Manafort gets 47 months

Where do these so called "judicial guidelines" come from?
It's a system of calculation used by the probation office of the court to recommend sentencing ranges to the judge. It's a point system resulting in a number which is called the "offender level".

Manafort scored a 38.

Manafort is highly unlikely to commit another offense. He's non-violent and a first time offender.

Probation would be appropriate.

So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
You just told us we should believe Mueller's sentencing "guidelines" and not question them
That's a shameless lie. I said we should believe that the PSIR said what it said, and that Mueller concurred and presented this recommendation in his memo. Those are facts. You are free to question the merits of the PSIR all you like. But doing so from a position of abject, willful ignorance is not a good look for you.

I'm sure Mueller made a few phone calls to the people who did the PSIR. Do you imagine he has no pull there?

I suspect Trump made a few phone calls to Ellis.
Or maybe Ellis was protecting trump from the politically uncomfortable position of mulling a Manafort pardon.
WEren't you the one who hold's his nose around "fantasy?"
Where do these so called "judicial guidelines" come from?
It's a system of calculation used by the probation office of the court to recommend sentencing ranges to the judge. It's a point system resulting in a number which is called the "offender level".

Manafort scored a 38.

Manafort is highly unlikely to commit another offense. He's non-violent and a first time offender.

Probation would be appropriate.

So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.
onths in solitary is not "brief."
Not to you or me, for sure. But to administrators of a prison, thats the blink of an eye. And they are not known for putting their sympathy with inmates ahead of protecting themselves form liability.

Liability, my ass. It was retribution. In your modern pod-based jail houses, the screws can keep an eye on everyone from their central posts.
Liability, my ass. It was retribution.
Your worthless opinion is noted. You, of course,did not bother to lift a finger to look at precedent, or the reasoning presented. So your opinion from a position of abject, willful ignorance is simply not worth dick.
It's a system of calculation used by the probation office of the court to recommend sentencing ranges to the judge. It's a point system resulting in a number which is called the "offender level".

Manafort scored a 38.

Manafort is highly unlikely to commit another offense. He's non-violent and a first time offender.

Probation would be appropriate.

So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.

Bank fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering, and cheated on tax returns for several years, probably a lifetime.
Liability, my ass. It was retribution.
Your worthless opinion is noted. You, of course,did not bother to lift a finger to look at precedent, or the reasoning presented. So your opinion from a position of abject, willful ignorance is simply not worth dick.
We all know the feds don't put tax evaders in prison for 20 years, asshole. That's precedent.
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Manafort is highly unlikely to commit another offense. He's non-violent and a first time offender.

Probation would be appropriate.

So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.

Bank fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering, and cheated on tax returns for several years, probably a lifetime.

Spoken like a true Robespierre. Better watch out! The Reign of Terror always eats its own in the end. Calling for the destruction of other people in the false hope that you'll be eaten last won't protect you.
That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.
And, as the chart shows, a first time offender with an offense level of 38 is generally sentenced to 235-293 months in federal prison.

Is the answer to tie judges' hands so they have little discretion in sentencing, just sentence by calculation? Down that road lies three strikes and someone getting 20 years for stealing Slim Jims.
So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.

Bank fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering, and cheated on tax returns for several years, probably a lifetime.

Spoken like a true Robespierre. Better watch out! The Reign of Terror always eats its own in the end. Calling for the destruction of other people in the false hope that you'll be eaten last won't protect you.

Well he committed the crimes, so he should do the time.
Manafort is highly unlikely to commit another offense. He's non-violent and a first time offender.

Probation would be appropriate.

So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.
He received an indictment for each incorrect tax return he filed, so that excuse is obviously invalid.

Bank fraud, money laundering, and witness tampering, and cheated on tax returns for several years, probably a lifetime.
Bank fraud - making a false statement on a loan application. Millions of Americans have done that.
Money laundering - spending the money had had overseas.
Witness tampering - total horseshit, of course

Income tax evasion and making a false statement on a bank loan.

Sorry if I don't see anything worth going to prison for 20 years over. One year in prison and paying the tax debt he owes is about all he should be sentenced to.
Where do these so called "judicial guidelines" come from?
It's a system of calculation used by the probation office of the court to recommend sentencing ranges to the judge. It's a point system resulting in a number which is called the "offender level".

Manafort scored a 38.

Manafort is highly unlikely to commit another offense. He's non-violent and a first time offender.

Probation would be appropriate.

So now are you saying NON violient offenders are not the same as violent, they erode the US judicial system and all Americans need to pay for their crimes.

What Manafort did and his sentence was to encourage money laundering and bank fraud.

No he is not a first time offender, what he is , is the first time getting caught.

That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.

Yet his record shows multi years of white collar crime.

A first conviction means a first offense. Beyond that is just opinion.
That is a first time offender in the eyes of the law.
And, as the chart shows, a first time offender with an offense level of 38 is generally sentenced to 235-293 months in federal prison.

Is the answer to tie judges' hands so they have little discretion in sentencing, just sentence by calculation? Down that road lies three strikes and someone getting 20 years for stealing Slim Jims.
The offense level of 38 is Mueller's idea of a sick joke.
We all now the feds don't put tax evaders in prison for 20 years,
Of course, this is a red herring, as Manafort was not only convicted of this, but also was guilty of aggravating circumstances,including violating the terms of his bail and then his plea agreement.

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