Manners and Etiquette - taught young

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
I'm just wondering, since there seems to be a LOT of people on this site around my age............

It's been a subject on my mind for some time.

Was anybody else taught manners and etiquette by any of your teachers when growing up?
I don't mean like MIss Manners high society manners and etiquette, I'm talking about POLITE SOCIETY and PUBLIC manners and etiquette???

My grandma not only taught me how to behave and speak in public, many of my teachers did as well, even though it was not school curriculum.

Don't talk back to adults. You can speak to them, but no "sass mouth".
Don't walk behind adults, walk in front where they can see you, unless otherwise told.
Don't eat with your mouth open.
Don't scrape the utensils on your teeth.
Don't slouch, stand up straight.
Say "yes ma'am, no ma'am" and "yes sir, no sir" when answering adults.
Walk on the right side of the sidewalk.
Enter the RIGHT door. The right door is to enter, the left door is for exiting.
People coming OUT of a building have the right of way over people going IN.
ALWAYS look where you are going, and say "excuse me" if you bump somebody.
If you trip and fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.
Walk single file, not side by side, as other people have to use the sidewalk or the hallway.
If someone else falls, immediately ask if they need help. Only help if they want it, never force yourself onto anyone.
If you see someone struggling, offer to help them out the best you can.
Treat your friends like gold, because they are hard to find and easy to lose.
Respect the older people, as they have lived through it and learned from it. The best you can do is listen and learn something.
Don't belch or fart at the table, or when comany is over.

Learned lots of stuff during my schools years from different teachers and my granny. This is just some of it.

I ask, because nobody seems to know how to walk on a fucking sidewalk anymore, or pull their fucking shopping cart over to the side and not block the fucking isle. They don't even know which fucking door to use to go in and out of a fucking building, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE MARKED "ENTER" and "EXIT". Mind you, I know most of them are fucktard illiterates, but still.

So, I'm just wondering, especially if you are here in the South like I am.......did you learn manners and etiquette this way? Or was it just me?

I'm just wondering, since there seems to be a LOT of people on this site around my age............

It's been a subject on my mind for some time.

Was anybody else taught manners and etiquette by any of your teachers when growing up?
I don't mean like MIss Manners high society manners and etiquette, I'm talking about POLITE SOCIETY and PUBLIC manners and etiquette???

My grandma not only taught me how to behave and speak in public, many of my teachers did as well, even though it was not school curriculum.

Don't talk back to adults. You can speak to them, but no "sass mouth".
Don't walk behind adults, walk in front where they can see you, unless otherwise told.
Don't eat with your mouth open.
Don't scrape the utensils on your teeth.
Don't slouch, stand up straight.
Say "yes ma'am, no ma'am" and "yes sir, no sir" when answering adults.
Walk on the right side of the sidewalk.
Enter the RIGHT door. The right door is to enter, the left door is for exiting.
People coming OUT of a building have the right of way over people going IN.
ALWAYS look where you are going, and say "excuse me" if you bump somebody.
If you trip and fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.
Walk single file, not side by side, as other people have to use the sidewalk or the hallway.
If someone else falls, immediately ask if they need help. Only help if they want it, never force yourself onto anyone.
If you see someone struggling, offer to help them out the best you can.
Treat your friends like gold, because they are hard to find and easy to lose.
Respect the older people, as they have lived through it and learned from it. The best you can do is listen and learn something.
Don't belch or fart at the table, or when comany is over.

Learned lots of stuff during my schools years from different teachers and my granny. This is just some of it.

I ask, because nobody seems to know how to walk on a fucking sidewalk anymore, or pull their fucking shopping cart over to the side and not block the fucking isle. They don't even know which fucking door to use to go in and out of a fucking building, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE MARKED "ENTER" and "EXIT". Mind you, I know most of them are fucktard illiterates, but still.

So, I'm just wondering, especially if you are here in the South like I am.......did you learn manners and etiquette this way? Or was it just me?

View attachment 788509

The sidewalk thing is annoying. But I will add another where walking on a sidewalk is involved.
Men, you are supposed to walk on the street side of the sidewalk, with the woman on the side away from the road. Not just wife/girlfriend, but any woman you are walking with.
  • Fact
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The sidewalk thing is annoying. But I will add another where walking on a sidewalk is involved.
Men, you are supposed to walk on the street side of the sidewalk, with the woman on the side away from the road. Not just wife/girlfriend, but any woman you are walking with.
Kids are supposed to be on the inside too, so they don't fall off the curb or wander off into the road.
I always make sure to be especially polite and supportive to anybody dealing with the public -- wait staff in restaurants, sales clerks, the folks working at the post office or bartenders and coffee baristas.

I figure they deal with Karens all day, so I have decided to be the anti-Karen.
I've tried to engage several of our rudest posters on the art of being a gentleman. Had no idea what I was even talking about. Apparently it's something fags do.
I always make sure to be especially polite and supportive to anybody dealing with the public -- wait staff in restaurants, sales clerks, the folks working at the post office or bartenders and coffee baristas.

I figure they deal with Karens all day, so I have decided to be the anti-Karen.

I do the same. In fact, if service people are exceptional, or go out of their way, I will make sure the manager knows. You know the Karens will.
The sidewalk thing is annoying. But I will add another where walking on a sidewalk is involved.
Men, you are supposed to walk on the street side of the sidewalk, with the woman on the side away from the road. Not just wife/girlfriend, but any woman you are walking with.
"In the past, when a man and woman were walking together in public, the man would walk on the left side of the woman so that his sword hand (his right hand) would be free, giving him quick and easy access to his sword, worn on his left side1. This practice is still followed today in some countries1."
It is.

I'm not in business because I love to manage people, but the one thing I do know is that I don't like being treated like shit and so I don't expect my employees to have to put up with it, either.
Good people mgmt can make a workplace great or hell. Good to see you taking care of your people.
Whenever anybody compliments my business, I always tell them what great employees I have.

It's all a circle, really.
When my then hubby and I signed an employee's paycheck we always added, "Thank you." Forty-five paychecks every two weeks. We were always very courteous to them. We knew the greatest emotional need a human being has is to feel appreciated. We also enjoyed a low turnover rate and employees were paid above-average wages and salaries. We would laugh with them. It was a comfortable relationship most of the time. ;)
I'm just wondering, since there seems to be a LOT of people on this site around my age............

It's been a subject on my mind for some time.

Was anybody else taught manners and etiquette by any of your teachers when growing up?
I don't mean like MIss Manners high society manners and etiquette, I'm talking about POLITE SOCIETY and PUBLIC manners and etiquette???

My grandma not only taught me how to behave and speak in public, many of my teachers did as well, even though it was not school curriculum.

Don't talk back to adults. You can speak to them, but no "sass mouth".
Don't walk behind adults, walk in front where they can see you, unless otherwise told.
Don't eat with your mouth open.
Don't scrape the utensils on your teeth.
Don't slouch, stand up straight.
Say "yes ma'am, no ma'am" and "yes sir, no sir" when answering adults.
Walk on the right side of the sidewalk.
Enter the RIGHT door. The right door is to enter, the left door is for exiting.
People coming OUT of a building have the right of way over people going IN.
ALWAYS look where you are going, and say "excuse me" if you bump somebody.
If you trip and fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.
Walk single file, not side by side, as other people have to use the sidewalk or the hallway.
If someone else falls, immediately ask if they need help. Only help if they want it, never force yourself onto anyone.
If you see someone struggling, offer to help them out the best you can.
Treat your friends like gold, because they are hard to find and easy to lose.
Respect the older people, as they have lived through it and learned from it. The best you can do is listen and learn something.
Don't belch or fart at the table, or when comany is over.

Learned lots of stuff during my schools years from different teachers and my granny. This is just some of it.

I ask, because nobody seems to know how to walk on a fucking sidewalk anymore, or pull their fucking shopping cart over to the side and not block the fucking isle. They don't even know which fucking door to use to go in and out of a fucking building, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE MARKED "ENTER" and "EXIT". Mind you, I know most of them are fucktard illiterates, but still.

So, I'm just wondering, especially if you are here in the South like I am.......did you learn manners and etiquette this way? Or was it just me?

View attachment 788509
Teachers didn't teach much. These rules and guidelines were taught by parents, grandparents, and enforced when we forgot.
  • Winner
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I'm just wondering, since there seems to be a LOT of people on this site around my age............

It's been a subject on my mind for some time.

Was anybody else taught manners and etiquette by any of your teachers when growing up?
I don't mean like MIss Manners high society manners and etiquette, I'm talking about POLITE SOCIETY and PUBLIC manners and etiquette???

My grandma not only taught me how to behave and speak in public, many of my teachers did as well, even though it was not school curriculum.

Don't talk back to adults. You can speak to them, but no "sass mouth".
Don't walk behind adults, walk in front where they can see you, unless otherwise told.
Don't eat with your mouth open.
Don't scrape the utensils on your teeth.
Don't slouch, stand up straight.
Say "yes ma'am, no ma'am" and "yes sir, no sir" when answering adults.
Walk on the right side of the sidewalk.
Enter the RIGHT door. The right door is to enter, the left door is for exiting.
People coming OUT of a building have the right of way over people going IN.
ALWAYS look where you are going, and say "excuse me" if you bump somebody.
If you trip and fall, get up, dust yourself off, and keep on going.
Walk single file, not side by side, as other people have to use the sidewalk or the hallway.
If someone else falls, immediately ask if they need help. Only help if they want it, never force yourself onto anyone.
If you see someone struggling, offer to help them out the best you can.
Treat your friends like gold, because they are hard to find and easy to lose.
Respect the older people, as they have lived through it and learned from it. The best you can do is listen and learn something.
Don't belch or fart at the table, or when comany is over.

Learned lots of stuff during my schools years from different teachers and my granny. This is just some of it.

I ask, because nobody seems to know how to walk on a fucking sidewalk anymore, or pull their fucking shopping cart over to the side and not block the fucking isle. They don't even know which fucking door to use to go in and out of a fucking building, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE MARKED "ENTER" and "EXIT". Mind you, I know most of them are fucktard illiterates, but still.

So, I'm just wondering, especially if you are here in the South like I am.......did you learn manners and etiquette this way? Or was it just me?

View attachment 788509
My brother and I were taught all those things and more, also. We, too, are natives of the South. We were taught the Golden Rule and we were taught it is rude to interrupt another when they were speaking. My hubby is also from a southern state as a boy and he opens and closes the car door for me and always treats me with the highest respect as I do him. Each of us left the South around the same ages, 13 and 14 years old, moving to western states but carrying all those good lessons our parents taught us to this day. We often speak and smile at those good-ole times in a culture we still practice. He tells me I am the most polite person he has ever known, though. lol ( bless his heart ) :smiliehug:
I always make sure to be especially polite and supportive to anybody dealing with the public -- wait staff in restaurants, sales clerks, the folks working at the post office or bartenders and coffee barista

I figure they deal with Karens all day, so I have decided to be the anti-Karen.
I do too. I know what they are going through- dealing with. I like to be the exception and they like to see us come in.
Teachers didn't teach much. These rules and guidelines were taught by parents, grandparents, and enforced when we forgot.
Heck, if we forgot to say "yes, or no ma'am/sir," we had to take our desks to the hall and sit there until class was over. And the principal would stroll the hallways with his arms behind his back and his hands clasped. lol
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I always make sure to be especially polite and supportive to anybody dealing with the public -- wait staff in restaurants, sales clerks, the folks working at the post office or bartenders and coffee baristas.

I figure they deal with Karens all day, so I have decided to be the anti-Karen.

I've worked in public retail for many years before I went into the corporate office environment.
I always appreciated my GOOD customers with manners and decency. You can easily have a bad day once at work, and it makes you feel much better if a customer says "Thank you" rather than throw a toddler tantrum.
Over the past couple of decades, I've observed the customer patterns of the stores I frequent, as to avoid most of the nasty, vile, despicable fuktards that refuse to bother with THE MOST sub-basic of manners and etiquette that ANY viable, civilized human being is born with.

Even at that, I still get met with braindead fuktards that enter thru the exit door, exit thru the entrance door, run up and SHOVE their way thru the door while I'm going IN or OUT, speed thru the parking lot the WRONG WAY across the striped parking space, leave their baskets in the middle of the parking lot, eat with their mouths open, hack/gag/spit up/suck back snot in public, and walk down aisles/hallways/sidewalks shoulder to shoulder!

If shooting POS were a sport, I'd be a Grand Master at it!!

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