Manafort should have worn a "WH FOR SALE" T-Shirt....

There is NOTHING to defend him from - NO evidence of a crime, NO evidence of Trump wrong-doing.

Well, then "all is well" in Trump Cult Circles......Go back to sleep.......LOL opposed to Hillary's 'US Uranium For Sale' T-Shirt

One MORE fucking time........

In 2010, Hillary Clinton, as secretary of state, was one of nine federal agency heads to sign off on Russia’s purchase of a controlling stake in Uranium One, an international mining company headquartered in Canada with operations in several U.S. states.

But even with its control of Uranium One, Russia cannot export the material from the United States. Russia was likely more interested in Uranium One’s assets in Kazakhstan, the world’s largest uranium producer.
You, of course, have shared your information of that being true with Mueller's team, right?

The Mueller team does NOT take one little step, without first consulting Queasy...LOL
You, of course, have shared your information of that being true with Mueller's team, right?
10 months, multiple investigations, and Democrats can't even prove there was a crime committed...

Snowflakes have been asked for months to produce ANY shred of evidence...and instead they are still pushing the same bullshit. SSDD, dear, SSDD.

Wow. You have a short memory. Or are you just ignorant? Ya know all those rockets that fat boy is tossing over Japan? Yeah, those. He couldn't have done it without the help of good old bill and hill......

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

And the action comes three days after the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was inadvertently bombed in a NATO raid, touching off angry street protests in Beijing.

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China
The Mueller team does NOT take one little step, without first consulting Queasy...LOL
...and you continue to post such 'intellectually stimulating' pieces of insight .. because you continue to prove you have NOTHING.
You, of course, have shared your information of that being true with Mueller's team, right?
10 months, multiple investigations, and Democrats can't even prove there was a crime committed...

Snowflakes have been asked for months to produce ANY shred of evidence...and instead they are still pushing the same bullshit. SSDD, dear, SSDD.

Why are you asking us?

Ask Mueller....he is the one going to the Grand Jury
You have provided that information to the Special Counsel, right?
Oh, Mueller's team of Hillary and Obama donors and lawyers already know, but - as you should be intelligent enough to know - the purpose of their investigation is defined as / pertains to the non-existent potential of TRUMP collusion and they are not concerned with Hillary's and bill's crimes and collusion.
You, of course, have shared your information of that being true with Mueller's team, right?
10 months, multiple investigations, and Democrats can't even prove there was a crime committed...

Snowflakes have been asked for months to produce ANY shred of evidence...and instead they are still pushing the same bullshit. SSDD, dear, SSDD.
I was not aware that any evidence during this investigation is to be paraded out for the public to see BEFORE the Special Counselor and his team are ready to proceed or not proceed to indictments, etc.

Is this a new procedure? Something that no prosecutor/investigative body does.....ever?

Wow. You have a short memory. Or are you just ignorant? Ya know all those rockets that fat boy is tossing over Japan? Yeah, those. He couldn't have done it without the help of good old bill and hill......

The Clinton Administration notified Congress today that it had approved the export of technology to China to permit the launching of a communications satellite aboard a Chinese rocket next month.

President Clinton said in a letter to Congress that the transfer would not harm national security or significantly improve China's military capability in space. The President was required under a 1998 law to certify that all such technology exports are in the national interest.

The certification was the first such notice to Congress under the law, which was passed in the aftermath of a Congressional uproar last year over the transfer of sensitive missile technology to China.

Mr. Clinton's notification also follows by less than a week the release of a report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, which concluded that lax monitoring of the launching of American-made satellites aboard Chinese rockets had enhanced the accuracy of China's ballistic missile arsenal.

And the action comes three days after the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was inadvertently bombed in a NATO raid, touching off angry street protests in Beijing.

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

A map with countries' names on it may help you quite a lot......

BTW, good but lame attempt to divert the thread from Manafort's legal woes....
10 months, multiple investigations, and Democrats can't even prove there was a crime committed...

Snowflakes have been asked for months to produce ANY shred of evidence...and instead they are still pushing the same bullshit. SSDD, dear, SSDD.

First, Mueller was appointed to head an investigation FOUR months ago.

Second, how long did the Watergate, Whitewater, Benghazi investigations last?

Third, would it be better to have the Trump scandals with Russia exposed during the mid-term elections next year?

So many questions, right Queasy???................LOL
The Mueller team does NOT take one little step, without first consulting Queasy...LOL
...and you continue to post such 'intellectually stimulating' pieces of insight .. because you continue to prove you have NOTHING.
None of us have anything yet.....none of us are truly privy to what's going on inside the Investigation.
I was not aware that any evidence during this investigation is to be paraded out for the public to see BEFORE the Special Counselor and his team are ready to proceed or not proceed to indictments, etc. Is this a new procedure? Something that no prosecutor/investigative body does.....ever?
You are intentionally 'not aware' of a lot of things, snowflake, like the fact that there is usually evidence of a suspected crime before there are multiple investigations rather than start up a witch hunt in order to FIND A CRIME.

It was proven, long before Comey illegally leaked information to get a Special Counsel appointed, there was no crime, no 'collusion', that the investigations originated from the fake report containing Russia-generated propaganda Obama and Comey tried to acquire from a foreign agent.

No evidence of a Crime.
No evidence of Collusion.
No evidence of Obstruction.

If there was any you would have posted it when you were ast asked for it months ago.
If there was any the liberal media would have been bombarding the news with it.
If there was any Democrats would have used it in the election.
If there was any Trump and/or his people would have been indicted already.

Instead snowflakes keep making excuses for why there is none and keep saying, 'Wait and see'.
None of us have anything yet.....none of us are truly privy to what's going on inside the Investigation.
...the investigation into Trump's involvement in a crime that has not even been proven to have been committed. Democrats are investigating Trump to see what they can find, using as justification to do so a crime they can only CLAIM - without evidence to back it up - occurred.

And snowflakes are so bat-shit crazy with hate they can't even see how f*ed up that is.

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