March for our lives = thoughts and prayers.

Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Hence the OP’s fallacy.

The march yesterday represents good faith political participation and free expression on the part of the students seeking to address an important issue: gun crime and violence.

That’s not the case with ‘thoughts and prayers,’ which is a bad faith effort by conservatives to side-step or deflect from the issue of gun crime and violence, and not seek a solution to the problem.

bullshit, it represents radical left indoctrination of kids and using them as pawns. Look up how Hitler and Mao used kids and you will understand what is happening in this country in 2018.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Unlike both YOU and these children I understand how our constitution works and the things REQUIRED to alter it. Gun rights can not be legislated away without a constitutional amendment. Such an amendment would REQUIRE a two thirds vote in both DC as well as two thirds of the states.


You may tinker around the edges but your efforts WILL NOT STOP GUN CRIMES.
The Constitution has been altered 27 times or something like that. Not to worry though, like I said, you'll be dead by then, and probably sooner than that.
And what were the REQUIREMENTS for those changes? And were those changes stripping Americans of their rights?

By all means keep your head in the sand.
You still have to right to be packing, except that the list of weapon you can't own will grow longer than it already is.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Trump is in power TODAY, stop blaming the Dems.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Hence the OP’s fallacy.

The march yesterday represents good faith political participation and free expression on the part of the students seeking to address an important issue: gun crime and violence.

That’s not the case with ‘thoughts and prayers,’ which is a bad faith effort by conservatives to side-step or deflect from the issue of gun crime and violence, and not seek a solution to the problem.

No, it offered nothing and the gullible types fall for it every time.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Trump is in power TODAY, stop blaming the Dems.
Our society is a cess pool, thanks to liberalism. I mean people today cannot decide which bathroom to use. Trump is trying to clean up the mess liberals have created.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Trump is in power TODAY, stop blaming the Dems.
Our society is a cess pool, thanks to liberalism. I mean people today cannot decide which bathroom to use. Trump is trying to clean up the mess liberals have created.
You act like the GOP has never been in power.
Neither accomplish anything of substance but both make people "feel good" about themselves.

Pointless banter
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Trump is in power TODAY, stop blaming the Dems.
Our society is a cess pool, thanks to liberalism. I mean people today cannot decide which bathroom to use. Trump is trying to clean up the mess liberals have created.
You act like the GOP has never been in power.
We aren't the ones pushing for perverted ideas.
The ironic thing is that your thoughts might be your own but if a student suggested a prayer in school he/she would be expelled.
When these youngsters grow up to become senators or whatnot, they'll change the laws... But not to worry, you'll be dead by then.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Trump is in power TODAY, stop blaming the Dems.
Our society is a cess pool, thanks to liberalism. I mean people today cannot decide which bathroom to use. Trump is trying to clean up the mess liberals have created.
You act like the GOP has never been in power.
We aren't the ones pushing for perverted ideas.
You aren't overturning much either.
Yes the hippies of the sixties are Democrat representatives now, and that explains the problems we have today.
Trump is in power TODAY, stop blaming the Dems.
Our society is a cess pool, thanks to liberalism. I mean people today cannot decide which bathroom to use. Trump is trying to clean up the mess liberals have created.
You act like the GOP has never been in power.
We aren't the ones pushing for perverted ideas.
You aren't overturning much either.
Lol, does Sodom and Gomorrah ring a bell?
Hitler and Mao would be proud of the libs for using kids as political pawns. Indoctrination of youth is a basic tenet of socialist ideology.
And religion.

there is only one religion that indoctrinates kids to hate and murder-----------islam. No other religion, or non-religion in the entire world preaches the destruction of non-believers and the intolerance of other beliefs.

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