Manhattan D.A. Alvin Bragg is a Typical Lying Democrat

Claims he grew up in a dangerous 'hood. Only he didn't. LOL

Was his residence in Harlem? Yes. Yes it was. Was Harlem dangerous when he lived there? Yes. Yes it was.

So the liar is ... you.
As long as it takes. :biggrin:


It'll be fun to watch, as it always is to watch you leftist vermin cut off your nose to spite your face.

BTW, have you had today's booster yet? That'll teach you a lot about how to hold your breath.

If we're lucky.


Early life and education​

Bragg is from Harlem, and grew up on Striver's Row.[2] In an interview with The American Prospect, Bragg said that he had been "deeply affected by the criminal justice system – most directly through three gunpoint stops by the NYPD."[3] He graduated from the Trinity School[4] before attending Harvard College. He graduated from Harvard cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in government in 1995,[2][5] and earned his Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Civil Rights–Civil Liberties Law Review.[5][4]

I love to sound like you guys don't know what you're talking about.

You monkey, do you have any idea what Trinity School is? lol

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