Marijuana slows brain development in adolescence.

Should parents prevent their children from doing pot?

  • I am liberal, i did it, so i let my children too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am Conservative and smart. I dont want my children to grow up to be stupid and vote Democrat.

    Votes: 4 100.0%

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Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
3 Things I Wish Parents – and Teens – Knew About Pot
First, the good news: Most teens don’t smoke pot or ingest edibles. That said, 41 percent of American high school seniors report having used marijuana or synthetic cannabinoids in the past year, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
This is why we have all the stupid liberals(redundant statement) on this message board. Explains their stupidity...

I do not believe marijuana is safe. Regarding drugs-----I am not
really a candy-ass. I WOULD be willing to try stuff------but never
did marijuana. Why bother? it stinks. I hope that legalizing does
not lead to widespread use-------it stinks
Thats why you dont let kids do drugs, hormones, drink and shit. They arent fully developed.
In America, medication is becoming almost as much a staple of childhood as Disney and McDonald’s. Kids pack their pills for school or college along with their lunch money. Some are taking drugs for depression and anxiety, others for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The right drugs at the right time can save young people from profound distress and enable them to concentrate in class. But some adolescents, critics say, are given medication to mask the ordinary emotional turmoil of growing up; there is a risk that they will never learn to live without it.

According to America’s Centers for Disease Control, 11% of four- to 17-year-olds in the US have been diagnosed with ADHD, a label for those who are disruptive in class and unable to concentrate; just over 6% are taking medication. But the official figure hides huge variation across regions and class. Numbers are very high in the white, middle-class east coast population, says Ilina Singh, professor of neuroscience and society at Oxford University, while there is under-diagnosis in poor white populations and among ethnic minorities.

“In the middle-class, educated group in New York, you probably are seeing kids who are just under more academic pressure,” she says. “Parents will begin to look at psychiatric diagnosis and treatment with drugs as one option for making children perform better. You have parents saying, ‘My child must be on Ritalin because all the other children in the class are.’”

In the UK, meanwhile, about 3% of children are diagnosed with ADHD; just 1% are on medication. American children can go through six or seven different drugs quite early in their lives; in the UK, children are usually sent for cognitive behaviour therapy first, in line with guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.

Medication for ADHD has long provoked controversy. But in recent years, the big upturn in the US has been in prescribing for depression and anxiety. It is now generally accepted, says David Healy, professor of psychiatry at Bangor University, that 20%-25% of students at most universities in the US are on medication, often on multiple prescriptions. There, he says, taking your meds is often seen as proof that a young person is dealing with their problems. “But you are not going to learn coping skills if you are taking pills,” he adds.

Generation meds: the US children who grow up on prescription drugs
o fuck that shit tn.....america drugs there kids legally like no other country
I was considering that stuff too.
I mean, you start shoving zombie medication down your kids throat simply because he/she doesnt pay attention? Bullshit. Kids are narcissists and dont give a shit. Reign their ass in. Be a PARENT.
being a parent takes time and effort....most prefer to do their parenting thru social media ....generation drugged
Why are these kids getting over prescribed fake synthetic drugs that the body can't recognize...

Pot should not even be given to a developing brain, unless if the child is sick like cancer..

But for people like strollingbones and I with cancer pot is a drug used for pain that is certainly better than an opioid, although personally I do not like the THC high..studies have shown that CBDs from pot that don't get you high have been healing cancer.. without the side effects.

.Marijuana and Cancer
Why are these kids getting over prescribed fake synthetic drugs that the body can't recognize...

Pot should not even be given to a developing brain, unless if the child is sick like cancer..

But for people like strollingbones and I with cancer pot is a drug used for pain that is certainly better than an opioid, although personally I do not like the THC high..studies have shown that CBDs from pot that don't get you high have been healing cancer.. without the side effects.

.Marijuana and Cancer
So instead of smoking Pot which burns the CBD out of the product, start using Hemp CBD products? I have stock in that, and the medical usages are amazing...
Why are these kids getting over prescribed fake synthetic drugs that the body can't recognize...

Pot should not even be given to a developing brain, unless if the child is sick like cancer..

But for people like strollingbones and I with cancer pot is a drug used for pain that is certainly better than an opioid, although personally I do not like the THC high..studies have shown that CBDs from pot that don't get you high have been healing cancer.. without the side effects.

.Marijuana and Cancer
So instead of smoking Pot which burns the CBD out of the product, start using Hemp CBD products? I have stock in that, and the medical usages are amazing...

Yes I am learning, I never smoked pot really..But I see the benefits now..I went and bought some CBD stuff...a few months back but I am so confused because you almost need a degree to
You forgot Pineapple as an option........and you don't take the kids decisions into account. Sometimes smoking pot or doing other drugs (not RX) are out of the parents hands.

Back in the day when pot was still illegal and I was coming of age, I smoked pot & did other drugs as well...........even though I knew my parents didn't approve. Even now with my youngest 2 kids and pot being legal in this state, I know they've done it, possibly other drugs as well even though we don't approve of it.

IOW, good luck enforcing rules of behavior on teens at that experimental stage

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