Manchurian RINO George Will: Beating Hillary Less Important Than Stopping Trump!

On the one hand, I would prefer someone other than Trump....but on the other....I'd far prefer Trump over four more years of watching America and American values dismantled. So that leaves out Bush and Paul as well as anything The Democrat Party might ultimately select. At least we can feel safe it won't be Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky....she's bus meat as history has shown.
"Manchurian RINO George Will: Beating Hillary Less Important Than Stopping Trump!"


A majority of republicans know Trump is a disaster for the GOP, far worse than losing the GE.
Trump is a disaster for nearly everyone but the rich and Trump.
Gutting our ability to compete is a sure loser. You're the strange one that wants to weaken this country and thinks we will be better off doing so. lol

Garsh Darnit all to heck, what part of $20T do you not understand! We are already gutted and fileted. They take our money, take a HUGE cut, hand out trinkets to the saps that vote for them. Have you seen any big infrastructure in the last 9 years? How is your potholes? Bay Bridge with Chinese bolts apparently not suitable against .............. wait for it...........water corrosion.

Where is it going? Since it isn't going to improve our roads, bridges, schools or to sustain our lead in science. Well, something stinks. That is where I'd start with in order to fix the problem.
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.
Lante, do not feel badly, he did NOT want Reagan either.

The supposed conservatives on the right giving their opinion, is just like those on MSNBC giving theirs. Nobody it seems, wants to let the voters decide through their own devices, who to elect.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone pointing out a LIE that one of the candidates uttered. But I REFUSE to listen to the pundits from either side, who want to tell all of us that we are dumb, and they are smarter than we are; then inform us why a candidate is good........or the world according to them! Who the hell are they?

And Reagan had some of the same "liberal" policies Trump does. Except for the whole immigration thing. Yet George Will is the liberal now? :rolleyes:

These nutz hate 70% of this country with their extremist backwards crap but they honestly believe they can win a national election? I am laughing.
That is rich coming from one of the board overt racists.
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.
It's a shame that YOU still don't understand why A MAJORITY of the Conservative base want Trump, and if that doesn't work, we would fall back to Cruz. We have put our SOCIAL CONSERVATISM to the side, in order to get a man that DOESN'T OWE favors to lobbyists, or has been BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by special interests such as Rubio has been by his BILLIONAIRE AMNESTY PUSHING DONOR, OR a man like Ryan that has now gone completely "BONER" on us, and is no better than the bastard that gave the president EVERYTHING he wanted! .... Once this country is back to SANITY with economic, and foreign policies, then we can worry about social issues. Cruz is very close to Trump in probably more than 90% of the issues, but has lingering POLITICAL ENEMIES that will make his candidacy harder to accomplish than Trumps who has NO POLITICAL RECORD for scumbags to fall back on, especially VOTES on social issues!
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.
It's a shame that YOU still don't understand why A MAJORITY of the Conservative base want Trump, and if that doesn't work, we would fall back to Cruz. We have put our SOCIAL CONSERVATISM to the side, in order to get a man that DOESN'T OWE favors to lobbyists, or has been BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by special interests such as Rubio has been by his BILLIONAIRE AMNESTY PUSHING DONOR, OR a man like Ryan that has now gone completely "BONER" on us, and is no better than the bastard that gave the president EVERYTHING he wanted! .... Once this country is back to SANITY with economic, and foreign policies, then we can worry about social issues. Cruz is very close to Trump in probably more than 90% of the issues, but has lingering POLITICAL ENEMIES that will make his candidacy harder to accomplish than Trumps who has NO POLITICAL RECORD for scumbags to fall back on, especially VOTES on social issues!
You might want to look at what 'majority' means. Trump does not have a majority.
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.
It's a shame that YOU still don't understand why A MAJORITY of the Conservative base want Trump, and if that doesn't work, we would fall back to Cruz. We have put our SOCIAL CONSERVATISM to the side, in order to get a man that DOESN'T OWE favors to lobbyists, or has been BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by special interests such as Rubio has been by his BILLIONAIRE AMNESTY PUSHING DONOR, OR a man like Ryan that has now gone completely "BONER" on us, and is no better than the bastard that gave the president EVERYTHING he wanted! .... Once this country is back to SANITY with economic, and foreign policies, then we can worry about social issues. Cruz is very close to Trump in probably more than 90% of the issues, but has lingering POLITICAL ENEMIES that will make his candidacy harder to accomplish than Trumps who has NO POLITICAL RECORD for scumbags to fall back on, especially VOTES on social issues!
You might want to look at what 'majority' means. Trump does not have a majority.
Of course he does, YOU mistake that Republicans aren't all conservative...That is why voters pick Christie, Kasick, Yeb, and others making up 30% or so! You might also LOOK at the totals of voters going for Trump and Cruz combined...OVER 50% of voters are going for either of these 2 men. If the ESTABLISHMENT didn't COMPROMISE so fucking much (read that as giving away the store!) They may have had a shot with another establishment candidate, BUT for life of me, why would anyone want another loser such as Dole, McLame, and McRomney...because the MSM and the elites say so?
"Manchurian RINO George Will: Beating Hillary Less Important Than Stopping Trump!"


A majority of republicans know Trump is a disaster for the GOP, far worse than losing the GE.

Says the far left drone..

Trump is a "progressive" acting like a "progressive"..
"Manchurian RINO George Will: Beating Hillary Less Important Than Stopping Trump!"


A majority of republicans know Trump is a disaster for the GOP, far worse than losing the GE.

Trump is a disaster only for the GOP establishment.

Good riddance to them.

He's also a disaster for Hillary. He will destroy her in the general election. She already got a taste of the medicine he's going to administer when she accused him of waging a war on women. Trump will rake her over the coals during the debate.
Lante, do not feel badly, he did NOT want Reagan either.

The supposed conservatives on the right giving their opinion, is just like those on MSNBC giving theirs. Nobody it seems, wants to let the voters decide through their own devices, who to elect.

I have absolutely no problem with anyone pointing out a LIE that one of the candidates uttered. But I REFUSE to listen to the pundits from either side, who want to tell all of us that we are dumb, and they are smarter than we are; then inform us why a candidate is good........or the world according to them! Who the hell are they?

And Reagan had some of the same "liberal" policies Trump does. Except for the whole immigration thing. Yet George Will is the liberal now? :rolleyes:

George Will has always been a RINO. He's the kind of conservative the liberals admire. That's why he is on ABC news.
'Politico’s Jeff Greenfield says, “If the operatives I talked with are right, Trump running as a Republican could well face a third-party run – from the Republicans themselves”….Jeb Bush’s aides “began looking into the possibility of making a clear break with Trump – potentially with the candidate stating that, if Trump were the nominee, Bush would not support him.” Last week, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said that former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour “and a lot of the Republican leaders would much rather Hillary Clinton be President of the United States than have Donald Trump represent them as a Republican.” And in November, The Hill reported that “GOP establishment donors have confided to The Hill that for the first time in recent memory, they find themselves contemplating not supporting a Republican nominee for president.”'

Of course none of this will come to pass, Trump won't be the nominee next year; but this represents the damage being caused to the GOP, the conflict, the acrimony, and the resentment soon to come to Trump supporters when yet another 'establishment RINO' is the nominee.

I'll have to save a link to this post for after the election. It will be so satisfying to make you eat these words.
Trump has already poisoned the waters for the GOP. All too many now see him as the face of the GOP.

Oh booh hoooo! I don't have a problem with that. George W Bush as the face of the GOP did a lot more damage to the party than Trump could possibly do by keeping his campaign promises.
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.

Can you name one of these "conservative candidates" who is called a RINO?
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.
It's a shame that YOU still don't understand why A MAJORITY of the Conservative base want Trump, and if that doesn't work, we would fall back to Cruz. We have put our SOCIAL CONSERVATISM to the side, in order to get a man that DOESN'T OWE favors to lobbyists, or has been BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by special interests such as Rubio has been by his BILLIONAIRE AMNESTY PUSHING DONOR, OR a man like Ryan that has now gone completely "BONER" on us, and is no better than the bastard that gave the president EVERYTHING he wanted! .... Once this country is back to SANITY with economic, and foreign policies, then we can worry about social issues. Cruz is very close to Trump in probably more than 90% of the issues, but has lingering POLITICAL ENEMIES that will make his candidacy harder to accomplish than Trumps who has NO POLITICAL RECORD for scumbags to fall back on, especially VOTES on social issues!
You might want to look at what 'majority' means. Trump does not have a majority.

Jeb Bush does?
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.

Can you name one of these "conservative candidates" who is called a RINO?
I hear Cruz and Rubio called establishment candidates all the time. He called them establishment candidates.

These same people rally behind Trump - an actual liberal - while calling everyone else a RINO.
...Senator Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) , an establishment bugaboo. The establishment’s favorite candidate, Senator Sen. Marco Rubio
IOW, anyone not Trump is an 'establishment' candidate. It is apparent that you and many others have no idea what a 'conservative' is anymore. Many of the most conservative politicians today are called 'RINO' and establishment based solely on the fact they are not Trump or they managed to compromise at some time in their carrier. What is even more asinine is that Trump, of all people, is likely the most LIBERAL of the bunch.

People have lost their damn minds.
It's a shame that YOU still don't understand why A MAJORITY of the Conservative base want Trump, and if that doesn't work, we would fall back to Cruz. We have put our SOCIAL CONSERVATISM to the side, in order to get a man that DOESN'T OWE favors to lobbyists, or has been BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by special interests such as Rubio has been by his BILLIONAIRE AMNESTY PUSHING DONOR, OR a man like Ryan that has now gone completely "BONER" on us, and is no better than the bastard that gave the president EVERYTHING he wanted! .... Once this country is back to SANITY with economic, and foreign policies, then we can worry about social issues. Cruz is very close to Trump in probably more than 90% of the issues, but has lingering POLITICAL ENEMIES that will make his candidacy harder to accomplish than Trumps who has NO POLITICAL RECORD for scumbags to fall back on, especially VOTES on social issues!
You might want to look at what 'majority' means. Trump does not have a majority.

Jeb Bush does?
Who said that? Jeb is not even in the race anymore as far as I am concerned. He has no chance of getting anywhere. I have no idea why he is even holding on anymore. All it takes is to see him speak once to understand why as well.

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