Manafort gets 47 months

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.

Bank fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering, and cheated on tax returns for several years, probably a lifetime.

Spoken like a true Robespierre. Better watch out! The Reign of Terror always eats its own in the end. Calling for the destruction of other people in the false hope that you'll be eaten last won't protect you.

Well he committed the crimes, so he should do the time.

This is a political witch hunt, no matter how much you try to justify it. A Special Counsel was not appointed to investigate vanilla white collar crimes.

The more interesting charge is the FARA violation. The Podesta group is guilty of the same charge being leveled at Manafort, but was given immunity. That pretty much tells us everything we need to know about this Political Show Trial.

"Sentence first, verdict afterwards." - The Queen of Hearts
That's all Mueller driven horseshit, and you know it.
Hmm,no, that's just trump cult fantasy. You were factually incorrect in every other attempt you made to pull stuff out of your ass to undermine this process, so this fantasy is all that is left to you. Anyone can watch this process unfold in this thread in black and white.
That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.

Bank fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering, and cheated on tax returns for several years, probably a lifetime.

Spoken like a true Robespierre. Better watch out! The Reign of Terror always eats its own in the end. Calling for the destruction of other people in the false hope that you'll be eaten last won't protect you.

Well he committed the crimes, so he should do the time.

Thanks for the brain dead platitude. That really elevated the debate.
That's all Mueller driven horseshit, and you know it.
Hmm,no, that's just trump cult fantasy. You were factually incorrect in every other attempt you made to invent shit to undermine this process, so this fantasy is all that is left to you. Anyone can watch this process unfold in this thread in black and white.
Show us how they arrived at the 38 number.
There are the crimes Democrats imagined Manafort was guilty of. There are the crimes that Manafort was really guilty of. He was sentenced on the basis of actual crimes not the democrat wishlist of crimes.
You claim that number is objective, and not just pulled out of Mueller's ass.
Shameless lie. I didn't claim it was objective. I claimed it was the product of the probation office of the court, which is factual. I also claimed Mueller concurred in his sentencing memo, which is also factual. As you would know, had you read a single one of the resources you begged me to spoonfeed to you.
You claim that number is objective, and not just pulled out of Mueller's ass.
Shameless lie. I didn't claim it was objective. I claimed it was the product of the probation office of the court, which is factual. I also claimed Mueller concurred in his sentencing memo, which is also factual. As you would know, had you read a single one of the resources you begged me to spoonfeed to you.
It's hardly factual. You just admitted you have no idea how the figure was arrived at.
It's hardly factual
Hmm, no, that's 100% wrong. It is, indeed,factual that the PSIR scored Manafort at an offense level of 38. And it is, indeed, factual that Mueller concurred in his sentencing memo. You can whine all day and all night, but these will remain facts.

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