Manbaby in a Tweet Storm today! lol

Jesus Christ spying on an american citizen has been going on since J Edgar Hoover and probably before then.

Yet Barack Obama was OUTRAGED that Trump accused him of spying? Get your stories straight, Debbie! You can't be outraged that someone would accuse Barry of doing something and then turn around later and claim that it's no biggie because "everyone does it"!
I don't believe Obama made a public statement about it, but the tweet wasn't just an accusation. He sited McCarthyism and called Obama a "bad/sick guy" on top of accusing him of committing a felony. Face it dude, Trump is a clown and is making a mockery of the once respected position of POTUS

Simple questions here, Slade...

Did Barack Obama use the IRS to target his political opponents?

Did he use our intelligence services to spy on his political opponents?

Joseph McCarthy did neither. So if the Obama Administration DID...doesn't that make him even worse in some ways than McCarthy ever was? Nixon attempted to use the IRS against his opponents and just the attempt was what led to his being forced to step down. Obama actually used the IRS to do what Nixon couldn't...and he got away with it. So who's worse...Nixon or Obama?
Did Barack Obama use the IRS to target his political opponents?
No, I don't remember Obama being involved in this at all. The conclusions of the years of investigations, hearings, reports etc. came to a mismanagement of the Federal office... 3 top officials from the IRS were asked to resign, and no criminal charges were pressed. I also remember bipartisan support for an independent investigation into the matter and condemnation of what happened. It got politicized in recent years as the GOP tried to draw the "political motive criminal" link

Did he use our intelligence services to spy on his political opponents?
Of course not... At least there is no evidence to prove that allegation. This thing has been spun to all hell to try and justify Trumps careless tweet. Its a joke. Yes the NSA monitors and can probably retrieve any phone records or emails. Yes, there was an active investigation into Russia and conversations between Trump staffers were picked up, thats legal. Yes, there was illegal leaking to expose Trump staffers for lying and trying to sweep these lies under the rug. Just try to look at this objectively for a second. It is very transparent whats going on.

You don't remember Obama being involved at all? Should I refresh your memory about the ties between the Obama White House and IRS? About the Head of the Exempt Organizations Division taking the 5th? About the evidence that was destroyed? About the ensuing cover-up by the people Barack Obama named to replace those that were allowed to retire or were transferred to other positions despite having broken the law?

You folks on the left have been moaning and groaning about Russians supposedly "influencing" our elections because they revealed the truth about how the DNC and Hillary Clinton were conducting her campaign...yet didn't seem to have a problem at all with the political party you support using the IRS to target their political opponents...something that was blatantly illegal! If you don't think so...take a crack at explaining why Lois Lerner took the 5th!
Sorry, I don't get my news from Breitbart or put too much thought into the deep state conspiracy theories. I'm sure some of that stuff is going on but the speculative explosion that comes from our media and wingnuts makes discussing these topics a relatively pointless exercises. I'm tired of the Russian talk, let the FBI investigate and we will get the results at the end of the investigation. The leaking and spying narrative is an obvious diversion, but that is also being investigated, so we will see what is revealed. The wall to wall coverage on most networks obsessing over these two issues is nauseating. But I guess we have enough drama hungry citizens who want to be fed this BS... It's too bad. We can surly do better.
not only is the moron whining about Hillary stealing debate questions, now he's touting Faux&Friends as his primary intel source

holy shit this freak is batso!......check it out

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by @foxandfriends. "Spied on before nomination." The real story.

3:15 AM - 3 Apr 2017
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

.@FoxNews from multiple sources: "There was electronic surveillance of Trump, and people close to Trump. This is unprecedented." @FBI

5:51 AM - 3 Apr 2017

Steve Douchey for FBI chief!!!

I'm waiting for fox to come out and say F&F aren't reporters lol
Fastest pivot ever from "Trump's lying about Obama's Spying" to "Well, Stalin had it right, the State needs to spy on its enemies"

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