Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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How were they supposed to fall except straight down ... that's the direction of the gravity force vector ... If I remember correctly, a significant amount of the structural strength in the WTCs was in the outside facade ... the linking steel beams between the center column and the facade were what failed due to high temperatures ... very consistent with avgas gas burning ...

Hey Angelo,what a shock,another sockpuppet from Langley trolling your thread.:laughing0301::lmao:

Hey sockpuppter,get off your lazy ass and watch all the videos the OP has posted here before making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself in the process.:iyfyus.jpg:
Not sure if this is at Langley level yet, but they could someone from any number of cyber-security firms subcontracted by NSA or CIA since 9/11.
Who is "Langley"? ...

Do as your boss tells you to do,act dumb.we know what your REALLy about here sockpuppet.:abgg2q.jpg: you dont fool us.

you are playing dodgeball with the obviously have not read a single post of his or watched a single video or read a single link he posted after he took you to school in all his posts with all his links and videos.:abgg2q.jpg:

you have demonstrated you have no crediblity here sockpuppet the fact you wont read or look at the evidence since it shoots down your outright lies.

Noe of truthseekers are listening to your bullshit ramblings since you keep evading the evidence of the OP and have not read a single post of his.
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Right ... Force = mass x acceleration ... things are required to accelerate as they fall ... the way we build our buildings, when a structural element falls, it fails catastrophically ... the video claims the under stories were "pulverized" which is completely non-structural ... the entire building would have fallen as a unit ... remember, once the one floor's vertical supports failed, the entire building's vertical structure is severely compromised, you can see the wall splay outwards as the top section falls down ... plus momentum, A LOT of momentum ... each individual connection within the building failed catastrophically and immediately ... that's just how we build things ...

By the way ... how did the lower part of the building get "pulverized"? ...
There were several witnesses who heard and felt explosions at ground level or below, including firefighters who know the difference between bombs and cars exploding.The basement level was also 7 floors down which creates the illusion of "where's the pile "....from a ground level view. The fact that the concrete and everything else was pulverized on the way down leads to the possibility that some advanced form of military-grade nano-thermite may have been used..There was an explosion in or near the empty vault below Bldg 6 as well.
Right ... Force = mass x acceleration ... things are required to accelerate as they fall ... the way we build our buildings, when a structural element falls, it fails catastrophically ... the video claims the under stories were "pulverized" which is completely non-structural ... the entire building would have fallen as a unit ... remember, once the one floor's vertical supports failed, the entire building's vertical structure is severely compromised, you can see the wall splay outwards as the top section falls down ... plus momentum, A LOT of momentum ... each individual connection within the building failed catastrophically and immediately ... that's just how we build things ...

By the way ... how did the lower part of the building get "pulverized"? ...
There were several witnesses who heard and felt explosions at ground level or below, including firefighters who know the difference between bombs and cars exploding.The basement level was also 7 floors down which creates the illusion of "where's the pile "....from a ground level view. The fact that the concrete and everything else was pulverized on the way down leads to the use of military-grade nano-thermite.

this sockpuppet also missed my post where i took him to school that explosives were used where i mentioned thousands of architects and engineers as well as demoltion experts have debunked his bullshit and lies as well as witnesses have who heard explosives in the BASEMENT BEFORE the plane struck above.many being firefighters experienced in the sound of explosives.LOL

Obviously a previous long time poster that you took to school earlier in this thread that could not stand toe to toe with you so in frustration,he is posting under a new name.what an obvious sockpuppet. :laughing0301::lmao:

dont you love how all these sockpuppets come out of NOWHERE and come to this thread? you obviously got his handlers worried getting the truth out the fact they sent him here and told him to get a sock after you owned him previously.comedy gold that he had to become a sock. isnt it?.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Not clear about explosions at ground level ... this would have been at the time of collapse? ... some video would help ... The WTC was a steel structure, the concrete flooring wasn't structural ... and of course concrete pulverizes, that's why the guy takes a sample when they pour it, he lets it sit and get hard then puts it in a big press to see how long until it shatters into a thousand pieces ...

Thermite isn't explosive ... that's what makes it useful ... we can mix thermite with explosives ... but it would be the explosives that bring down the building ...
Not clear about explosions at ground level ... this would have been at the time of collapse? ... some video would help ... The WTC was a steel structure, the concrete flooring wasn't structural ... and of course concrete pulverizes, that's why the guy takes a sample when they pour it, he lets it sit and get hard then puts it in a big press to see how long until it shatters into a thousand pieces ...

Thermite isn't explosive ... that's what makes it useful ... we can mix thermite with explosives ... but it would be the explosives that bring down the building ...
How can you explain temperatures over 2000° at ground zero for weeks after the attacks ?

Not clear about explosions at ground level ... this would have been at the time of collapse? ... some video would help ... The WTC was a steel structure, the concrete flooring wasn't structural ... and of course concrete pulverizes, that's why the guy takes a sample when they pour it, he lets it sit and get hard then puts it in a big press to see how long until it shatters into a thousand pieces ...

Thermite isn't explosive ... that's what makes it useful ... we can mix thermite with explosives ... but it would be the explosives that bring down the building ...
How can you explain temperatures over 2000° at ground zero for weeks after the attacks ?

Notice how same as shills parrot,rosie,petey and predfan,he did the same thing they all did when you took him to school with those two videos,that he did this in defeat?:abgg2q.jpg:

21 minutes and no sign of him,same as those other shills did previously on this thread,he did this as well-:scared1::laughing0301::lmao:

you know he is consulting his boss on what kind of evasive post to post for his next post.:laughing0301::lmao:
Notice how same as shills parrot,rosie,petey and predfan,he did the same thing they all did when you took him to school with those two videos,that he did this in defeat?
That's partly human nature.I'd say around
70 of 100 people will lie before admitting they're wrong. (about anything important )

yeah on the net they know they can hide behind the computer and troll.

heck i used to have a couple posters get angry and change the subject everytime i asked them what were they saying about the rams never coming back to LA? i said that 6 years ago makming a thread of it in the sports section and instead of being mature and owning up to it and doing the mature thing and say-wow,you were right,i was wrong,they threw tantrems and fits over it and change the subject incredibly over something so little like that.:rolleyes:

yeah people on the net most of them are too arrogant to admit when they have bene proven wrong.
Not sure ... you tell me ... what caused the 2000º temperatures other than burning ... go back to your claim about thermite, I've heard this and no one's really been able to explain how thermite was used to bring down the WTC ...

Can we ease off the videos until you answer my questions about the first one this morning ... the one about free fall ... or do you concede that free fall is expected and normal for the situation ...
You truly are a very special kind of nitwit.
Not sure ... you tell me ... what caused the 2000º temperatures other than burning ... go back to your claim about thermite, I've heard this and no one's really been able to explain how thermite was used to bring down the WTC ...

Can we ease off the videos until you answer my questions about the first one this morning ... the one about free fall ... or do you concede that free fall is expected and normal for the situation ...
Bechtel engineers, responsible for safety at Ground Zero, wrote in the Journal of the American Society of Safety Engineers: “The debris pile at Ground Zero was always tremendously hot. Thermal measurements taken by helicopter each day showed underground temperatures ranging from 400ºF to more than 2,800ºF.”

The fact that high-temperature phenomena were an important issue at Ground Zero is underscored by the large number of thermal images acquired: images by SPOT, MTI, AVIRIS/NASA, "Twin Otter"/U.S. Army, and at least 25 images by EarthData, taken between Sept. 16 and Oct. 25. In addition, temperature measurements by helicopter were taken each day, and the firefighters used onsite sensors too.

Many witnesses, including rescue personnel and firefighters working on the piles, described the phenomenon of “molten steel.” Terms used in witness statements are, for example, “molten steel,” beams “dripping from molten steel,” “molten steel … like you’re in a foundry. Like lava, from a volcano.” A photograph taken on September 27 by a Ground Zero worker shows an excavating machine lifting debris from the WTC wreckage dripping yellow/orange molten metal.

WTC clean-up workers and 9/11 artifacts architect Bart Voorsanger, in the PBS video “Relics from the Rubble,” described what must have been several tons of “fused element of steel ... molten steel and concrete and all of these things …all fused by the heat,” weighing several tons each. These foreign objects came to be known as “meteorites.”
High Temperatures, Persistent Heat & 'Molten Steel' at WTC Site Contradict Official Story

Billions of Previously Molten Iron Spheres in WTC Dust, Reveal Use of Thermitic Materials

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Hey Angelo,what a shock,another sockpuppet from Langley trolling your thread.

Hey sockpuppter,get off your lazy ass and watch all the videos the OP has posted here...
Well now you're just talking out of both sides of your ass. If he is from "Langley" for the express purpose of "trolling", then he already knows that the CIA was behind it all. Which means, why the fuck would he need to watch the video? :eusa_doh:

Seriously LA RAM FAN - you are one of the dumbest people on this board. You're such an emotional dolt that your mind shorts out and you stay really stupid shit.
It doesn't take credentials, twisted sister, to know the official 9/11 narrative is about 70% bullshit. It takes eyes, a sense of truth and justice and common sense.
It takes common fucking sense to know that you can't keep a secret between two people. You're sure as fuck not going to keep one between 200,000. Which is roughly the number it would take to pull off something of that magnitude.

The amount of people it would take to rig something the size of the twin towers for demolition is significant. Then double that. Then figure out how they avoid security (hint: they can't - so security has to be in on it). Which then begs the question: why did members of security DIE that day when they fucking knew the towers would be demolished.

And to top it all off - there's the really pesky problem of Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda openly bragging on video that they were responsible. I know you think Bin Laden was still on the CIA payroll, but any idiot would know that they would be executed for being responsible. So why would he take responsibility just because his CIA boss/handler told him to?

You truly are a very special kind of nitwit.
Notice how those stampeding in to cry 'conspirator theorists' ,are the very same low brows lamenting 'deep state' and 'fake news' Ange?

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