Marco Rubio's Immigration Stance Drops Poll Numbers


<insert pithy title here>
Oct 22, 2008
Marco Polo is losing his popularity with the GOP and Independents. He blew his big chance to become a superstar. He got elected, everyone got excited, then he veered Hard Left and now he's garbage.

A Rasmussen Reports poll released on Monday finds 58 pecent of Republicans across the nation have a favorable view of Rubio -- down from 68 percent in a Rasmussen poll from May. Rubio is seen as unfavorable by 16 percent of Republicans while 25 percent are undecided.

Marco Rubio's poll numbers take a hit among national Republicans | Sunshine State News

A Quinnipiac poll released on Wednesday found that among Florida residents, Rubio's handling of immigration has earned him overall disapproval. Crucial Independent voters disapprove of Rubio's handling by a 32-38 split.

Marco Rubio And Immigration Reform: How It Hurts, Helps - Business Insider
He didn't veer hard left. He just exposed himself as being hispanic before being American.

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