Maricopa County Officials Admit Under Oath that They Deleted 2020 Election Data

I have;
No arrests
No investigations
No indictments
No formal complaints

Just you on a messageboard bitching about things....just like the 9/11 truthers. That is your life. And you can see what low esteem they have and how they're thought of. Why you want to join that fraternity of impotent losers is beyond comprehension.
There was massive and obvious fraud. I do not care what you need to believe it, it is still a fact. Troll.
If you think it is fake, tell us why you do.

because it is only found on WELOVETRUMP.COM.

If it was real every Repub from Az would be posting it on their websites as well as Trump himself.
Decertify the election. That is destroying evidence and against federal law. What was there they wanted no one to see? Someone belongs in jail.

Give it up, my friend, and try to understand the fraud that is Tump.
Btw, just in case some of you are wondering why this story hasn't made the media I only have one thing to say to you,.. IT'S THE MEDIA!!! Of course they're not going to have it posted anywhere that the fucking democraps admit that they cheated! They're nothing but a bunch of liars and they should be locked up at this point and if they were republicans they would be!! :mad:
A US congressman says( more or less) this not a conspiracy. It is something that needs to be answered.
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What is this crap? This is a factual story. These things are true. The narrative is the conspiracy.

The mods moving these threads prove it. Tell me why the board under oath said they deleted files is a conspiracy? I'll wait.
What is this crap? This is a factual story. These things are true. The narrative is the conspiracy.

The mods moving these threads prove it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the fact that I noticed that. There is no conspiracy here. They confessed to a stolen election. It was probably a democrat mod that can't handle the truth like a lot of people in this thread who are laughing at us when in turn we should be laughing at them as this is the BIGGEST I told you so I ever saw.
Still waiting. Let's hear from the all knowing mod who has decided a third of the population is wrong.
Still waiting. Let's hear from the all knowing mod who has decided a third of the population is wrong.

Not only that, but there is literal video evidence. That's what I don't get. I posted the full video and the same part of the video that you posted from that's on that site and now even YouTube! It's the same freaking thing that you posted!! How can that be conspiracy or made up if it's literally the same thing!?
the problem with your stupid fucking meme is that 25 other states also had laws changed in the same manner and did not swap to blue.
And the problem with your stupid fucking meme is Arizona was one of the targeted seven or so swing states
needed to tip the election to Mentally Unsound Joe.

The other 25 states? Not so much. Pull out your head and get a clue.

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