Manhunt on for suspect who shot and killed Texas deputy

Nope, it is a crime, a tragic crime. But for you Nazis everything is political, that is why you embrace the Nazi views.

But most people are not like you, most people do not see a death and think to themselves "how can I use this to win an argument on a political internet forum".

It is a shitty way to live, but it does seem to make you happy so I good for you

And likely committed by an illegal alien.
You know,those guys you like so much and want to let into our country.
I find it funny that when something like this happens the right points fingers at the Democrats (sanctuary cities, open borders) and the left complains about it being made political before the blood dries. When it's a mass shooting the left points fingers at the Republicans and the NRA and the right complains about it being made political before the blood dries. Don'tcha just love politics....... :lmao:
I'm not a right winger, and you're no 'moderate'.

It's happening now.
Hope they kill him. Failing that, Texas is a death penalty state where they actually execute people.
Fuck decorum you racist, fascist , Loving, Anti-American Asshole

My my...the left wing hate is strong in this one. I suspect you have masking issues.

I blame the person that fired the gun, which has nothing to do with politics or political parties.

This police officer's blood is not even dry and people are using it to make political points a forum.

It is a disgusting thing to do
And yet you never complain when a lefty does the same......

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