Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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Hey Petty Officer Stockdale Tory, look; 8,000 views
Wait. Wait. Wait. 8,000 views? Seriously?!? Bwahahahaha! Let me know when you have something even remotely worthy of taking note of:

Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 10.02.08 PM.png

(Pst...over 52,000 views, bitch)
This is an emotional and divisive issue for us all. I have some once close relatives who I never speak to anymore because of it.
I mean...shouldn't that clue you in to what an asshole you are? That fact that you defend Al Qaeda and attempt to place the blame on the United States? :dunno:
So if you've been there how many elevators did I have to take to get to the 86th floor ?
Oh look...another "accomplishment" of the inbred, outhouse, redneck. First he's soooo proud of the number of "views" on a USMB thread and now he believes he's "special" because he one time visited a distant relative up 'der in Knew Yurk Citee.
you are making way too much sense for the paid shills that have penetrated this site to understand,all they keep doing is farting and stinking up your thread.:2up:
I smell some P@triot farts around the corner.
Note how often LA RAM FAN and Angelo discuss the flatulence of other men. Can you say "disturbed sexual deviance"? Very typical of the mentally disturbed tin-foil hat crowd.
Some of the illnesses suffered by the WTC first responders might be explained by the existing evidence of energetic materials, like thermite, at Ground Zero. For example aluminum, aluminum oxide and aluminum silicates are known causal factors for some of the common illnesses seen, such as sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and the as-yet-unexplained immune system diseases. Furthermore, the rare cancers found in some first responders could be the result of environmental factors such as the unusually high levels of benzene and derivatives of 1,3-DPP which suggest the presence of energetic materials like thermite and nanothermite.

Analysis of the lung tissue of first responders has also indicated that energetic materials might be involved. The unusual platy configurations of aluminum silicates found in those lung tissue samples seem similar to the platy configurations of aluminum and silicon in the nanothermite that has been discovered in WTC dust samples.

The finding of carbon nanotubes in the lungs of first responders suggests two possible explanations. The nanotubes might have been formed in the unusual environment at Ground Zero, where extremely high temperatures and the presence of airborne metallic species gives yet more evidence for the presence of thermitic materials. Alternatively, the nanotubes might have been components of energetic materials. In either case, the presence of carbon nanotubes in the lungs of WTC first responders suggests the use of energetic materials and should be studied in more depth.

Energetic Materials as a Potential Cause of the 9/11 First Responder Illnesses
Are those the 28 pages where Bush and Cheney confess to your tinfoil hat conspiracy?

If only you had the same enthusiasm to be on the right side of the facts...

Partisan posters will defend 9/11 gub'mit censorship , while condemning the very same gub'mit entities (Russian FBI, etc) censorship as treason amount to no more than tools for it


If only you had the same enthusiasm to be on the right side of the facts...
You have proven to be as big of paid scum bag as your girl friend Faun.
Go to post 859 its all there
Wait...Faun is my "friend" now? Bwahahahaha! I've called her worse things than ANYONE else on this board. She's a piece of shit.

Man, you people can't get even the most basic information correct. :laugh:
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