Many questions remain about 9/11 as we near the 18th anniversary.

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bad news----my brother (one of them) is an engineer too
How is that bad ?
See you start a conversation, then run and hide.

it's bad because he understands engineering----my other brother is a recipient of the
President's National Freedom Award for his contributions to the science of Physics.
They understand the basics of high school physics too and the fact that you do not
it's bad because he understands engineering----my other brother is a recipient of the
President's National Freedom Award for his contributions to the science of Physics.
They understand the basics of high school physics too and the fact that you do not
He was skeptical even before I was.
He's an aerospace engineer for a large firm, graduated from Georgia Tech top of his class and a masters from Johns Hopkins. My other brother's a retired US Marine who also agrees.
it's bad because he understands engineering----my other brother is a recipient of the
President's National Freedom Award for his contributions to the science of Physics.
They understand the basics of high school physics too and the fact that you do not
He was skeptical even before I was.
He's an aerospace engineer for a large firm, graduated from Georgia Tech top of his class and a masters from Johns Hopkins. My other brother's a retired US Marine who also agrees.

oh----I am not impressed with their credentials------I will not supply my own. ----btw---address me as ----as uhm "ma'am" I outrank you in the navy
oh----I am not impressed with their credentials------I will not supply my own. ----btw---address me as ----as uhm "ma'am" I outrank you in the navy
It doesn't take credentials, twisted sister, to know the official 9/11 narrative is about 70% bullshit.
It takes eyes, a sense of truth and justice and common sense.
What kind of engineer is he?
Aerospace engineering degree from Ga Tech and masters from J Hopkins in Cleveland. He's been with a large German company that manufactures hydraulic fans for mine shafts, etc.for about 30 years. My other brother is a retired Marine FA-18 mechanic.

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It doesn't take a structural engineer, or for that matter anybody with a third grade education to see the buildings was brought down intentionally.
For the government paid scumbags get a real job
oh----I am not impressed with their credentials------I will not supply my own. ----btw---address me as ----as uhm "ma'am" I outrank you in the navy
It doesn't take credentials, twisted sister, to know the official 9/11 narrative is about 70% bullshit.
It takes eyes, a sense of truth and justice and common sense.

Again…please supply your own narrative that is much more compelling.
Oh wait…you’re too scared.
Referring to the goals of transforming the U.S. and global power structure, the paper states that because of the American Public's slant toward ideas of democracy and freedom, "this process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor."
National debt in 2001 -- $5 trillion
National debt in 2019-- $22 trillion

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Anyone who knows how the twin towers were constructed
knows that they couldn't have both collapsed straight down, especially not at near freefall velocity , without demolition charges to weaken the core columns.



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How were they supposed to fall except straight down ... that's the direction of the gravity force vector ... If I remember correctly, a significant amount of the structural strength in the WTCs was in the outside facade ... the linking steel beams between the center column and the facade were what failed due to high temperatures ... very consistent with avgas gas burning ...
It doesn't take a structural engineer, or for that matter anybody with a third grade education to see the buildings was brought down intentionally.
For the government paid scumbags get a real job

yeah one where you dont bring bad karma down on yourself asd you are doing now and will suffer for in your latter years.
How were they supposed to fall except straight down ... that's the direction of the gravity force vector ... If I remember correctly, a significant amount of the structural strength in the WTCs was in the outside facade ... the linking steel beams between the center column and the facade were what failed due to high temperatures ... very consistent with avgas gas burning ...

Hey Angelo,what a shock,another sockpuppet from Langley trolling your thread.:laughing0301::lmao:

Hey sockpuppter,get off your lazy ass and watch all the videos the OP has posted here before making an ass out of yourself and embarrassing yourself in the process.:iyfyus.jpg:
Right ... Force = mass x acceleration ... things are required to accelerate as they fall ... the way we build our buildings, when a structural element falls, it fails catastrophically ... the video claims the under stories were "pulverized" which is completely non-structural ... the entire building would have fallen as a unit ... remember, once the one floor's vertical supports failed, the entire building's vertical structure is severely compromised, you can see the wall splay outwards as the top section falls down ... plus momentum, A LOT of momentum ... each individual connection within the building failed catastrophically and immediately ... that's just how we build things ...

By the way ... how did the lower part of the building get "pulverized"? ...
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