Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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No, those are questions you cannot answer.
Yeah you're right.
Whatever. Goodbye Sergeant Trollbreath.

Just come on out and say it, you coward. You blame the Jews for 9/11. What a waste of space you are.
It doesn't matter who, how or why anymore.
We know who profited you bunch of little war profiteer worms.

Physics and Accounting.

No, those are questions you cannot answer.
Yeah you're right.
Whatever. Goodbye Sergeant Trollbreath.

Just come on out and say it, you coward. You blame the Jews for 9/11. What a waste of space you are.
It doesn't matter who, how or why anymore.
We know who profited you bunch of little war profiteer worms.

There were eyewitnesses who saw a plane fly into the Pentagon. You're beyond batshit crazy.
No, those are questions you cannot answer.
Yeah you're right.
Whatever. Goodbye Sergeant Trollbreath.

Just come on out and say it, you coward. You blame the Jews for 9/11. What a waste of space you are.
It doesn't matter who, how or why anymore.
We know who profited you bunch of little war profiteer worms.
So they aimed missiles at the accounting department?
No, those are questions you cannot answer.
Yeah you're right.
Whatever. Goodbye Sergeant Trollbreath.

Just come on out and say it, you coward. You blame the Jews for 9/11. What a waste of space you are.
It doesn't matter who, how or why anymore.
We know who profited you bunch of little war profiteer worms.

Are you going to admit you blame the Jews or not? Coward.
No, those are questions you cannot answer.
Yeah you're right.
Whatever. Goodbye Sergeant Trollbreath.

Just come on out and say it, you coward. You blame the Jews for 9/11. What a waste of space you are.
It doesn't matter who, how or why anymore.
We know who profited you bunch of little war profiteer worms.
So they aimed missiles at the accounting department?

Debits and Credits are a matter of national security. Angelo is a moron.
SAIC - J Paul Bremer - ring a bell ?
The company that developed a high-tech nano-thermite detonation device.
Advanced military-grade nano-thermite- charged cuts. Yes sir.
What a pity you can't prove that. What a shame there was no evidence of that in the video you posted.
There's evidence that the grand jury will see
including thermite-samples from the WTC dust with indisputable chain-of command,
despite the FBI's exasperating attempts to conceal it all.

And I use the term 'FBI' as a loose generalization- it could be CIA, MIC contractors, DHS, or any number of black op contractors ( with a desperate interest in hiding the truth)
Advanced military-grade nano-thermite- charged cuts. Yes sir.
What a pity you can't prove that. What a shame there was no evidence of that in the video you posted.
There's evidence that the grand jury will see
including thermite-samples from the WTC dust with indisputable chain-of command,
despite the FBI's exasperating attempts to conceal it all.

And I use the term 'FBI' as a loose generalization- it could be CIA, MIC contractors, DHS, or any number of black op contractors ( with a desperate interest in hiding the truth)
Advanced military-grade nano-thermite- charged cuts. Yes sir.
What a pity you can't prove that. What a shame there was no evidence of that in the video you posted.
There's evidence that the grand jury will see
including thermite-samples from the WTC dust with indisputable chain-of command,
despite the FBI's exasperating attempts to conceal it all.

And I use the term 'FBI' as a loose generalization- it could be CIA, MIC contractors, DHS, or any number of black op contractors ( with a desperate interest in hiding the truth)

What fucking grand jury? The one you created in your empty head?
Advanced military-grade nano-thermite- charged cuts. Yes sir.

Let's see a video of how that works!

How do they acces those beams? You do realize that those beams made up the exterior structure of the WTC towers. Did they hang out the windows to do that?
So how did they manage to angle cut those beams without any of the workers in the towers noticing?
My guess ? These were individuals under signed NDA's who placed the charges while under cover as elevator mechanics or fire-proofers--both known to have been working in the Towers prior to 9/11.
I don't believe they were told that people would be killed, and were themselves taken out to eliminate witnesses. ( in other words that the demolition would have taken place after evacuation)And they had no clue about the hijackers, but the FBI did, didn't they ?
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