Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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My uncle worked on the 86th floor at a company called Pasternick and Baum *, and long story short - my cousin and I visited him a lot- used to throw paper airplanes off there. My favorite thing was the express elevators
Video: Breathtaking elevator ride to top of One World Trade Center

I loved taking the subway from there or you could walk over to Wall Street -- I ate lunch in Chinatown or Little Italy all the time. I walked past Dustin Hoffman in the Village one day in 1980.

* He was working on Wall St when 9/11 happened -- managed to catch the Ferry - saw the 2nd plane hit from the boat, and he and my cousins saw the collapes from Staten Island. He is alive and well in Kentucky now. He knew a lot of people who died there.

And I have no idea who this person is - just came up in a random online 'images of twin towers' search.

You could see the bend in the horizon from up there, like standing on a mountain.

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My uncle worked on the 86th floor at a company called Pasternick and Baum *, and long story short - my cousin and I visited him a lot- used to throw paper airplanes off there. My favorite thing was the express elevators
Video: Breathtaking elevator ride to top of One World Trade Center

I loved taking the subway from there or you could walk over to Wall Street -- I ate lunch in Chinatown or Little Italy all the time. I walked past Dustin Hoffman in the Village one day in 1980.

* He was working on Wall St when 9/11 happened -- managed to catch the Ferry - saw the 2nd plane hit from the boat, and he and my cousins saw the collapes from Staten Island. He is alive and well in Kentucky now. He knew a lot of people who died there.

And I have no idea who this person is - just came up in a random online 'images of twin towers' search.

You could see the bend in the horizon from up there, like standing on a mountain.

You dumbshit. You recall personal stories from the Twin Towees with particular attention to the express elevators -- but then you post a link to the Express elevators in the Freedom Tower, not the Twin Towers.


You just can't get anything right, can ya, Truther?
You just can't get anything right, can ya, Truther?
Did I break the law ?
btw, half this thread is clutter from you being too
fucking lazy to edit out all the previous quotes......smh

Trolls never know how to be civil with others.

Here's a question for you, falser..
Have you ever been to the WTC before 9/11 ?
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C'mon faun the falser.
Have you ever been there before 9/11 ?
Up in either of the towers ?
This is how far away Tower 7 was from the twin towers, and they had all day to put out the fires.
Thank you, I am reasonable, I did not follow everything about the conspiracies on September 11, 2001, but I have a lot of documentary at home of people who filmed live on the morning of September 11 as the Naudet Brothers.
This is an emotional and divisive issue for us all. I have some once close relatives who I never speak to anymore
because of it.
Yes, but I do not believe in a conspiracy ... all that to start with a Frenchman who sold a lot of books saying that the pentagon was hit by a missile, you know I know a little and how the story to begin

That's not what you actually said, but whatever.
What you do not understand in what I said?
Why you would be discussing a B52 when the Twin Towers were struck with 767s.
World Trade Center engineers also envisioned an aircraft crashing into one of the two towers. In July 1945, a B-25 bomber that had lost its way in the fog hit the 79th floor of the Empire State Building.
Leslie Robertson considered the scenario of the impact of a Boeing 707 airliner, but not a boeing 767

Dalia unlike all these idiot paid shills like parrot,faun predfan and others,you have always been reasonable but you are obviously have done no research into this so i can forgive you for these comments.

there was a special on 9/11 done months before the attacks where one of the engineers involved in it said the towers were designed so it could withstand hits from MULTIPLE airliners,also these teolls ignore that there are thousands of architects and engineers that have said those towers could not have fallen like that at near freefall speed as they did and they were the product of a controlled demolition oh and demolition experts have said so as well.

here watch this video here AND read what it says below. get educated.LOL
this is just PART of it,read it all in the video.

Frank De Martini WTC architect explains it would resist jetliner impacts At the time the Twin Towers were built, the design approach of moving the support columns to the perimeter and the core, thereby creating large expanses of unobstructed floor space, was relatively new, and unique for a skyscraper. However, that approach is commonplace in contemporary skyscrapers. Frank Demartini's Statement Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

Frank De Martini WTC architect explains it would resist jetliner impacts At the time the Twin Towers were built, the design approach of moving the support columns to the perimeter and the core, thereby creating large expanses of unobstructed floor space, was relatively new, and unique for a skyscraper. However, that approach is commonplace in contemporary skyscrapers. Frank Demartini's Statement Frank A. Demartini, on-site construction manager for the World Trade Center, spoke of the resilience of the towers in an interview recorded on January 25, 2001. The building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door -- this intense grid -- and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting.

these trolls ALSO not only ignore those facts but also that there were witnesses who gave testimonys of hearing explosives who got died mysteriously after giving those testimonys,same as the JFK assassination,if they gave a version of events that did not go along with the governments version,they died mysteriously.

witnesses ALSO said they heard EXPLOSIONS in the basement BEFORE the planes struck above,these trolls like predfan and faun and parrot ignore that and claim those witnesses were lying.:rolleyes:

plus you are obviously not aware of building was NOT hit by an airliner yet IT collapsesd as well,these trolls keep evading bld 7 cause they know it is the crux of the 9/11 coverup they cant get around that explosives brought the towers down,they evade bld 7 EVERYTIME.:lmao::laughing0301:

you obviously missed this video of angelos as well on bld 7 in his post before your post. try and keep up around here.LOL

Thank you, I am reasonable, I did not follow everything about the conspiracies on September 11, 2001, but I have a lot of documentary at home of people who filmed live on the morning of September 11 as the Naudet Brothers.

Dalia even if you accept the governments propaganda version of events,it was a conspiracy.:abgg2q.jpg: because this is not like the JFK assassination where the patsy was a supposed lone gunman their patsy this time was PATSYS,,their version is that there were 19 muslims involved so there was obviously a conspiracy even if people accept the unproven conspiracy theory of the governments that bin laden and 19 muslims were behind the attacks because a conspiracy involves two or more people so unlike the JFK assassination where people were told they were a fruitcake if they thought there was a conspiracy, that does not work this time, they cant say that in this case if you say there was a conspiracy since the government said 19 people were involved in the attacks.:biggrin:

here is what those paid shills i mentioned always ignore though that many of those alleged muslim highjackers they said were behind the attacks is that many of the people they said were behind the attacks turned up alive and they could not produce any video survillance that the highjackers boarded the planes.:abgg2q.jpg:

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack 'suspects' alive and well
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Yes, but I do not believe in a conspiracy ... all that to start with a Frenchman who sold a lot of books saying that the pentagon was hit by a missile, you know I know a little and how the story to begin
9/11 is a combination of several conspiracies, if you will.
But the result is the same no matter who or why - we are in perpetual war.
The military industrial national security complex was given a credit card with no limit
and it's bankrupting us, just like OBL predicted. Ironic isn't it that he was a CIA asset at
one time ? Talk about reasons not to have pet tigers.

In 2001 the national debt was $5 trillion. Now it's almost $23 trillion and projected to hit $30 trillion by 2026.,

you are making way too much sense for the paid shills that have penetrated this site to understand,all they keep doing is farting and stiking up your thread.:2up:
C'mon faun the falser.
Have you ever been there before 9/11 ?
Up in either of the towers ?
Sure I have. I've been up in the Freedom Tower too. Why? Do you think that makes me a suspect? Do you think I was casing out the joint?
This is how far away Tower 7 was from the twin towers, and they had all day to put out the fires.
View attachment 280091
I already showed you the massive structural damage to building 7. It was already expected to fall and by lunchtime, hundreds of firemen were already killed. Thd smart decision was to clear the area to avoid further casualties and just let the building fall. What sense would it have made to risk even more firemen to put them in harm's way, in a building that was expected to collapse, to try and put out fires spread throughout the building, when even had it not fallen that day, would have had to have been demolished after receiving so much damage?
C'mon faun the falser.
Have you ever been there before 9/11 ?
Up in either of the towers ?
Sure I have. I've been up in the Freedom Tower too. Why? Do you think that makes me a suspect? Do you think I was casing out the joint?
So if you've been there how many elevators did I have to take to get to the 86th floor ?
C'mon faun the falser.
Have you ever been there before 9/11 ?
Up in either of the towers ?
Sure I have. I've been up in the Freedom Tower too. Why? Do you think that makes me a suspect? Do you think I was casing out the joint?
So if you've been there how many elevators did I have to take to get to the 86th floor ?
it was about 35 years ago and don't recall how many elevator(s) it took. I do recall being closer to the top than the 86th floor though.
C'mon faun the falser.
Have you ever been there before 9/11 ?
Up in either of the towers ?
Sure I have. I've been up in the Freedom Tower too. Why? Do you think that makes me a suspect? Do you think I was casing out the joint?
So if you've been there how many elevators did I have to take to get to the 86th floor ?
it was about 35 years ago and don't recall how many elevator(s) it took. I do recall being closer to the top than the 86th floor though.
Twin tower to express elevators 44 + 78
C'mon faun the falser.
Have you ever been there before 9/11 ?
Up in either of the towers ?
Sure I have. I've been up in the Freedom Tower too. Why? Do you think that makes me a suspect? Do you think I was casing out the joint?
So if you've been there how many elevators did I have to take to get to the 86th floor ?
it was about 35 years ago and don't recall how many elevator(s) it took. I do recall being closer to the top than the 86th floor though.
Both twins had 2 express elevators.......each stopping at around 44th and 78th floors, then from there you took the local elevators. ( Or stairs)
they are running scared now with all these socks
God damn this is hilarious. On the one hand, LRF claims that the federal government is so powerful and so evil, they could mastermind 9/11.

On the other hand, he claims the federal government is deathly afraid of little 'ole him posting on USMB. :lmao:
When the same people that commit a crime investigate the crime what do you think the out come is going to be
Hey Petty Officer Stockdale Tory, look; 8,000 views
How much does a person's life have to suck for them to be proud of "views" on a thread on USMB? This inbred, outhouse, redneck literally believes that "views" are somehow a credit to him (even though the entire board is laughing at him).
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