Man with covid denied treatment cause he is white. Video proof

It's retribution for the Tuskeegee Experiment.

Tuskegee Study - Timeline - CDC - NCHHSTP

Tuskeegee Experiment.jpg

Oh, wait. They said he didn't meet their ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.


The force on the weak minded.

Interesting that she said "research shows you should be able to fight off covid" without medical treatment. That's not really what the leftist politicians in power and their media are saying, is it?

Oh, wait. They said he didn't meet their ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.


The force on the weak minded.

He should sue the shit out of them for racial discrimination.

This is what real systemic racism looks like.

There is no systemic racism against blacks, it's exclusively against whites.
Wife got a monoclonal treatment in MN right away. In fact it was mostly whites coming out of the treatment tlrs while I sat there waiting to pick her up. She had to go longer cause of a blood pressure drop. I'm wondering how many people even know of these.

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