Many Americans Don’t Believe Trump Can Handle Presidential Duties

Many thought Obungles would fail....they (and we) were spot on

I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.

They said he'd never get the nomination. But here we are
I want you to hold true to that notion and lets see just how grand of a statement you morons impact the next few have the wind at your backs....but you know and we all know, the only thing conservatives know how to do is scare the fuck out of white people, gerrymander districts to get elected and bullshit have it all, and I can't wait to see you people brag or better still gag over the possibilities of a good sound china jobs making success!!
Yes and the Dems have advanced you blacks so much right?

And notice how they ALWAYS sidetrack the thread with lies about President Obama and Secty Clinton?
That includes those who voted for him.

They know he lies every time he opens his mouth. They know he's stupid. They know he failed at almost everything he has done. They know he's too stupid to understand the duties of the "precedent".

And still, they voted for him.
And you gave us Obama who is a train wreck off the teleprompter. Without affirmative action he would be a ghetto rat. He will go down as the worst president in history. Jimmy Carter is a happy man.
Many thought Obungles would fail....they (and we) were spot on

I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.
It's impossible to predict foreign and domestic sabotage in an election. Even with that help he was still -3,000,000 votes.
Many thought Obungles would fail....they (and we) were spot on

I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.

They said he'd never get the nomination. But here we are
That was mostly conservative media saying that. I knew you rubes had no limits to the depths you could sink.

Still better than Cruz.
Many thought Obungles would fail....they (and we) were spot on


I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.

They said he'd never get the nomination. But here we are
That was mostly conservative media saying that. I knew you rubes had no limits to the depths you could sink.

Still better than Cruz.

Insults his wife and his father and still he's sucking up to Duh Donuld.

Creepy and no balls.
Less than half of Americans are confident that President-elect Donald Trump can handle several presidential duties, a new Gallup poll finds.

On the other hand, the poll did show that 60 percent of Americans are confident in Trump’s ability to effectively work with Congress. A little more than half (55 percent) think he will be able to defend U.S. interests abroad.


He won the election. Get over it.
I want you to hold true to that notion and lets see just how grand of a statement you morons impact the next few have the wind at your backs....but you know and we all know, the only thing conservatives know how to do is scare the fuck out of white people, gerrymander districts to get elected and bullshit have it all, and I can't wait to see you people brag or better still gag over the possibilities of a good sound china jobs making success!!
Yes and the Dems have advanced you blacks so much right?
Willow, stop trying to compare the GOP's love for us negro's against the Dem....all white laced and fucked up.
Less than half of Americans are confident that President-elect Donald Trump can handle several presidential duties, a new Gallup poll finds.

On the other hand, the poll did show that 60 percent of Americans are confident in Trump’s ability to effectively work with Congress. A little more than half (55 percent) think he will be able to defend U.S. interests abroad.

I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.

They said he'd never get the nomination. But here we are
That was mostly conservative media saying that. I knew you rubes had no limits to the depths you could sink.

Still better than Cruz.

Insults his wife and his father and still he's sucking up to Duh Donuld.

Creepy and no balls.
Many thought Obungles would fail....they (and we) were spot on

I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.
It's impossible to predict foreign and domestic sabotage in an election. Even with that help he was still -3,000,000 votes.
Oh my, I remember when Rather knowingly lied about Bush. No proof Russia had anything to do with the leaks. Another thing what was leaked told the truth about the corruption in your party. It's like a robber getting mad at the person that turned him in. I am glad how you are showing that liberals have no morals. Make it easier kicking your ass in 2018.

I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.

They said he'd never get the nomination. But here we are
That was mostly conservative media saying that. I knew you rubes had no limits to the depths you could sink.

Still better than Cruz.
Probably Trump. The right's all caught up in impotent rage at the moment. 2020 will be a better chance for the GOP.
The majority of republicans hate Trump.
Hes brought some much needed discussion on hot topics to the forefront but other than that.....??

Or do you say this because of the latest polls?
2007 Rudy Giuliani was ahead, remember...
This is different. The field will be narrowed down to 3 or 4. Trump will stay because he has control of the GOP base. It's not clear who the other survivors will be. My guess is Bush (who will gain the supporters from a few candidates who drop out), Rubio (who will poll very low), and either Walker or Kasich (who will poll even lower, though Kasich may surprise).

Trump against 2 or 3 opponents means that Trump doesn't have to win a huge percentage of the vote. He'll win enough, and then likely lose in the general election. And the right will have learned an important lesson the hard way. And they'll remember that lesson in 2020, when sanity will finally return to the GOP after 2 decades of madness.
I thank that just because it does show some thought.
Here's my prediction, and I probably won't be posting here anymore when it comes to pass, but just in case remember you heard it here first.

I predict Hillary will win in 2016, and lose in her re-election bid in 2020 where she'll get less than 35% of the vote. She will lose to a moderate republican, who does not care about gay marriage, who is not interested in revamping healthcare, and who has no interest in going to war in the middle east. And it will be good for the country.

Write it down! You heard it from TOS first!
I already know you're crazy, no need to advertise it
Of course there is. I want you to remember thinking that I was crazy when Trump rapes and humiliates our county, proving that I was right.
Didn't you state there is no way he would win? So no, I'm not worried.

They said he'd never get the nomination. But here we are
That was mostly conservative media saying that. I knew you rubes had no limits to the depths you could sink.

Still better than Cruz.

Insults his wife and his father and still he's sucking up to Duh Donuld.

Creepy and no balls.
Gruber said it best when he called you an idiot, and you stuck up for him! Lol:itsok:

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