Manafort on house arrest until July.

Hitler was never charged either.

UN indicted Adolf Hitler for war crimes before his death

- Adolf Hitler was put on the United Nations War Crimes Commission's first list of war criminals in December 1944, but only after extensive debate and formal charges brought by Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler was indicted as a war criminal for actions by the Nazis ...

But yet Hitler lived out the rest of his life comfortably in South America with the blessings of the very ones that financed his rise to begin with....imagine that? (snicker) much that you have no clue about. The third reich didn't lose the war....they simply relocated to US.INC using the vatican ratlines under Operation Paperclip
Hitler died in his bunker you conspiracy nutball.

Hitler was a coward no wonder you admire him.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -
Hitler was never charged either.

UN indicted Adolf Hitler for war crimes before his death

- Adolf Hitler was put on the United Nations War Crimes Commission's first list of war criminals in December 1944, but only after extensive debate and formal charges brought by Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler was indicted as a war criminal for actions by the Nazis ...

But yet Hitler lived out the rest of his life comfortably in South America with the blessings of the very ones that financed his rise to begin with....imagine that? (snicker) much that you have no clue about. The third reich didn't lose the war....they simply relocated to US.INC using the vatican ratlines under Operation Paperclip
Hitler died in his bunker you conspiracy nutball.

Hitler was a coward no wonder you admire him.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -

It's late ......but I shall be educating you about how Hitler was financed and how he lived out his life in South prepared to be totally embarrased and shamed. Stay tuned, little fella. .....your education begins. (snicker)
Hitler was never charged either.

UN indicted Adolf Hitler for war crimes before his death

- Adolf Hitler was put on the United Nations War Crimes Commission's first list of war criminals in December 1944, but only after extensive debate and formal charges brought by Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler was indicted as a war criminal for actions by the Nazis ...

But yet Hitler lived out the rest of his life comfortably in South America with the blessings of the very ones that financed his rise to begin with....imagine that? (snicker) much that you have no clue about. The third reich didn't lose the war....they simply relocated to US.INC using the vatican ratlines under Operation Paperclip
Hitler died in his bunker you conspiracy nutball.

Hitler was a coward no wonder you admire him.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -
Now our nazi sympathetizer Dale thinks it's funny he was corrected by facts from the best source imaginable.
I'd love to know what institution he's in.
UN indicted Adolf Hitler for war crimes before his death

- Adolf Hitler was put on the United Nations War Crimes Commission's first list of war criminals in December 1944, but only after extensive debate and formal charges brought by Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler was indicted as a war criminal for actions by the Nazis ...

But yet Hitler lived out the rest of his life comfortably in South America with the blessings of the very ones that financed his rise to begin with....imagine that? (snicker) much that you have no clue about. The third reich didn't lose the war....they simply relocated to US.INC using the vatican ratlines under Operation Paperclip
Hitler died in his bunker you conspiracy nutball.

Hitler was a coward no wonder you admire him.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -
Now our nazi sympathetizer Dale thinks it's funny he was corrected by facts from the best source imaginable.
I'd love to know what institution he's in.

UN indicted Adolf Hitler for war crimes before his death

- Adolf Hitler was put on the United Nations War Crimes Commission's first list of war criminals in December 1944, but only after extensive debate and formal charges brought by Czechoslovakia
Adolf Hitler was indicted as a war criminal for actions by the Nazis ...

But yet Hitler lived out the rest of his life comfortably in South America with the blessings of the very ones that financed his rise to begin with....imagine that? (snicker) much that you have no clue about. The third reich didn't lose the war....they simply relocated to US.INC using the vatican ratlines under Operation Paperclip
Hitler died in his bunker you conspiracy nutball.

Hitler was a coward no wonder you admire him.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -

It's late ......but I shall be educating you about how Hitler was financed and how he lived out his life in South prepared to be totally embarrased and shamed. Stay tuned, little fella. .....your education begins. (snicker)
Pizzagate part deux.
It always amazes how people like a Dale survive in this world totally immersed in conspiracy theories and alternative facts.
This headcase wants to debate how Hitler died.

Tomorrow.... his Holocaust Denial debate that no one will participate in except himself.
He's almost certainly going to spend the rest of his life in prison
That's ridiculous how will the government get their tax money back that way? he will do some time and then probation and he will have to pay back taxes and's not murder dude!

Manafort is facing charges in two different district courts, for 23 counts - mostly tax related.

If both judges give him the maximum sentences on all counts, he'll be sentenced to 305 years in prison. If they both go easy on him, he'll be sentenced to 30-40 years.

Do you think he'll live much longer than that?
Don't be a dunce.
No one would take a deal under those terms.
If he sings and if the song is the right song, he would get a measly six months tops.
But the song has to be a hit.
Manafort was accused of working with the Podesta brothers that were paid millions by Russian lobbyists to ease up on economic sanctions that IMHO never should have been placed on them to begin with. BTW, the Podesta brothers are big time Clinton operatives. Tony Podesta resigned shortly after Manafort was indicted.

Feel FREE to start a thread about the Podesta brothers and send them to the gallows....This thread is NOT about them......but, thanks for sharing.
Manafort's future is one of the very real prospect of spending the rest of his days in prison. No wonder Gates decided to begin "singing" all that he knows to Mueller. Here's what Judge Ellis stated:

"Given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison,” wrote Ellis, who recommended that Manafort be kept on “24-hour-a-day lock-down” at his residence in Alexandria, Virginia. RawStory 3/13/ The defendant is a person of great wealth who has the financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large, as well as every incentive to do so,” the judge wrote.

Manafort is allowed out for medical, legal, and court appearances. Period.

Should Manafort decide to join the chorus with gates, Flynn and Papadapolus in spilling the beans on this high;y corrupt rump administration?
Who cares?
Manafort, his family and every person that supported Trump. Now you know he chooses criminals as his top people. You must be proud.
Again who cares, it says nothing about Trump.
Trump's ex campaign manager " says nothing about Trump?"
You really want to go with that?
Who hired Manafort?
At that time was Manafort under arrest or charged? You lose, but you should be used to that.
But yet Hitler lived out the rest of his life comfortably in South America with the blessings of the very ones that financed his rise to begin with....imagine that? (snicker) much that you have no clue about. The third reich didn't lose the war....they simply relocated to US.INC using the vatican ratlines under Operation Paperclip
Hitler died in his bunker you conspiracy nutball.

Hitler was a coward no wonder you admire him.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -

It's late ......but I shall be educating you about how Hitler was financed and how he lived out his life in South prepared to be totally embarrased and shamed. Stay tuned, little fella. .....your education begins. (snicker)
Pizzagate part deux.
It always amazes how people like a Dale survive in this world totally immersed in conspiracy theories and alternative facts.

Dude, you and facts don't even have a nodding acquaintance with each other.
Manafort was accused of working with the Podesta brothers that were paid millions by Russian lobbyists to ease up on economic sanctions that IMHO never should have been placed on them to begin with. BTW, the Podesta brothers are big time Clinton operatives. Tony Podesta resigned shortly after Manafort was indicted.

Feel FREE to start a thread about the Podesta brothers and send them to the gallows....This thread is NOT about them......but, thanks for sharing.

You don't believe that it's pertinent information, Natty?? LMAO!!!!
Judge: Manafort could spend 'the rest of his life in prison'

Ellis, based in Alexandria, Va., is presiding over a new indictment filed against Manafort that accuses him of bank fraud and tax evasion. He said Manafort is a flight risk because of the severity of the allegations and ordered him to remain under house arrest.

Manafort is under a “24-hour-a-day lockdown” at his home in Alexandria. He is allowed out of his home for court appearances, medical appointments and emergencies.

It was reported he has to notify 48 hours in advance if he wants to leave his house.

This was Donald Trump's campaign manager who got the GOP Platformed changed to favor Russia.

And the fact this is from Virginia means Trump can't pardon him. This is outside of a federal court.

The guy will sing or die in prison. Which do you think he'll do?

He will be offered a plea deal and do 5 years if that
Judge: Manafort could spend 'the rest of his life in prison'

Ellis, based in Alexandria, Va., is presiding over a new indictment filed against Manafort that accuses him of bank fraud and tax evasion. He said Manafort is a flight risk because of the severity of the allegations and ordered him to remain under house arrest.

Manafort is under a “24-hour-a-day lockdown” at his home in Alexandria. He is allowed out of his home for court appearances, medical appointments and emergencies.

It was reported he has to notify 48 hours in advance if he wants to leave his house.

This was Donald Trump's campaign manager who got the GOP Platformed changed to favor Russia.

And the fact this is from Virginia means Trump can't pardon him. This is outside of a federal court.

The guy will sing or die in prison. Which do you think he'll do?

He will be offered a plea deal and do 5 years if that

The Podesta brothers are the ones that are soiling themselves. They have got some REAL problems..........and they are not the type that are going to "take one for the team".
He will be offered a plea deal and do 5 years if that

Here are the charges (so far) against Manafort and Gates.... for you TWO right wing nitwits to ponder ........add up ALL those fines and years in prison........LOL:

COUNT ONE: Conspiracy Against the United States

Both men are charged with conspiring together and with others to knowingly and intentionally defraud and commit crimes against the United States between 2006 and 2017. If found guilty of this count, each potentially faces up to five years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

COUNT TWO: Conspiracy to Launder Money

Both men are charged with conspiring together and with others to transfer funds from outside the United States to and through places inside the country without properly disclosing the transactions or paying required federal taxes. Penalties for this count include up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of either $500,000 or twice the monetary value of the property involved in the transaction, whichever is greater.

COUNTS THREE THROUGH SIX: Failure to File Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

The indictment alleges that for each calendar year between 2012 and 2015, Manafort failed to disclose to the U.S. Treasury Department that he had a financial interest in and authority over bank accounts in a foreign country involving more than $10,000. Penalties include up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the four counts and fines of up to $100,000, or up to 50 percent of the total value for the transactions, for each of the four years encompassed in the counts.

COUNTS SEVEN THROUGH NINE: Failure to File Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

The indictment also alleges that between 2012 and 2014 Gates failed to disclose to the U.S. Treasury Department that he had a financial interest in and authority over bank accounts in a foreign country involving more than $10,000. Penalties include up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the four counts and fines of up to $100,000, or up to 50 percent of the total value for the transactions, for each of the four years encompassed in the counts.

COUNT TEN: Unregistered Agent of a Foreign Principal

Prosecutors allege that both men failed to register with the U.S. attorney general as foreign agents of the government of Ukraine, the Part of Regents and Yanukovych between 2008 and 2014. Penalties include up to five years in federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
COUNT ELEVEN: False and misleading statements under the Foreign Agents Registration Act

The indictment alleges that both men made multiple false statements to federal officials in relation to their failure to register as foreign agents of the Ukrainian government. Penalties include up to five years in federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

COUNT TWELVE: False Statements

Prosecutors allege that between November 2016 and February 2017 that Manafort and Gates conspired together and caused others to make false statements and conceal crimes against the United States. The penalty for this count is up to five years in prison.

A guide to all of the charges against Manafort and Gates
He will be offered a plea deal and do 5 years if that

Here are the charges (so far) against Manafort and Gates.... for you TWO right wing nitwits to ponder ........add up ALL those fines and years in prison........LOL:

COUNT ONE: Conspiracy Against the United States

Both men are charged with conspiring together and with others to knowingly and intentionally defraud and commit crimes against the United States between 2006 and 2017. If found guilty of this count, each potentially faces up to five years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

COUNT TWO: Conspiracy to Launder Money

Both men are charged with conspiring together and with others to transfer funds from outside the United States to and through places inside the country without properly disclosing the transactions or paying required federal taxes. Penalties for this count include up to 20 years in federal prison and a fine of either $500,000 or twice the monetary value of the property involved in the transaction, whichever is greater.

COUNTS THREE THROUGH SIX: Failure to File Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

The indictment alleges that for each calendar year between 2012 and 2015, Manafort failed to disclose to the U.S. Treasury Department that he had a financial interest in and authority over bank accounts in a foreign country involving more than $10,000. Penalties include up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the four counts and fines of up to $100,000, or up to 50 percent of the total value for the transactions, for each of the four years encompassed in the counts.

COUNTS SEVEN THROUGH NINE: Failure to File Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts

The indictment also alleges that between 2012 and 2014 Gates failed to disclose to the U.S. Treasury Department that he had a financial interest in and authority over bank accounts in a foreign country involving more than $10,000. Penalties include up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the four counts and fines of up to $100,000, or up to 50 percent of the total value for the transactions, for each of the four years encompassed in the counts.

COUNT TEN: Unregistered Agent of a Foreign Principal

Prosecutors allege that both men failed to register with the U.S. attorney general as foreign agents of the government of Ukraine, the Part of Regents and Yanukovych between 2008 and 2014. Penalties include up to five years in federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines.
COUNT ELEVEN: False and misleading statements under the Foreign Agents Registration Act

The indictment alleges that both men made multiple false statements to federal officials in relation to their failure to register as foreign agents of the Ukrainian government. Penalties include up to five years in federal prison and up to $10,000 in fines.

COUNT TWELVE: False Statements

Prosecutors allege that between November 2016 and February 2017 that Manafort and Gates conspired together and caused others to make false statements and conceal crimes against the United States. The penalty for this count is up to five years in prison.

A guide to all of the charges against Manafort and Gates

All of these alleged violations of these acts, statutes or codes occurred before Manafort and Gates ever worked to get Trump elected. Now the Podesta brothers that are under the same type of scrutiny? They were the power behind the Clinton machine that helped to facilitate the Uranium One deal and lobbied on behalf of Russia to left sanctions that were placed on this country because they allowed Crimea to annex with Russia after the illegal coup d'etat of the Ukraine financed by the E.U and George Soros funded NGOs. You have got nothing as usual......

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