Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg funded by anti-American extremist Soros

She was until she flipped. She was even sanctioned by the Party in her own state.

Reality. Get to know it.
She didn’t flip on conservatism. She flipped on Trump specifically because of his actions as president.

You said dissent was allowed. Clearly it’s not.

She is and always has been a conservative.
She didn’t flip on conservatism. She flipped on Trump specifically because of his actions as president.
Alleged actions as President. She turned like a rabid dog on Trump only because she didn’t like the way he was leading the Party — the change of direction he was trying to implement.
You said dissent was allowed. Clearly it’s not.

I did say that. I was right. And dissent clearly is allowed. Her behavior? Not so much.
She is and always has been a conservative.
She had a fair track record as a conservative. But her Party was the GOP. That Party had long since failed to be particularly conservative. She allowed her political ambitions to supersede her loyalty to the Party or conservatism.
The GOP had become (and still largely is) a weak sister of the Democrap Parody. They have shown damn little spine in the past few decades. If Trump prevails, he will help guide them to a more genuine conservative foundation. If he fails, he’s already injected some new blood and fighting spirit into the GOP.
There is nothing genuine about Trump, or his "conservatism".

But I love the narrative of Reactionary victimhood. Spoke with a friend who is a cheese in the Illinois Republican Party who insisted the same, and that the only Safe Spaces were FOX and Newsmax.

Democrats are more corrupt, and they get away with it.
Like Barry Obama using the FBI and the DOJ to illegally spy on President's Trump's campaign and getting away with it.
Or like Joe Biden using his son and the Ukraine to launder bribe money and getting away with it.
Or like Bill Clinton taking bribes from the Chinese and getting away with it.

Well, until you can provide hard evidence of each of those wild-ass claims, I'll file your comment in the assorted incompetent rebuttals, file.

Congratulations, you've earned it !
Yea, the Democrat Party is a crazy political cult.
Their cult members can't take reality.

Yeah, uh uh, I'll file that one in the 'assorted projections' file.

Weasel words, TRD. weasel words. If you don't know what those are, google it.
3. They are all in it together for power and money!!!
If I no longer respond to you, its not because you've won. Its because you've been deemed a fucking idiot and I simply don't have the time for leftist, childish, nonsense.

But you have for right wing, childish, nonsense.


I didn't think so.
It would be easy enough for you to disprove what his premise is, why don't you? hmmmm?
You made a claim without any source, but want a poster to provide his source?
Typical leftwing hack.

This is mine:
  1. St. Louis, MO (69.4)
  2. Baltimore, MD (51.1)
  3. New Orleans, LA (40.6)
  4. Detroit, MI (39.7)
  5. Cleveland, OH (33.7)
  6. Las Vegas, NV (31.4)
  7. Kansas City, MO (31.2)
  8. Memphis, TN (27.1)
  9. Newark, NJ (25.6)
  10. Chicago, IL (24)
  11. Cincinnati, OH (23.8)
  12. Philadelphia, PA (20.2)
  13. Milwaukee, WI (20.0)
  14. Tulsa, OK (18.6)
  15. Pittsburgh, PA (18.4)
  16. Indianapolis, IN (17.7)
  17. Louisville, KY (17.5)
  18. Oakland, CA (17.1)
  19. Washington D.C. (17.0)
  20. Atlanta, GA (16.7)

What's yours? :smoke:
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"You are, too" is the sum of your rebuttal. Not very compelling.
You have to first state something intelligent and supported before any rebuttal is warranted. Your bleatings, so far, aren’t intelligent or supported.
Quit being a dick, and I just might.
Stop being an asshole and I’ll start to care.
Soros? Ho hum. He's not an issue, as far as I'm concerned.
I don’t care what you find to be an issue.

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