Marijuana--where the GOP & DNC candidates stand on this issue.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
Since 3 states have legalized marijuana, it has become a hot topic button in political debates. I didn't list some candidates because there are too many and frankly the ones that I didn't list don't have a snow balls chance of being the nominee of the party anyway.

I have marked the worst in RED--questionable in BLUE--Black is O.K.

GOP Candidates

Rand Paul -- supports legalization
Carly Fiorina--respects states rights and will not intervene. Didn't use it when she had breast cancer.
Ted Cruz -- flip-flopped last February now respects States rights & will not intervene. Originally got on Obama for not sending the Feds into states to break up the retail business of marijuana.
Ben Carson-- supports medical marijuana--but will not support legalization--believes it's a gateway drug
Mike Huckabee--completely opposed to any use of marijuana
Marco Rubio--supports the CBN of marijuana, but opposed medical marijuana in his state in 2014.
Jeb Bush--opposes both medical and recreational marijuana (even though he smoked it in High School) but says he will respect states rights.
Donald Trump--is against full legalization (no comment on if he respects states rights) Noted though that in 1990 Trump was for the legalization of all drugs.
Chris Christie---"You people in Colorado will smoke your last joint on January 19, 2016 if I am elected"-
Rick Santorum--Will send in the feds to bust up legal marijuana. Doesn't respect States rights.
John Kasich--Totally opposed and considers Marijuana as bad as heroin.
George Pataki--Opposed both medical & recreational as Governor--but now has "supposedly" flip-flopped
Bobby Jindal--signed bills lessening the harsh penalties for hash--says legalization would be a mistake.
Lindsey Graham--wanted the Feds to prosecute state-legal pot providers.

DNC Candidates
Hillary Clinton
--Clinton wants more research done on Medical Marijuana, doesn't want full legalization considers it a gateway drug. But she'll see do a wait and see on legal states before she sets a drug policy.
Bernie Sanders--wants it legal.
Joe Biden--Believes marijuana is a gateway drug.
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This topic falls so far down my give a shit meter it doesn't even move the needle.
This topic falls so far down my give a shit meter it doesn't even move the needle.

I might be making 300,000 - 500,000 a year growing it so I support those that understand basic economics, that leaves almost no one on stage.
This topic falls so far down my give a shit meter it doesn't even move the needle.

I might be making 300,000 - 500,000 a year growing it so I support those that understand basic economics, that leaves almost no one on stage.

You might want to hang on to that seed money until you see who is elected, the DEA may come a knocking.
for crying out loud, I'm sure the 94million people out of work in this country is all worried over getting some freaking weed.

How is it they can tell you not to smoke cigarettes because it's bad for you and everyone around you. but think pot isn't bad for you and should be legal
This topic falls so far down my give a shit meter it doesn't even move the needle.

The point of this thread is--while we have candidates that supposedly STAND behind the U.S. Constitution--and the 10th amendment--who really does and who really doesn't.

In that-- voter approved state legalization of Marijuana is a great topic to out who they really are.

Because you never know when YOUR state is going to vote for something that politicians in Washington D.C. don't like--and then they're not so much for the 10th amendment to the U.S. constitution anymore.
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My favorite was TED CRUZ. Often touted as the Constitution candidate by his supporters. Who actually got on Obama for not going into legal states to break it up--then just prior to announcing flip-flopped--LOL

for crying out loud, I'm sure the 94million people out of work in this country is all worried over getting some freaking weed.

How is it they can tell you not to smoke cigarettes because it's bad for you and everyone around you. but think pot isn't bad for you and should be legal
Pot isn't bad for you if you vape it. THC burns out around 275 degrees or so. That bad shit burns at 400 or so. Vaping it, you can control the temp.
This topic falls so far down my give a shit meter it doesn't even move the needle.

The point of this thread is--while we have candidates that supposedly STAND behind the U.S. Constitution--and the 10th amendment--who really does and who really doesn't.

In that-- voter approved state legalization of Marijuana is a great topic to out who they really are.

Because you never know when YOUR state is going to vote for something that politicians in Washington D.C. don't like--and then they're not so much for the 10th amendment to the U.S. constitution anymore.

The supreme court has done far more than any politician to destroy our Constitution. That's what you get when you give 5 unelected lawyers the final say on any issue. If you want to return to the Constitution, we need an amendment where a majority of the States could negate any court opinion.

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