Manafort gets 47 months

Just reported on MSNBC. Wow, that's pretty light. What do you think?

I've heard various reports that the judge is pro-Trump and anti-Mueller.


Paul Manafort Sentenced To Less Than 4 Years In Prison In Mueller Probe
I think all people in the public eye, especially people in and around politics, always get really light sentences, compared to what people in the civilian world would get. Cohen only got 3 years, his sentence, by civilian standards, should have been much longer.

It makes you wonder why this is the case. Probably because of connections, but you would think public outcry would be rampant by now, yet nobody says a word....

Also, I'm willing to gamble that all of these prison sentences are minimum security and light.
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.

No, manafort is a bad guy. There is no doubt about that. What is a travesty of justice though, is the podesta brothers worked with him, but because they were shrilary sycophants, it looks like they will get a pass on their equally criminal behavior.

Be that as it may, a Special Counsel of the United States should not be handling vanilla white collar crimes. This was an enormous abuse of power for Political Purposes.
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.
Tell that to the jury who convicted him, moron. BTW, if it was bullshit why didn't that asshole judge toss the convictions? Hmmmm?
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.

No, manafort is a bad guy. There is no doubt about that. What is a travesty of justice though, is the podesta brothers worked with him, but because they were shrilary sycophants, it looks like they will get a pass on their equally criminal behavior.

Be that as it may, a Special Counsel of the United States should not be handling vanilla white collar crimes. This was an enormous abuse of power for Political Purposes.

On that point I agree with you completely. This whole thing has been an abomination to the Constitution of the USA.
Considering that this is manufactured bullshit, 47 months is egregious.

Beria would approve.
Tell that to the jury who convicted him, moron. BTW, if it was bullshit why didn't that asshole judge toss the convictions? Hmmmm?

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzzz

If that's all you've got, it sure ain't much, bub.

Judge T. S. Ellis III

He should be ashamed of himself.
Political America....I never thought I'd see the day...
Judge was fair.
All I can say to anti-Trumpers is......the electric chair was not an option....:206:.

Spoken like a true little Robespierre. Here's what you are forgetting, swampy: the Reign of Terror always turns on itself in the end.
Judge was fair.
All I can say to anti-Trumpers is......the electric chair was not an option....:206:.
The judge was a joke....sent by the day the truth will be told and a lot of people like this judge will become household names....
Who tipped off Manafort that this disgrace of a judge would go easy on him? Manafort knew it along, that's why he told Mueller to screw off.

Justice in America.
Two things happened.

One. Democrats told themselves endless bedtime stories about bad Manafort. This was going to take Trump down. Manafort will bury Trump. Manafort will get 80 years for all the bad stuff he helped Trump do. Manafort will prove Russian collusion.

Two. The Judge saw through all the crap.

Democrats need to be getting real.
Oh yeah??? You remember LOCK HER UP lock her up??
Manipulative rationalization fail.

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