Marge creates her own House committee on anti-semitic aerospace weaponry!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Snacks? :lol:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—After being stripped of her committee assignments, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has created a committee of her own, the House Committee on Semitic Aerospace Weaponry.​
Greene said that such a committee was sorely needed, given that “Semitic aerospace weaponry is the second-biggest threat facing this country, right after plane crashes caused by the Clintons.”​
“And it’s going to be way better than some dumb old committee about education,” she added.​
The Georgia Republican said that she was not at all discouraged that Democrats had shown no interest in joining her committee, despite her advertising on Facebook that there would be a generous array of snacks at every meeting.​
“Of course, it’s obvious why Democrats don’t care about snacks,” she said. “Hello? Cannibals?”​
“And it’s going to be way better than some dumb old committee about education,” she added.​
The Georgia Republican said that she was not at all discouraged that Democrats had shown no interest in joining her committee, despite her advertising on Facebook that there would be a generous array of snacks at every meeting.​
“Of course, it’s obvious why Democrats don’t care about snacks,” she said. “Hello? Cannibals?”​


MOSCOW (The Borowitz Report)—Asserting that his “darkest fears have been confirmed,” Vladimir Putin warned that the United States is on the verge of being controlled by Americans.
Speaking to reporters at the Kremlin, the Russian President alleged that President-elect Joe Biden was “the handpicked instrument of those who would seek to advance American interests.”

“Joe Biden is no more and no less than a puppet of the American people,” he charged.

“His Cabinet appointments have left little doubt that, after four years of progress, the United States has fallen into American hands,” he said. “Joe Biden is keenly aware that Americans put him in power, and he will do their bidding.”
Russia experts said that Putin’s remarks were as close to a concession speech as he is likely to make.

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