Margaret Thatcher = callous bitch

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Margaret Thatcher turned her back on Lockerbie victims to cut compensation bill

Margaret Thatcher’s cold-hearted Cabinet discussed minimising the cost of compensating Lockerbie disaster victims just hours after the terror attack.

Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals.

It would emerge 31 of the 243 passengers on the doomed flight were British, as was one of the 16 crew.

Another 11 perished in their homes when wreckage from Pan Am Flight 103 hit the Scottish village of Lockerbie 30 years ago this month.

Jim Swire, 82, whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, described the document as “callous and calculating”.

Never trust a tory.
Margaret Thatcher turned her back on Lockerbie victims to cut compensation bill

Margaret Thatcher’s cold-hearted Cabinet discussed minimising the cost of compensating Lockerbie disaster victims just hours after the terror attack.

Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals.

It would emerge 31 of the 243 passengers on the doomed flight were British, as was one of the 16 crew.

Another 11 perished in their homes when wreckage from Pan Am Flight 103 hit the Scottish village of Lockerbie 30 years ago this month.

Jim Swire, 82, whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, described the document as “callous and calculating”.

Never trust a tory.
I thought that your Muslim boyfriends were responsible for that.
Margaret Thatcher = callous bitch

This is news how? There were street parties in the UK from Brixton to Glasgow when she died. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing people singing the "wicked witch is dead" from the Wizard of Oz.
Margaret Thatcher = callous bitch

This is news how? There were street parties in the UK from Brixton to Glasgow when she died. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing people singing the "wicked witch is dead" from the Wizard of Oz.
Which once again illustrates what a classless society a society of class can be. Hell, look at the OP.
Margaret Thatcher = callous bitch

This is news how? There were street parties in the UK from Brixton to Glasgow when she died. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing people singing the "wicked witch is dead" from the Wizard of Oz.
Yup, I went to a Thatchers dead party. I remember collecting for the North Wales miners during her war on the working class. I I am glad that she died sad and lonely in a hotel room.
The "Iron Lady" was last strong leader of the UK.

After Thacher, there has just been a succession of weak metrosexual liberal pansy leaders willing to sell out the county in order to keep their dreams of a fantasy socialist utopia alive. ... :cuckoo:
Margaret Thatcher turned her back on Lockerbie victims to cut compensation bill

Margaret Thatcher’s cold-hearted Cabinet discussed minimising the cost of compensating Lockerbie disaster victims just hours after the terror attack.

Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals.

It would emerge 31 of the 243 passengers on the doomed flight were British, as was one of the 16 crew.

Another 11 perished in their homes when wreckage from Pan Am Flight 103 hit the Scottish village of Lockerbie 30 years ago this month.

Jim Swire, 82, whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, described the document as “callous and calculating”.

Never trust a tory.

What should they have been compensated for?
Margaret Thatcher turned her back on Lockerbie victims to cut compensation bill

Margaret Thatcher’s cold-hearted Cabinet discussed minimising the cost of compensating Lockerbie disaster victims just hours after the terror attack.

Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals.

It would emerge 31 of the 243 passengers on the doomed flight were British, as was one of the 16 crew.

Another 11 perished in their homes when wreckage from Pan Am Flight 103 hit the Scottish village of Lockerbie 30 years ago this month.

Jim Swire, 82, whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, described the document as “callous and calculating”.

Never trust a tory.

What should they have been compensated for?

Any loss or injury caused by criminal or terrorist actions, the scheme has been around since the 1960's and serves to support victims of crime or terrorism.
Margaret Thatcher turned her back on Lockerbie victims to cut compensation bill

Margaret Thatcher’s cold-hearted Cabinet discussed minimising the cost of compensating Lockerbie disaster victims just hours after the terror attack.

Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals.

It would emerge 31 of the 243 passengers on the doomed flight were British, as was one of the 16 crew.

Another 11 perished in their homes when wreckage from Pan Am Flight 103 hit the Scottish village of Lockerbie 30 years ago this month.

Jim Swire, 82, whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, described the document as “callous and calculating”.

Never trust a tory.

I read the full article and it say that Mrs. Thatcher and her Cabinet were WRONGLY told that ZERO of the passengers of that plane were British this why they made the decision that they did, also from your copy and paste that I include below it says the same that they were WRONGLY told ZERO of the passengers were British and so not Mrs. Thatcher and her Cabinet to blame but the moron who gave them the incorrect information about the situation.

"Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals."
Margaret Thatcher turned her back on Lockerbie victims to cut compensation bill

Margaret Thatcher’s cold-hearted Cabinet discussed minimising the cost of compensating Lockerbie disaster victims just hours after the terror attack.

Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals.

It would emerge 31 of the 243 passengers on the doomed flight were British, as was one of the 16 crew.

Another 11 perished in their homes when wreckage from Pan Am Flight 103 hit the Scottish village of Lockerbie 30 years ago this month.

Jim Swire, 82, whose daughter Flora died in the bombing, described the document as “callous and calculating”.

Never trust a tory.

I read the full article and it say that Mrs. Thatcher and her Cabinet were WRONGLY told that ZERO of the passengers of that plane were British this why they made the decision that they did, also from your copy and paste that I include below it says the same that they were WRONGLY told ZERO of the passengers were British and so not Mrs. Thatcher and her Cabinet to blame but the moron who gave them the incorrect information about the situation.

"Top Tories meeting in No10 were wrongly told none of the dead passengers were British and that the houses of victims on the ground would be insured, a confidential memo reveals."
I read it as Thatcher telling the cabinet so you may be right. Her behaviour after this was disgraceful. Spying on victims families and suppressing the fact that the US had given warning. Pinochet must have helped her with that sort of thing.

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