative body to resolve or at best, simply ruled that the lawyers in each failed to make the case for the argument presented. That doesn't mean there was no evidence or that the evidence was disproven, but simply not presented sufficiently to the court to justify the charges, and we know now that in most of those cases, mistakes were made because they werre rushed for so little time to make the very narrow state deadlines.

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