Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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The towers were built to withstand a crash of a small plane (B52 Bomber) as for the empire state .
And maybe if the twin towers were built like the same quality as the empire state then they wouldn't have Fallen.

^^^ Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between a B52 with little fuel left and traveling at about 200mph and a Boeing 767 loaded with jet fire a cross country flight, traveling at about 500mph.


That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State
And now the world knows the next time someone needs to demolish a 50 story building, instead of hiring a controlled demolition company for a million dollars, all they have to do is light a match.
Yeah...‘cause 9/11 was just a “match”. That’s all it was. Just a little bonfire in the backyard. Not two massive 747’s filled to capacity with highly explosive jet fuel. :eusa_doh:
Tower 7 was 200 yards away.
Try to keep up please.
The towers were built to withstand a crash of a small plane (B52 Bomber) as for the empire state .
And maybe if the twin towers were built like the same quality as the empire state then they wouldn't have Fallen.

^^^ Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between a B52 with little fuel left and traveling at about 200mph and a Boeing 767 loaded with jet fire a cross country flight, traveling at about 500mph.


That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State

That's not what you actually said, but whatever.
And now the world knows the next time someone needs to demolish a 50 story building, instead of hiring a controlled demolition company for a million dollars, all they have to do is light a match.
Yeah...‘cause 9/11 was just a “match”. That’s all it was. Just a little bonfire in the backyard. Not two massive 747’s filled to capacity with highly explosive jet fuel. :eusa_doh:
Tower 7 was 200 yards away.
Try to keep up please.
And still suffered such extreme structural damage, it was known for hours it was going to collapse.
The towers were built to withstand a crash of a small plane (B52 Bomber) as for the empire state .
And maybe if the twin towers were built like the same quality as the empire state then they wouldn't have Fallen.

^^^ Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between a B52 with little fuel left and traveling at about 200mph and a Boeing 767 loaded with jet fire a cross country flight, traveling at about 500mph.


That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State

That's not what you actually said, but whatever.

What you do not understand in what I said?
The towers were built to withstand a crash of a small plane (B52 Bomber) as for the empire state .
And maybe if the twin towers were built like the same quality as the empire state then they wouldn't have Fallen.

^^^ Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between a B52 with little fuel left and traveling at about 200mph and a Boeing 767 loaded with jet fire a cross country flight, traveling at about 500mph.


That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State

That's not what you actually said, but whatever.

What you do not understand in what I said?

Why you would be discussing a B52 when the Twin Towers were struck with 767s.
And still suffered such extreme structural damage, it was known for hours it was going to collapse.
So I guess when Silverstein said he made the decision to "pull it" he meant
pull the hose out ?

Well he didn't mean blow it up since "pull it" isn't t a demolition term. Plus, he was talking to a fire department commander, not a demolition crew. Firemen are not in the business of demolishing buildings.
The towers were built to withstand a crash of a small plane (B52 Bomber) as for the empire state .
And maybe if the twin towers were built like the same quality as the empire state then they wouldn't have Fallen.

^^^ Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between a B52 with little fuel left and traveling at about 200mph and a Boeing 767 loaded with jet fire a cross country flight, traveling at about 500mph.


That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State

That's not what you actually said, but whatever.

What you do not understand in what I said?

Why you would be discussing a B52 when the Twin Towers were struck with 767s.

World Trade Center engineers also envisioned an aircraft crashing into one of the two towers. In July 1945, a B-25 bomber that had lost its way in the fog hit the 79th floor of the Empire State Building.
Leslie Robertson considered the scenario of the impact of a Boeing 707 airliner, but not a boeing 767
Hmmmm. Building 6 was right next door and still standing.
There is some sound “Arkansan” science for ya. If one building collapses, every building should collapse! :lmao:

yeah that IS hysterical that thats ALL he gots.:abgg2q.jpg: that was FOUR farts in a row from CIA shill Parrot.:9::9::9::9: these shills sure are farting in youtr thread stinking it up badly Angelo.:abgg2q.jpg:

from the alzhemiers shill who doesnt even remember confessing he works for the CIA.

newest CIA shill to join the list of the other agents i have had on ignore for years now that have their place in hell such as rightwinger,faun,admiral idiot,pred fan-actually he has ME on ignore but same thing,

predefan just set a record himself with SEVEN farts in a row,:abgg2q.jpg:
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You truly are a special little retard... :lmao:
Yet one more scum bag here to make a pay check.
Petty Officer Tory's sock puppet I bet.

Not sure about that one buy yeah,would not surprise me in the least ESPECIALLY since we have had TWO sock puppets that registered here just recently in the past day or so that came out of nowhere and this was the ONLY thread they came to troll on. their handlers made it too obvious sending them to just this ONE thread to post on and post proven lies.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao:

they are running scared now with all these socks.:laughing0301::lmao:
What a pity all you can do is swing your purse at us since you can't actually prove any of your Truther nonsense. Your bullshit about building #7 went down in flames, just like the building itself, only yours went down quicker. :badgrin:
And now the world knows the next time someone needs to demolish a 50 story building, instead of hiring a controlled demolition company for a million dollars, all they have to do is light a match.

the shills as always,can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are since they cant claim Bld 7 was hit by a plane nor can they retreat and say it had structural damage to it that caused it to collapse because as i have said so many times i cant remember,there were buiildings in the area much closer to the towers than bld 7 that had far more structural damaage to them and for more severe fires yet they all remained standing. they ALWAYS avoid that little fact i mention and always pretend i never posted those facts.and ALWAYS evades that post changing the subject EVERYTIME,it never fails. try it sometime you'll see what i mean.:abgg2q.jpg::haha:
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^^^ Another idiot who doesn't know the difference between a B52 with little fuel left and traveling at about 200mph and a Boeing 767 loaded with jet fire a cross country flight, traveling at about 500mph.

That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State
That's not what you actually said, but whatever.
What you do not understand in what I said?
Why you would be discussing a B52 when the Twin Towers were struck with 767s.
World Trade Center engineers also envisioned an aircraft crashing into one of the two towers. In July 1945, a B-25 bomber that had lost its way in the fog hit the 79th floor of the Empire State Building.
Leslie Robertson considered the scenario of the impact of a Boeing 707 airliner, but not a boeing 767

Dalia unlike all these idiot paid shills like parrot,faun predfan and others,you have always been reasonable but you are obviously have done no research into this so i can forgive you for these comments.

there was a special on 9/11 done months before the attacks where one of the engineers involved in it said the towers were designed so it could withstand hits from MULTIPLE airliners,also these teolls ignore that there are thousands of architects and engineers that have said those towers could not have fallen like that at near freefall speed as they did and they were the product of a controlled demolition oh and demolition experts have said so as well.

here watch this video here AND read what it says below. get educated.LOL
this is just PART of it,read it all in the video.

Frank De Martini WTC architect explains it would resist jetliner impacts At the time the Twin Towers were built, the design approach of moving the support columns to the perimeter and the core, thereby creating large expanses of unobstructed floor space, was relatively new, and unique for a skyscraper. However, that approach is commonplace in contemporary skyscrapers. Frank Demartini's Statement Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

Frank De Martini WTC architect explains it would resist jetliner impacts At the time the Twin Towers were built, the design approach of moving the support columns to the perimeter and the core, thereby creating large expanses of unobstructed floor space, was relatively new, and unique for a skyscraper. However, that approach is commonplace in contemporary skyscrapers. Frank Demartini's Statement Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

these trolls ALSO not only ignore those facts but also that there were witnesses who gave testimonys of hearing explosives who got died mysteriously after giving those testimonys,same as the JFK assassination,if they gave a version of events that did not go along with the governments version,they died mysteriously.

witnesses ALSO said they heard EXPLOSIONS in the basement BEFORE the planes struck above,these trolls like predfan and faun and parrot ignore that and claim those witnesses were lying.:rolleyes:

plus you are obviously not aware of building was NOT hit by an airliner yet IT collapsesd as well,these trolls keep evading bld 7 cause they know it is the crux of the 9/11 coverup they cant get around that explosives brought the towers down,they evade bld 7 EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

you obviously missed this video of angelos as well on bld 7 in his post before your post. try and keep up around here.LOL

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That's exactly what I say, there is a difference between the planes, I thought I was clear. I add that the towers were not built of the same quality as the Empire State
That's not what you actually said, but whatever.
What you do not understand in what I said?
Why you would be discussing a B52 when the Twin Towers were struck with 767s.
World Trade Center engineers also envisioned an aircraft crashing into one of the two towers. In July 1945, a B-25 bomber that had lost its way in the fog hit the 79th floor of the Empire State Building.
Leslie Robertson considered the scenario of the impact of a Boeing 707 airliner, but not a boeing 767

Dalia unlike all these idiot paid shills like parrot,faun predfan and others,you have always been reasonable but you are obviously have done no research into this so i can forgive you for these comments.

there was a special on 9/11 done months before the attacks where one of the engineers involved in it said the towers were designed so it could withstand hits from MULTIPLE airliners,also these teolls ignore that there are thousands of architects and engineers that have said those towers could not have fallen like that at near freefall speed as they did and they were the product of a controlled demolition oh and demolition experts have said so as well.

here watch this video here AND read what it says below. get educated.LOL
this is just PART of it,read it all in the video.

Frank De Martini WTC architect explains it would resist jetliner impacts At the time the Twin Towers were built, the design approach of moving the support columns to the perimeter and the core, thereby creating large expanses of unobstructed floor space, was relatively new, and unique for a skyscraper. However, that approach is commonplace in contemporary skyscrapers. Frank Demartini's Statement Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

Frank De Martini WTC architect explains it would resist jetliner impacts At the time the Twin Towers were built, the design approach of moving the support columns to the perimeter and the core, thereby creating large expanses of unobstructed floor space, was relatively new, and unique for a skyscraper. However, that approach is commonplace in contemporary skyscrapers. Frank Demartini's Statement Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

these trolls ALSO not only ignore those facts but also that there were witnesses who gave testimonys of hearing explosives who got died mysteriously after giving those testimonys,same as the JFK assassination,if they gave a version of events that did not go along with the governments version,they died mysteriously.

witnesses ALSO said they heard EXPLOSIONS in the basement BEFORE the planes struck above,these trolls like predfan and faun and parrot ignore that and claim those witnesses were lying.:rolleyes:

plus you are obviously not aware of building was NOT hit by an airliner yet IT collapsesd as well,these trolls keep evading bld 7 cause they know it is the crux of the 9/11 coverup they cant get around that explosives brought the towers down,they evade bld 7 EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

you obviously missed this video of angelos as well on bld 7 in his post before your post. try and keep up around here.LOL

Thank you, I am reasonable, I did not follow everything about the conspiracies on September 11, 2001, but I have a lot of documentary at home of people who filmed live on the morning of September 11 as the Naudet Brothers.
Thank you, I am reasonable, I did not follow everything about the conspiracies on September 11, 2001, but I have a lot of documentary at home of people who filmed live on the morning of September 11 as the Naudet Brothers.
This is an emotional and divisive issue for us all. I have some once close relatives who I never speak to anymore
because of it.
Thank you, I am reasonable, I did not follow everything about the conspiracies on September 11, 2001, but I have a lot of documentary at home of people who filmed live on the morning of September 11 as the Naudet Brothers.
This is an emotional and divisive issue for us all. I have some once close relatives who I never speak to anymore
because of it.
Yes, but I do not believe in a conspiracy ... all that to start with a Frenchman who sold a lot of books saying that the pentagon was hit by a missile, you know I know a little and how the story to begin
Yes, but I do not believe in a conspiracy ... all that to start with a Frenchman who sold a lot of books saying that the pentagon was hit by a missile, you know I know a little and how the story to begin
9/11 is a combination of several conspiracies, if you will.
But the result is the same no matter who or why - we are in perpetual war.
The military industrial national security complex was given a credit card with no limit
and it's bankrupting us, just like OBL predicted. Ironic isn't it that he was a CIA asset at
one time ? Talk about reasons not to have pet tigers.

In 2001 the national debt was $5 trillion. Now it's almost $23 trillion and projected to hit $30 trillion by 2026.,
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