Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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There are a lot of questions!

1) Why are there still embarrassing troofers?

Ok, maybe theres only one question. Wait, I got one:

Why DID the Bush administration so quickly send his Saudi oil connections out of the country, when so many of them had ties to bin Laden?

Oh wait, nevermind, i just answered my own question.
9-11 Truthers Alternative Reality

While being constructed, the WTC towers and Building 7 were wired with thermite waiting for the day when terrorists would hijack planes and fly them into the towers

OK 9-11 Truthers

Is this your explanation or not?

Personally? No.

My only position is that the governments story is bullshit.

Burden of proof is on you

If you claim a controlled demo, you must concede the idiocy of your scenario

WTC was wired for a controlled demo just in case someone flew planes into the buildings

YOUR theory.....defend it


The burden of proof is on YOU to support the governments theory. YOU CAN'T.

You are asking me to support a theory which I do not support, to prove something I do not believe.

I have told you multiple times, I DO NOT KNOW what happened.

I only know what did NOT happen.

I have no theory. Thus, I do not have to prove anything.

I debated every year in high school, and for two years on a Big Ten College team. Do not tell me how debate happen, or how burden of proof works.

Wow, you are incredibly stupid if you think that is how this works.

STOP with the strawman already.


I Cant believe you even STILL bother with agent rightwinger all these years later.:abgg2q.jpg:

you of all people should KNOW he doesnt REALLY believe all the BS he posts or was that just for the benefit of new posters that dont know him as you and i do?:abgg2q.jpg:

He is just my sounding board for how utterly stupid folks that believe in the official government conspiracy theory sound.

He gives me an opportunity to post the best sources and arguments that the official paradigm is crap.

On the off chance new members stumble in, or the young, they will see his name calling, and childish antics, and see my facts, and those folks will see the light.

It is pretty obvious.

This needs to be seen by the whole world, at least once a year, and that guy gives us a good opportunity to post it. Especially since he never gives us any retort to the governments silly conspiracy theory.

Folks can go here, and check the sources;
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory : The Corbett Report

CIA double agent getting dialysis;

Context of 'November 1996-Late August 1998: US Tracks Bin Laden’s Satellite Phone Calls'
November 1996-Late August 1998: US Tracks Bin Laden’s Satellite Phone Calls

"An Inmarsat Compact M satellite phone, the type used by bin Laden. [Source: Inmarsat]During this period, Osama bin Laden uses a satellite phone to direct al-Qaeda’s operations. The phone—a Compact M satellite phone, about the size of a laptop computer—was purchased by a student in Virginia named Ziyad Khaleel for $7,500 using the credit card of a British man named Saad al-Fagih. After purchasing the phone, Khaleel sent it to Khalid al-Fawwaz, al-Qaeda’s unofficial press secretary in London (see Early 1994-September 23, 1998). Al-Fawwaz then shipped it to bin Laden in Afghanistan. . . "

9-11 Research: Suicide Pilots
". . .At least one of the two pilots of all four of the flights were formerly in the military, and some had combat experience in Vietnam. According to Col. Donn de Grand Pre, each flight's pilots were physically fit and strong. 2

John Ogonowski was captain of American Airlines flight 11. Ogonowski was an Air Force fighter pilot in Vietnam and joined American Airlines in 1979. His co-pilot, Tom McGuinness, flew F-14 fighters for the Navy. 3

Victor Saracini was captain of United Airlines Flight 175. Saracini was a former Navy fighter pilot of the Vietnam era.


Chic Burlingame
Chic Burlingame was captain of American Airlines Flight 77. Burlingame was a graduate of the Naval Academy and honor graduate of the Navy "Top Gun" school, in Miramar, CA. He flew F-4 Phantoms for the Navy, where he landed the fighter jets on aircraft carriers in stormy conditions. He then left the Navy in 1979 to join American Airlines. 4

LeRoy Homer was the first officer of United Airlines Flight 93. It crashed in Somerset County, PA, at 10:10 am. Homer was an Air Force Academy graduate and a former Air Force pilot. 5

Given the experience of these pilots, it is very difficult to imagine a forced takeover of any of their cockpits.. . "

Before September 11, 2001: 9/11 Hijackers Drink Alcohol and Watch Strip Shows, Especially towards Eve of Attacks

Terrorists partied with hooker at Hub-area hotel

SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options
SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options | Washington's Blog

It goes on and on. . . . the official story? It's crap and propaganda. That is all there is to it.

The President mis-spoke.
It's more fun to hate Cheney, but I don't think Bush is 100% innocent.
He certainly wasn't the one calling most of the shots as president --at least not that day..

Well your question was answered. If you—and I mean you personally — have others...let’s hear them.

Why was all the data on Able Danger destroyed and the folks associated with it denied the ability to testify?

Why was the data associated with the FTC investigation with the insider trading for the unusual market activity related to stocks and other investments indicating prior knowledge of the attack also destroyed and nothing done?

It was destroyed and yet you know about both?

The investment CS is nonsense. Able Danger is not something I know a great deal about

Why is it nonsense?

Because it wasn’t all that unusual
But wait.....There’s more!

If you think the idea of the WTC being wired for a controlled demo is preposterous

Look at 9-11 truth claims about the Pentagon
Damage was not caused by an airliner being flown into the Pentagon, it was caused by a missile that was fired just as the airline was flying over. Then, the government scattered airline debris all over the site

Can’t make this shit up
The reason there are questions about the Pentagon is simple---
why were all the cameras off ?

You mean the cameras were off that recorded the jet impacting the Pentagon?

"Pentagon security cameras outside the building captured the plane crashing into the building. The plane is barely visible as it hits the building and an explosion erupts. The security camera footage was made public after a conservative group, Judicial Watch, filed a Freedom of Information request seeking it in December 2004."

Video does not show missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11

I have seen the videos taken while you say the cameras were off. Why haven't you, dumbass?
So you believe if a jet airliner should ever crash into a building again, it will likewise collapse, taking surrounding buildings with it? :dunno:
We have the definitive models now.


So where were the signs of explosive charges being detonated like we see in every other controlled demolition?

They aren't there and you cannot explain why they were not visible.
What we know

A jet airline flew into each tower at high speed
Those airlines smashed huge hole in the building and created massive fires
People caught in the buildings were so terrified of the fires that they jumped rather than face the fires

Damage and intense fires caused TWO equally designed towers under identical circumstances to collapse

Prove anything else caused the collapse

Lawyers' Committee 'Names Names' in New 9/11 Grand Jury Filing

9/11: Finally the Truth Comes Out?

Ongoing trial at Guantanamo also.
Trial for Men Accused of Plotting 9/11 Attacks Is Set for 2021

Your first source is now over 6 months old? Got anything that follows up?

Of course you don't because it never happened!
Lot of passengers to get on a missile
The biggest questions about the Pentagon to me involve the VP.
Why were the Pentagon survellance cameras turned off that day and
why did Cheney apparently order a stand-down on Flight 77 as it approached the Pentagon ?

The words "stand down" did not occur anywhere on that video, dumbass!

The cameras at the Pentagon recorded the impact. Why do you lie?
What makes you think Pentagon cameras were turned off?
Which cameras are you talking about?

Cheney was VP, he has no authority to order anything

There was mass confusion at the time, what could Cheney possibly do?
In the absence of the president and Secretary of Defense, Dick was the man that day.
And the cameras were either off or FBI confiscated them.
The 85 Pentagon Area Surveillance Cameras - 9/11 TV

Your link

  • Most of those 85 cameras were not aimed in the direction of the Pentagon and/or at the part of the Pentagon in question.
  • Most cameras were located a considerable distance from the impact event, and virtually all surveillance cameras had wide-angle (fisheye) lenses which cause some geometric distortion and render distant objects at very low resolution.
  • Many cameras had obstructed views of the Pentagon impact area.
  • In 2001, virtually all surveillance cameras had low spacial resolution.
  • In 2001, most surveillance cameras recorded at low frame rates (low temporal resolution), in the range of one to eight frames per second. By comparison, American TV is most often 30 frames/second.
  • The high speed of the plane, accelerating to around 550 mph, resulted in image blurring, and offered a low chance of catching more than a single frame of the plane, given the low-recorded frame rate (one frame/sec).
Also from my link;

According to the FBI, there were 85 video surveillance cameras in the vicinity of the Pentagon that might have captured some parts of the Pentagon event on 9/11. The FBI confiscated some of the recordings from those cameras very shortly after the event, and the rest over the following days. This act by the government fueled the suspicions of those questioning a large plane impact into the Pentagon. It is known that the FBI confiscated much 9/11 evidence, including evidence at all four crash sites; thus their confiscations at the Pentagon were typical, not unusual. However, since the two videos that were released do appear to contain useful information about what hit the Pentagon, we should not automatically assume the FBI is being dishonest here.

Why very few cameras captured the impact event

There are a number of valid reasons why only 4 of the 85 videos were released by the FBI in response to a FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) request filed in 2004, which was fulfilled in 2006. Because of a number of factors (listed below and detailed in the footnotes) only 2 of the 85 cameras captured any useful footage of the plane-impact event[1].

  • Most of those 85 cameras were not aimed in the direction of the Pentagon and/or at the part of the Pentagon in question.
  • Most cameras were located a considerable distance from the impact event, and virtually all surveillance cameras had wide-angle (fisheye) lenses which cause some geometric distortion and render distant objects at very low resolution.
  • Many cameras had obstructed views of the Pentagon impact area.
  • In 2001, virtually all surveillance cameras had low spacial resolution.
  • In 2001, most surveillance cameras recorded at low frame rates (low temporal resolution), in the range of one to eight frames per second. By comparison, American TV is most often 30 frames/second.
  • The high speed of the plane, accelerating to around 550 mph, resulted in image blurring, and offered a low chance of catching more than a single frame of the plane, given the low-recorded frame rate (one frame/sec).

The well-known “5-frames” from a Pentagon surveillance camera were first released in March of 2002. The only frame that appears to include the plane has a post obstructing the camera’s view of almost everything but the tail fin.

In December 2004, Judicial Watch, a public interest group, filed a FOIA request on behalf of Scott Bingham. The request was for surveillance camera footage that might show the plane approaching and/or hitting the Pentagon.

The FBI identified 85 surveillance cameras that were located in the vicinity of the Pentagon that might have revealed the plane. After the Zacarias Moussaoui trial ended in 2006, the Department of Defense released 4 of those videos2, including a 200 frame extended version of the 5-frame sequence first released in 2002.

Completely new to the public in 2006 were the 183 frames that were released from a second identical surveillance camera located adjacent to the first camera within the same security checkpoint. One of these new frames provided an unobstructed view of the plane, but at such low contrast and resolution it was not initially noticed or reported as such. Instead, what appears to be the same white smoke seen in the crucial frame from the first camera (released in 2002) is also seen at the edge of the second camera’s crucial frame. The shape of the white smoke was mistakenly identified in news media as the plane’s nose.3

What the two Pentagon camera recordings reveal

Both of the two Pentagon surveillance cameras were in a security check point located about 833 feet north of the impact point. Both cameras show what appears to be white smoke trailing the approach of a rapidly moving object. The frames that followed the impact of that object show a massive orange fireball, quickly followed by a rising column of black smoke, and then debris fragments raining down and landing near the two cameras six to nine seconds after the impact.4

The second Pentagon camera had an unobstructed view, and has one frame which appears to show a plane near the right edge of the frame, and appears to have the same white smoke trail that is seen in the 5-frame sequence. In a way similar to the identical first (5-frames) camera, the recordings from this second camera yielded a low resolution image of distant objects due in part to their wide-angle lenses, so the images do not make clear what is revealed by the second camera’s frames either. But what does appear in the crucial frame from the second camera resembles a somewhat out-of-focus airliner, including the tail fin and trailing smoke as seen in the adjacent “5-frame” camera.


A blow up of a part of two frames from the second Pentagon surveillance camera.

As seen in the frames from both cameras and as noted here, there was a large fireball explosion seen in several frames as would be produced by atomized jet fuel. This fireball closely resembled the jet fuel fireballs seen at the WTC.


WTC 2 Pentagon WTC 2

The preponderance of eyewitness and physical evidence points to a plane, specifically a silver plane, which produced that fireball seen in footage from both cameras, and seen by hundreds of witnesses.

One of the first of the five frames shows a fuzzy dark shape resembling a plane tail fin projecting upwards above and behind the top of a post in the foreground that obscures most of the approaching object itself.


Frame from the first Pentagon surveillance camera (detail)

In the next frame, the fuzzy tail fin is gone, and a fireball is seen erupting from the side of the Pentagon building.

A computer graphic simulation by Mike Wilson,5 illustrating a 757-sized plane impact approaching and impacting the Pentagon, incorporates the one crucial frame of the 5-frame sequence and clearly illustrates how a 757 would be almost completely obscured by the post, except for the tail.


Computer graphic simulation of a frame from the first camera

A few researchers have questioned the five frames as doctored, staged and/or fraudulent, but there is no evidence for such fraud.

Further analysis of the frames from the two on-site surveillance cameras, and in particular of their common multiplexer and recorder system, may eventually provide additional evidence.

Why was the plane trailing white smoke?

The trailing white smoke has been interpreted in at least four different ways:

  1. As smoke from a missile’s rocket engine exhaust.
  2. As atomized fuel venting from wing fuel tank damage caused by collisions of the wings with one or more of the five light poles.
  3. As the result of engine damage from a lamp housing of a streetlight hit by the plane’s wing, being ingested by the right engine of the plane.
  4. As smoke generated by tree branches and leaves ingested and burned by the right engine of a large plane. (This tree appears in the two images below.)

The author favors explanation #4 as the most likely source of the white smoke, in part because the top of a tree with sheared branches appears to be very closely aligned with the right engine of the incoming plane.

Any of the last three interpretations are consistent with the large plane theory.


Since 2006, researchers have had all the frames of interest from both of the two surveillance cameras with the best useful information about the Pentagon event. Unfortunately, both sets of camera images are low resolution, and so what is seen is inconclusive. But what can be concluded with confidence is that the footage from both cameras is consistent with the large plane impact theory. Perhaps most significantly, one camera seems to show an unobstructed, but low-resolution view of the rapidly approaching plane.


This paper was adapted and expanded from a section of a new paper by Victoria Ashley, David Chandler, Jonathan H. Cole, Jim Hoffman, Ken Jenkins, Frank Legge, and John D. Wyndham published here: Scientific Method 9/11. Additional editing assistance by Paul Rea. Thank you all for your help.


[1] FBI Special Agent Jacqueline Maguire was tasked with responding to the 2004 Judicial Watch FIOA request, made on behalf of Scott Bingham, regarding the surveillance camera recordings the FBI gathered in the Pentagon area after 9/11.


Ms. Maguire’s specific responses are in quotes in the following text.

The FBI said they identified 85 video recordings that might show the plane impact into the Pentagon, but this number was the result of an initial search that included (for example) all videos obtained by the Washington Field Office.

From that starting point, the numbers of useful recordings regarding the Pentagon event begin to fall dramatically:

  • Very nearly 2/3rds of the 85 recordings, specifically 56 “of these video recordings did not show either the Pentagon building, the Pentagon crash site, or the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon on September 11.”
  • Of the remaining 29 video recordings, 16 did show some part of the Pentagon, but “did not show the Pentagon crash site and did not show the impact of Flight 77 into the Pentagon.”
  • Of the 13 remaining recordings, 11 “only showed the Pentagon after the impact of Flight 77.” An example is the video that was released from the Doubletree Hotel. That camera was initially pointed away from the Pentagon, then repositioned minutes after the crash to point towards the smoke cloud rising from the Pentagon crash site.
  • The two remaining recordings, from the Pentagon’s two security cameras both clearly showed the Pentagon impact fireball. One of those two recordings seems to show only the fin of the plane, due to a foreground obstruction. The other recording seems to show the entire plane, but also at low resolution.
2 Military Daily News

3 May 16, 2006, CNN – Anderson Cooper “Keeping Them Honest”

4 9-11 Research: Two Pentagon Videos

5 Integrated Consultants, Inc.,

Additional links - 85 videos

9/11 Pentagon Attack Footage Flight 77, 2012, analysis of the 2nd camera .


Date/Time overlay from 5-frames released in March 2002

The 5-frame sequence as released in 2002 had a date/time stamp added, with the date 9/12/2001, along with the word “plane” in the first frame, and “impact” in the second and following frames (the frames with the fireball).


Some have thought that the added date being off by a day and the wrong time was suspicious and might reveal fraud, but the 2006 release of 200 frames without the date/time stamps revealed that the date/time overlays in the frames released in 2002 were not added in real time or burned into the video, but were added later, specifically on Sept 12th.

We now have confirmation that the date/time and descriptive text were added the following day, on 9/12/2001. We know this from a November 9, 2006 interview with Brian Austin and Steve Pennington, who both worked on and with the Pentagon surveillance cameras. Pennington extracted those frames on 9/12/2001 as requested by FBI officials. Pennington added the descriptions “plane” and “impact”. Pennington said:

“Unfortunately, the software had a bug in it, and when a still image was saved, it captured the time in the computer at the time you were capturing the image or saving the image from the video to become a still picture…. That [bug] has long since been corrected, but that is the reason that the time and date are wrong.”

This detailed interview informs us about much more than the source of the date error, such as the purpose of the two surveillance cameras in question, and why they were aimed as they were. There is also mention of why there were not images from other cameras – for example, several cameras were destroyed by the plane impact. Besides other cameras, they discuss the recorders, what CD-ROM copies were made and for who, the recording frame rate and why it was so slow (1 fps), the backup recordings made onto DAT media, and other details.

The bottom line is that this interview helps confirm the legitimacy of the two Pentagon surveillance cameras and the frames from them that were leaked in 2002 and formally released in 2006. It follows the chain of evidence from the FBI, who released the frames to the public, back to the actual two people who pulled those frames off the recorder that contained the desired image data from both cameras – including frames of the plane and of the fireball that resulted from plane’s impact into the side of the Pentagon.

Thus there is little reason to doubt the legitimacy of the surveillance camera frame that shows the blurry plane rapidly approaching the Pentagon a fraction of a second before impact.

The full interview with Brian Austin and Steve Pennington can be found here: Steve Pennington111-9-2006.pdf :26:

Congratulations! Your own source disputes everything you have claimed thus far.

Way to go, dumbass!
Cameras at the Pentagon were made to pick up intruders, not an airplane traveling at close to 500 mph

Irrelevant since it is obvious a plane hit the Pentagon

The plane was tracked on radar up till it hit the Pentagon, both aircraft and human remains were recovered on site. Tracked to both Flight 77 and it’s passengers
And Dick Cheney orchestrated it, or at least allowed it to happen.
"Does the order still stand sir ?"
"Of course the order still stands."

So, what was the order? You still haven't provided any evidence of what the order was!
Yet, you can’t point to a single lie

The Biggest LIES of 9/11
". . .A simple building collapse does NOT generate enough energy to hurl a multi-ton steel beam–from the South Tower–nearly 400 feet away and have enough energy left over to impale the beam into the Deutsche Bank building, as seen in the picture below:

Have you calculated the energy generated by the collapse of a hundred story building?

Would “thermite” have caused a beam to project that far?

Show your math

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

B) In every controlled demolition in history, there has never been enough energy to throw out multi-ton steel beams. I never, ever, held the position that thermite alone did this, thus, I don't have to prove anything.

C) It is the job of YOU to prove the governments theory, that fire could cause such a preposterous thing to happen. I don't have to prove YOUR foolish conspiracy theory.

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

Never before in the history of the WTC have jets crashed into the buildings.

So you believe if a jet airliner should ever crash into a building again, it will likewise collapse, taking surrounding buildings with it? :dunno:

Two of the largest buildings in the world….both hit by airplanes and a debris field that covered several acres? Sure. First you have the “bowling pin” effect of debris slamming into the buildings around the site of the twin towers. And then you have the seismic anomaly of that taking place. Add into it the fires that were caused by said collisions and yep, you got a recipe for phenomena that is not explained by physics.

So you believe that the buildings were wired for controlled demolition and to make sure that they were able to be destroyed, the planners ( who you won’t name) flew planes into them as well?

The Biggest LIES of 9/11
The Biggest LIES of 9/11
". . .A simple building collapse does NOT generate enough energy to hurl a multi-ton steel beam–from the South Tower–nearly 400 feet away and have enough energy left over to impale the beam into the Deutsche Bank building, as seen in the picture below:

Have you calculated the energy generated by the collapse of a hundred story building?

Would “thermite” have caused a beam to project that far?

Show your math

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

B) In every controlled demolition in history, there has never been enough energy to throw out multi-ton steel beams. I never, ever, held the position that thermite alone did this, thus, I don't have to prove anything.

C) It is the job of YOU to prove the governments theory, that fire could cause such a preposterous thing to happen. I don't have to prove YOUR foolish conspiracy theory.

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

Never before in the history of the WTC have jets crashed into the buildings.

So you believe if a jet airliner should ever crash into a building again, it will likewise collapse, taking surrounding buildings with it? :dunno:

Two of the largest buildings in the world….both hit by airplanes and a debris field that covered several acres? Sure. First you have the “bowling pin” effect of debris slamming into the buildings around the site of the twin towers. And then you have the seismic anomaly of that taking place. Add into it the fires that were caused by said collisions and yep, you got a recipe for phenomena that is not explained by physics.

So you believe that the buildings were wired for controlled demolition and to make sure that they were able to be destroyed, the planners ( who you won’t name) flew planes into them as well?

No, I don't.

I don't have a clue what happened.

Jesus, you are just like rightwinger. Are you his sock? :dunno:

If I call bullshit on the government story, then you need to construct a straw-man argument to knock down? I never said any of that.

I don't claim to have a clue.

It could be exotic weaponry, it could be a tactical nuke, hell, it could be angels and demons. . . . hell, it could be aliens, for all I know, the folks that control our destiny could have the technology to time travel, and they built the demolition charges into the building as they built the damn buildings. Fuck if I know.

I already told you, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE.

All I know, is that it could not be done how the government and NIST claim it was done.

IT IS NOT MY JOB to construct a working hypothesis.

It is YOUR job to convince us that the government, the media, and the establishment's paradigm, the laughably implausible conspiracy theory that TWO planes of just jet fuel, felled THREE high rise sky scrappers.

Intelligent thinking people just don't buy it. SORRY.

Flight 93 was delayed 42 minutes. Had it not been delayed, it would have been the third plane to hit and it would have struck the Capitol building or the White House.

American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower at 8:46
United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower at 9:03
United Airlines Flight 93 would have struck the White House/Capitol building at approximately 9:20
American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at 9:37

All 17 minutes apart.

The President was in Florida at the time. Had it hit the Capitol building, how many would have died?

Anyone see the video by the 2 French guys who were doing a documentary on a NY firehouse when the call came in? The buildings did not explode. Jules and Gédéon Naudet - Wikipedia

The South Tower burned for 58 minutes before collapsing, the North Tower burned for 102 minutes.
Why would "they" wait so long to detonate planted explosives?

The Biggest LIES of 9/11
The Biggest LIES of 9/11
". . .A simple building collapse does NOT generate enough energy to hurl a multi-ton steel beam–from the South Tower–nearly 400 feet away and have enough energy left over to impale the beam into the Deutsche Bank building, as seen in the picture below:

Have you calculated the energy generated by the collapse of a hundred story building?

Would “thermite” have caused a beam to project that far?

Show your math

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

B) In every controlled demolition in history, there has never been enough energy to throw out multi-ton steel beams. I never, ever, held the position that thermite alone did this, thus, I don't have to prove anything.

C) It is the job of YOU to prove the governments theory, that fire could cause such a preposterous thing to happen. I don't have to prove YOUR foolish conspiracy theory.

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

Never before in the history of the WTC have jets crashed into the buildings.

So you believe if a jet airliner should ever crash into a building again, it will likewise collapse, taking surrounding buildings with it? :dunno:

Two of the largest buildings in the world….both hit by airplanes and a debris field that covered several acres? Sure. First you have the “bowling pin” effect of debris slamming into the buildings around the site of the twin towers. And then you have the seismic anomaly of that taking place. Add into it the fires that were caused by said collisions and yep, you got a recipe for phenomena that is not explained by physics.

So you believe that the buildings were wired for controlled demolition and to make sure that they were able to be destroyed, the planners ( who you won’t name) flew planes into them as well?
You dumb ass liberal

Bowling pins fall down because of miniature controlled demos
Have you calculated the energy generated by the collapse of a hundred story building?

Would “thermite” have caused a beam to project that far?

Show your math

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

B) In every controlled demolition in history, there has never been enough energy to throw out multi-ton steel beams. I never, ever, held the position that thermite alone did this, thus, I don't have to prove anything.

C) It is the job of YOU to prove the governments theory, that fire could cause such a preposterous thing to happen. I don't have to prove YOUR foolish conspiracy theory.

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

Never before in the history of the WTC have jets crashed into the buildings.

So you believe if a jet airliner should ever crash into a building again, it will likewise collapse, taking surrounding buildings with it? :dunno:

Two of the largest buildings in the world….both hit by airplanes and a debris field that covered several acres? Sure. First you have the “bowling pin” effect of debris slamming into the buildings around the site of the twin towers. And then you have the seismic anomaly of that taking place. Add into it the fires that were caused by said collisions and yep, you got a recipe for phenomena that is not explained by physics.

So you believe that the buildings were wired for controlled demolition and to make sure that they were able to be destroyed, the planners ( who you won’t name) flew planes into them as well?

No, I don't.

I don't have a clue what happened.

Jesus, you are just like rightwinger. Are you his sock? :dunno:

If I call bullshit on the government story, then you need to construct a straw-man argument to knock down? I never said any of that.

I don't claim to have a clue.

It could be exotic weaponry, it could be a tactical nuke, hell, it could be angels and demons. . . . hell, it could be aliens, for all I know, the folks that control our destiny could have the technology to time travel, and they built the demolition charges into the building as they built the damn buildings. Fuck if I know.

I already told you, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE.

All I know, is that it could not be done how the government and NIST claim it was done.

IT IS NOT MY JOB to construct a working hypothesis.

It is YOUR job to convince us that the government, the media, and the establishment's paradigm, the laughably implausible conspiracy theory that TWO planes of just jet fuel, felled THREE high rise sky scrappers.

Intelligent thinking people just don't buy it. SORRY.

Who says jet fuel can’t melt steel beams?
Steel will become more flexible as it is heated. That is how they bend it
Flight 93 was delayed 42 minutes. Had it not been delayed, it would have been the third plane to hit and it would have struck the Capitol building or the White House.

American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower at 8:46
United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower at 9:03
United Airlines Flight 93 would have struck the White House/Capitol building at approximately 9:20
American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon at 9:37

All 17 minutes apart.

The President was in Florida at the time. Had it hit the Capitol building, how many would have died?

Anyone see the video by the 2 French guys who were doing a documentary on a NY firehouse when the call came in? The buildings did not explode. Jules and Gédéon Naudet - Wikipedia

The South Tower burned for 58 minutes before collapsing, the North Tower burned for 102 minutes.
Why would "they" wait so long to detonate planted explosives?

I'm pretty sure that plane was intended for WTC 7. When most intelligent folks find out about this? They realize something is not right.


This is the smoking gun that makes most intelligent Americans realize the government is full of crap.
Lot of passengers to get on a missile
The biggest questions about the Pentagon to me involve the VP.
Why were the Pentagon survellance cameras turned off that day and
why did Cheney apparently order a stand-down on Flight 77 as it approached the Pentagon ?

The words "stand down" did not occur anywhere on that video, dumbass!

The cameras at the Pentagon recorded the impact. Why do you lie?

If you're really that dense, I'm not explaining it to you.
It would surely be a waste of my time.
Lot of passengers to get on a missile
The biggest questions about the Pentagon to me involve the VP.
Why were the Pentagon survellance cameras turned off that day and
why did Cheney apparently order a stand-down on Flight 77 as it approached the Pentagon ?

The words "stand down" did not occur anywhere on that video, dumbass!

The cameras at the Pentagon recorded the impact. Why do you lie?

If you're really that dense, I'm not explaining it to you.
It would surely be a waste of my time.

The only waste of your time would be coming up with a plausible response because you don't have a fucking clue as to what those orders were! If you or anybody else did, we would know. You don't!

Why don't you just admit that you are an ignorant blind man describing an elephant that you have never seen?
A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

B) In every controlled demolition in history, there has never been enough energy to throw out multi-ton steel beams. I never, ever, held the position that thermite alone did this, thus, I don't have to prove anything.

C) It is the job of YOU to prove the governments theory, that fire could cause such a preposterous thing to happen. I don't have to prove YOUR foolish conspiracy theory.

A) Never in the history of high rise building fires, has a building collapsed due to fire.

Never before in the history of the WTC have jets crashed into the buildings.

So you believe if a jet airliner should ever crash into a building again, it will likewise collapse, taking surrounding buildings with it? :dunno:

Two of the largest buildings in the world….both hit by airplanes and a debris field that covered several acres? Sure. First you have the “bowling pin” effect of debris slamming into the buildings around the site of the twin towers. And then you have the seismic anomaly of that taking place. Add into it the fires that were caused by said collisions and yep, you got a recipe for phenomena that is not explained by physics.

So you believe that the buildings were wired for controlled demolition and to make sure that they were able to be destroyed, the planners ( who you won’t name) flew planes into them as well?

No, I don't.

I don't have a clue what happened.

Jesus, you are just like rightwinger. Are you his sock? :dunno:

If I call bullshit on the government story, then you need to construct a straw-man argument to knock down? I never said any of that.

I don't claim to have a clue.

It could be exotic weaponry, it could be a tactical nuke, hell, it could be angels and demons. . . . hell, it could be aliens, for all I know, the folks that control our destiny could have the technology to time travel, and they built the demolition charges into the building as they built the damn buildings. Fuck if I know.

I already told you, I DON'T HAVE A CLUE.

All I know, is that it could not be done how the government and NIST claim it was done.

IT IS NOT MY JOB to construct a working hypothesis.

It is YOUR job to convince us that the government, the media, and the establishment's paradigm, the laughably implausible conspiracy theory that TWO planes of just jet fuel, felled THREE high rise sky scrappers.

Intelligent thinking people just don't buy it. SORRY.

Who says jet fuel can’t melt steel beams?
Steel will become more flexible as it is heated. That is how they bend it

We're not talking about bending, we are talking about molten metal here. . .

Everyone saw the molten metal.
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