Manhattan D.A. Eyes Criminal Charges Against Trump Organization

Can't go after Trump ...try to go after Trump Org.?


Manhattan D.A. Eyes Criminal Charges Against Trump Organization

Manhattan D.A. Eyes Criminal Charges Against Trump Organization
/----/ Another Nothing Burger.
They’re going after Trump. No question. But they’re going after his whole criminal family because they’re all involved.

Love that invoice showing a $50,000 payment for campaign “tech matters”. Didn’t the campaign have an intel department to pay for “tech matters”? What “tech matters” did Cohen bill the campaign for for and why was this invoice paid by the Trump Corporation?

Steele said that Cohen made payments to the Russian hackers. Is this proof of these payments? Enquiringly minds want to know.

With Cohen now enthusiastically cooperating, we’ll soon know. That exposes the Trump Corporation and Junior and Eric to more charges.

Keep on whistling past that graveyard.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Can't sling a dead cat without hitting some crazed liberal that is attacking our President! :04:

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