Manchin Screws 36 million poor and middle class

Government doesn’t work that way. Money is created and destroyed by strokes on a keyboard.

Actually it does work the way I said. The vast majority of the federal debt was loaned to the US government by the public. Another portion came from foreign investors and governments.

The Fed balance sheet is only about $2.5 trillion in Treasuries. That is all that was printed out of thin air as far as government debt goes. The rest of the money for US Treasuries came from the pockets of actual people.
This is too fun. Why don’t you know when the national debt is due? How can you bitch about a debt that has no due date?

You've actually been answered a couple of times already, and you just keep ignoring it and asking your question as though you think it makes you sound clever. If you want to express the belief that the national debt never has to be paid at all, and can just be ignored, then have the balls to say so clearly, so that we can mock you and laugh.

If I thought for a second that A) you actually, sincerely wanted an answer, and B) were intelligent enough to understand it, I'd explain it to you.
Actually it does work the way I said. The vast majority of the federal debt was loaned to the US government by the public. Another portion came from foreign investors and governments.

The Fed balance sheet is only about $4 trillion in Treasuries. That is all that was printed out of thin air. The rest came from the pockets of actual people.
Government debt is not “loaned.” All government expenditures are are printed. Specifically, it wires the money into the associated bank account. Poof!
Government debt is not “loaned.” All government expenditures are are printed. Specifically, it wires the money into the associated bank account. Poof!

You've actually been answered a couple of times already, and you just keep ignoring it and asking your question as though you think it makes you sound clever. If you want to express the belief that the national debt never has to be paid at all, and can just be ignored, then have the balls to say so clearly, so that we can mock you and laugh.

If I thought for a second that A) you actually, sincerely wanted an answer, and B) were intelligent enough to understand it, I'd explain it to you.
What we’ve learned here is that conservatives bitch and complain about national debt only when a Democrat is President. Then the next Republican President showers the rich with tax cuts, grabs a bull horn and says “Debt doesn’t matter!”

You are being conned. The US Federal government has virtually limitless ability to manipulate its currency. The term “debt” scares ordinary conservative America into voting for austerity to benefit the rich. Government debt is not your mortgage. It is not a credit card. Your grandchildren don’t “pay it back.” Wake up, folks.
While all that debt
Government debt is not “loaned.” All government expenditures are are printed. Specifically, it wires the money into the associated bank account. Poof!
Wrong again.

Read. The. Treasury. Bulletin.

When you buy a government bond, are you printing the money?

And who is "it" in "it wires the money"?
What we’ve learned here is that conservatives bitch and complain about national debt only when a Democrat is President.
There are a lot of people in this topic who are probably laughing right now since I am here.

But for the most part, you are correct.
What we’ve learned here is that conservatives bitch and complain about national debt only when a Democrat is President. Then the next Republican President showers the rich with tax cuts, grabs a bull horn and says “Debt doesn’t matter!”

You are being conned. The US Federal government has virtually limitless ability to manipulate its currency. The term “debt” scares ordinary conservative America into voting for austerity to benefit the rich. Government debt is not your mortgage. It is not a credit card. Your grandchildren don’t “pay it back.” Wake up, folks.

No, what we've learned here is that leftist minions decide what they're going to believe, and will then laugh inanely at any proof to the contrary and claim it "makes no sense" and is "incoherent bullshit" regardless of the source, because they don't need no fucking facts getting in the way of what they're going to "know".

Next time you feel the urge to congratulate yourself on how "smart" you are because what's said to you is "so incoherent", consider the possibility that the real problem is that you're too stupid to understand it. Or continue making a fool of yourself. Seems to be your real talent in life, so lean into that.

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